Sun God Marvel

Chapter 571

“What do you think?” Hearing the envoy’s inquiry, Odin fell silent immediately.

As a king, Odin is naturally 10,000 willing to come from Msbelheim’s kindness. Not to mention those gifts paid by Flame Nation, it is Flame Giant’s willingness to form an alliance, which has inexplicable benefits to Asgard. But as a father, Odin was unwilling to make this sacrifice.

Although as a father, he is not a qualified role. But even for such a role, he is unwilling to use his own daughter as a political bargaining chip and marry as far away as the stingy desolate land of Msbelheim. He has already sacrificed his own daughter once, so in any case he does not want the own daughter to sacrifice a second time.

Odin’s long unanswered silence made the messenger kneeling below feel an inexplicable panic. He didn’t know what Odin could hesitate at this time. We must know that in this meeting, Msbelheim gave a gift that even the Flame Giant, who was at the top, was surprised and incredible. If this is not the will of their king, he is definitely an opponent of such unfathomable mystery.

When does the mighty Flame Giant need to bend down like Asgard? If you really fell in love with Asgard’s Goddess, wouldn’t it be more efficient and faster to grab them directly with military force? Is it possible that the military force of the Flame Nation also fears these Asgard ladies?

But he had to listen to the king’s order, so he could only show such a shameful appearance to the king of Asgard in this almost humiliating way for him. And the more shameful he was, the more anxious he felt. So now, he finally couldn’t help but ask.

“Odin Your Majesty of Asgard, what are you still hesitating about. Isn’t this a perfect thing for you? Your catastrophe is coming, only ours in Msbelheim Help will give you enough strength to fight your catastrophe. What you have to pay is only a Princess, a Goddess. Is it such a small price that you are not willing to pay?”

“A small price?” Hearing the messenger’s words, Odin’s face immediately showed an expression of unhappy. “The small price you said is my proudest daughter. Asgard’s most powerful Martial Goddess is also the most impressive female warrior.”

“So what, please forgive me to speak bluntly. Asgard’s Odin Your Majesty.” Flame Giant’s messenger showed a mocking smile. “Women are powerful, but they are only a tool for giving birth to offspring. Besides, your Asgard women have the opportunity to serve our greatest king of giants in Msbelheim. It is also an honor to be proud of. even more how , We have also provided a price that is enough to satisfy anyone.”

“So, don’t hesitate. Your Majesty, please tell me your final answer!”

“My final answer?” The messenger’s aggressive tone finally made Odin determined. He stood up, looked down at the giant below, and replied to him word by word. “Tell your King Sulter for me. Tell him, I thank him for his kindness. However, we Asgard do not have the habit of using the own woman as a bargaining chip!”

This answer is somewhat beyond the messenger Imagine. In other words, he never thought that Odin would at this time, under the premise that Ragnarök was about to come, would choose to reject the olive branch handed out by Msbelheim. This made him feel astonished at first, then anger, and finally unspeakable panic.

He was astonished because Odin’s answer was unexpected, and his anger was because this answer was definitely a humiliation for the kingdom of flames. The panic was because Odin’s answer made his mission completely empty. And what kind of punishment he would be punished when he returned to Msbelheim after the mission failed, that is something he can’t even imagine.

So he immediately raised his head unwillingly and questioned Odin again.

“King of Asgard, you have to think clearly. It is Msbelheim that you reject, not the group of gnomes in Wattheim or the group of elves in Álfheim. We Flame Giant , Can’t tolerate this kind of rejection.”

If you change to a weak king, you may choose to think twice at this time because of this concealed threat, or even change your own mind directly. But Odin is not weak. As a wise monarch who can expand territory and defend against powerful enemies. Odin is least afraid of the threat of this villain. So he raised his voice immediately after the messenger finished saying this, and asked like a thunderbolt.

“If my answer is still the same, what do you plan to do? The messenger from the country of flames?”

“Then I expect you to be prepared for war. Belheim will not accept any humiliation. Since you have rejected our kindness, then we don’t mind using war and flames to take away what we want. The flames of destruction of my king will be invincible, even everyone of Asgard God, who can match it?”

