Sun God Marvel

Chapter 578

In the presence of oneself’s daughter and guests, Odin summoned the own eight-legged horse, and disappeared in the sky with the howling storm and thunderbolt.

Looking at his anxious and abnormal appearance, Brunhild immediately came to the guy who had just reported, and asked him hastily.

“Grande! What happened, why did Odin look like this? Have we already started the war?”

“It’s not what you think, Brunhill Your Majesty. Odin Your Majesty is only dealing with own personal affairs, and what he is dealing with specifically, this is something I can’t tell. Sorry!”

The warrior who worked as a messenger was already in a blink of an eye. Leaving Brunhild’s palace, driving on the own war horse, disappear without a trace in a short time. As for what he said, Brunhild not only did not let go, but also had deeper doubts in his heart.

Odin is rarely uncomfortable to such an appearance. In fact, since he can remember, Brunhild has never seen this father take any impulsive actions. He has always been a qualified king, he has always thought twice before acting. Even including the seal of oneself, he did.

Now, just a special message can make Odin unable to control his own emotions in an instant, and rush out of the Golden Palace fully armed, which itself is full of bizarre meaning.

Brownhild still wants to explore the key, but the insider has already disappeared without a trace. This made her immediately turned her head and asked Zhou Yi.

“Why did Odin leave in such a hurry, do you know the reason?”

“Sorry, I am just an outsider after all. I am concerned about the internal situation of Asgard I don’t want to know, and no one will tell me specifically. Therefore, I can’t help you!”

Faced with the inquiry, Zhou Yi opened his hand directly, indicating that the owner was powerless. But Brunhild, who could not get the answer from Zhou Yi, immediately turned his gun and asked the sisters of own Martial Goddess.

“What about you, do you know anything?”

Shook up his head with a wry smile, none of the Martial Goddess spoke at this time. And watching their reactions, Brunhild also shook the head abruptly, secretly calling own stupid.

The name Martial Goddess sounds nice, but in fact this title is not rateless among the gods of Asgard. In the final analysis, it is because the origin of Martial Goddess is rather humble.

The name Martial Goddess originated from the time when Odin’s father Bauer ruled Asgard. At that time, Martial Goddess was not God, but a maid, a maid serving the Divine King. Their duty is not to lead the victory on the battlefield, but to select and lead the heroes of the war dead for the Divine King. Their status is low, and they are often given as rewards to those heroic warriors.

It wasn’t until Odin succeeded the Divine King that their status changed slightly. At that time, Odin would often fight on the front line, fighting with giants and gnomes, so he did not have as many maids as his father. Faced with the heroic spirits constantly appearing on the battlefield, Odin thought of another way.

He selected a part of the heroic warrior from the own daughter, the human Princess, and the virgins willing to serve God, and crowned them with the name Martial Goddess. Let them join in the increasingly difficult battles while selecting the heroic spirits from the war dead that are enough to enter Valhalla. Until this time, Martial Goddess not only exists as a maid, but can appear on the battlefield just and honorable as a warrior.

But even so, at first, not at all too many people are willing to admit the existence of this group of female fighters. Whether it is God or the Warriors, they still regard Martial Goddess as playthings. And to really change this and make Martial Goddess truly lead the victory on the battlefield, it is the nine Martial Goddess headed by Brunhild.

Among the nine Martial Goddess, there are God and Demi-God. But without exception, they are all experienced warriors and invincible generals. Under their leadership, one victory after another appeared in Asgard’s war. At that time, even Odin had to admit that Martial Goddess was already a pillar of Asgard.

However, this is the limit that Brunhild and the others can do. No matter how hard they work, they are also impossible to surpass the powerful male God, Tyr and Thor. And Asgard’s deep-rooted prejudice will not allow them to have a higher status. This was especially true during the period when Brunhild was imprisoned by the seal.

If Brunhild did not return, no one in Martial Goddess would even be qualified to stop in the great hall of Odin’s Golden Palace. Therefore, these glamorous Martial Goddess actually don’t know what happened in Odin’s great hall.

And naturally, the things Brunnhild asked them were actually just for nothing.

Just when Brunhild was at a loss, the youngest Martial Goddess, her younger sister Aurora, didn’t know from which corner he came out and faced Brunshil. De said with a mysterious and secretive expression.

“I know, elder sister. I know that Royal Father is so anxious that he is going to do and so on!”

“Aurora, you sneaked up again with an invisible helmet Eavesdropped in the great hall?”

As soon as Aurora saw this, some of the other Martial Goddess couldn’t help but complain. Of course, they did not oppose Aurora’s sneaky practices, but accused her of such a fun thing every time she was exclusively enjoyed by one person.

On this point, just looking at the most ardent accusation against her, Rose Weisser, the smallest and most lively of the eight Martial Goddess, can guess one or two.

“hehe!” Holding the chic invisible helmet on top of Fu Oneself’s head, Aurora directly put on a show of wealth. “Who told me to have this baby helmet? If you are not convinced, have the ability oneself to get one that is exactly the same!”

“Okay, Aurora! Stop it, tell me, Odin Why are you so eager? What did you overheard!” Brunhild, who was waiting impatiently, quickly pulled Aurora and pulled her directly back to the topic. And looking at oneself’s elder sister with a serious expression, Aurora didn’t dare to mess around with anything, and directly said all the news that oneself had heard like a bean.

“So, Odin is going to find that damn bastard Hoddle?”

After a while, Brunhild knew about it from Aurora immediately. It analyzed the whereabouts of Odin. As soon as she wanted to understand this question, she couldn’t help but felt her heart.

“The guy Holder was cunning. It was only after Tyre was fooled by him that he suffered a sneak attack and lost an arm. Now Odin has obviously lost his mind by his anger. He will definitely suffer a lot from Hoddle.”

Aurora was immediately stunned when he heard Brunnhild say this.

“Elder sister, this is unlikely. Father King Keshi Asgard’s most powerful warrior is also the greatest God. Even the nasty guy Holder is impossible to lie. Royal Father. I think you must have been thinking too much. Didn’t you see Heimdall and those who didn’t say anything?”

“If Heimdall’s eyes work every time , Tyre will not lose his arm!”

Once he has an idea, Brunnhild is obviously unlikely to be easily persuaded. She glanced at the dark night through the garden. He made up his mind immediately.

“No, I’m going to take a look. If Hoddle is cheating. I can also take care of Odin.”

Speaking of which, Brunhild just went straight With a whistle, he called a white unicorn with huge wings and a white body. It was her mount Atiyah, with a speed not losing to Odin’s eight-legged horse.

The appearance of the unicorn quickly attracted the attention of all guests at the banquet. Although there are many pure virgins in Martial Goddess who use unicorns as mounts, the unicorns with wings are unique to Brunhild. So as soon as it appeared, someone guessed that Brunhild seemed to want to do something.

Before Brunhild was riding the unicorn to leave, a rainbow of light suddenly blocked in front of her, stopping the unicorn that had not yet flown away. Down.

A big hand suddenly appeared from the rainbow light and pulled out the reins of the unicorn. This naturally makes the unicorns who only like to be in contact with pure virgins feel uncomfortable. But no matter how it moves, it cannot break free from this big hand. Because the person holding the reins is the Guardian God of Asgard, Divine Sea Mdal of Dawn.

“Heimdall, why are you stopping me! Why don’t you leave me as soon as possible!”

Brunhild’s face changed as soon as Heimdall appeared. . She shouted at Heimdall sharply, trying to make him disappear from the owner’s eyes. But he had already appeared here, and Heimdall was simply dismissed by him as impossible.

“Sorry, Brunhild. I took Odin’s order and no one is allowed to interfere with his actions at this time!”

“Stupid! Don’t you know Huo What kind of stuff is Odin? Obviously something is wrong with Odin’s current appearance. You let him do anything wrong, do you want Asgard to lose its king at this time?”

Brunchy Erd hated gnashing teeth, and he almost pulled out the sword from oneself’s waist. But even in this way, Heimdall remained indifferent.

“This is what Your Majesty means. Brunhild, you don’t understand what Your Majesty is going to do? This is not as simple as you think. Go back, Your Majesty doesn’t want you Appeared there and saw everything that happened there.”

“What do you mean?”

Hearing such meaningful words, Brunhild immediately complexion changed. She already understood what Heimdall meant.

Things are not the same as she thought. She thought Odin just wanted to catch Hoddle back and imprison him. But she didn’t expect that Odin actually meant to kill Hoddle and his own son. In this case, he certainly didn’t want his children to watch such a cruel scene. And what Brunnhild couldn’t believe the most was that Odin actually made this determination.

At this moment, Brunhild was completely messed up. One prophecy made oneself imprisoned for hundreds of years, and let the own father kill the own son by himself. What is going on, is this really the catastrophe of Asgard?

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