Political negotiation is obviously not what Flame Giant is good at. As soon as he switched to military force negotiations, the messenger immediately performed sonorously and powerfully, full of unparalleled pride. As the military force’s messenger who can directly suppress Asgard’s flame kingdom, he does have this proud capital.

However, no matter how powerful the military force is, it cannot make Odin change his mind. He just looked at the messenger coldly, then suddenly grinned at him, showing a stern smile.

“As a messenger, you dare to threaten me in this way in my palace and my kingdom. I have to say, you are really courageous.”

“Because we are powerhouse, Odin king. In this world, powerhouse often has the most powerful voice, doesn’t it?” The messenger replied as it should be by rights, and this is the most honest thought in his heart.

On this question, Odin’s answer is of course not sharp.

“You’re right, but what we Asgard fear the least is a powerful enemy. Fighting, then victory or death is the most wonderful life for us. We would rather die gloriously. Unwilling to exchange this humiliating way for the so-called future and peace. You can ask the warriors present, who of them is willing to give up my Princess, my daughter, and the woman of Asgard?”

I looked around all around, almost everyone’s expressions are the same. It was a look that gave up life and death, a look that was willing to abandon everything for honor. And a country with such a look would never use their women as a bargaining chip in exchange for help from others. Especially when everyone knows that this so-called helper is their enemy.

“Very well, I will tell all this to my king. I believe you will soon usher in the anger of my king. At that time, I hope you can still laugh, Odin Your Majesty!”

Seeing that the emissary of the own mission, who had been completely fruitless, left such a cruel word fiercely, he stood up and prepared to leave this place that made him feel humiliated. When he just stood up, something unexpected happened suddenly.

The fierce flames rushed out of him, instantly swallowing his own flames, turning him into a mass of ashes. And above the ashes, a group of more blazing and violent flames gradually raised, suddenly turning into the shape of a huge figure.

Although this figure is just the appearance of flames, it also makes people feel the most terrifying heart palpitations in an instant. Staring at him is like watching a fire that destroys everything, making people tremble unconsciously.

The commotion inevitably occurred. But at this time, Odin suddenly shouted, so that everyone present regained composure.

“Sulter, Lord of Fire, you will actually appear in my palace in person. Can I regard your behavior as a provocation to Asgard as a whole?”

“Whatever you want, Odin. I’m just here to confirm, do you really want to reject my kindness?”

The illusory shadow transformed from the flame made a noise with the smell of sulfur and smoke. But this sound immediately revealed the identity of the incoming person.

The king of Flame Giant, Sulter. A name alone can make the wisdom students in the nine kingdoms inspired by the trembling powerhouse. He is the symbol of destruction and the messenger of the end. It is the terminator who makes the world fear. Such a person actually appeared in the great hall of the Golden Palace, and I really have to think of more things.

However, Odin, who has been foretold of the future, has already made full psychological preparations. Even in the face of such a powerful enemy, he has no intention of giving in.

“I think I have expressed it very clearly, Surtel. I will not sacrifice my daughter’s happiness, let alone let Asgard suffer from this kind of impossibility to survive. I would rather die in battle than agree to your request.”

“Very well, I admire your determination and courage, Odin! In this case, let’s see you on the battlefield. I’m happy Seeing the soul of a king like you under my sword of twilight. Your crown will be my best spoils of war, and your head will be my best collection. The gods of Asgard Guys, I want to use your heads to create a new bracelet. And that will become my best show-off capital!”

Sulter laughed wildly and looked Grimly said such words. And at this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the great hall.

“If you can do it, just give it a try. See who will become whose collection!”

Martial Goddess’ stunning silhouette suddenly appeared Outside the gate of the Golden Palace, and with the dazzling radiance, he approached the Mirage of Sirtel step by step.

Seeing such an admirable voice, Sulter immediately showed greedy eyes.

“My most admired Martial Goddess is here. Brunhild, I give you a choice. If you serve me voluntarily, all this also saves the opportunity. But if you are also If you don’t regret it, then what is waiting for you will be the most miserable fate. Even if the things I can’t get are destroyed, they will never let others get involved. Do you understand what I mean?”

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