Sun God Marvel

Chapter 580

Will be scolded completely within Zhou Yi’s expectation, because in any case, there is a huge gap between women and men’s ideas.

Country and family, women are more concerned about the latter. Their feelings make them value the family and value the people around them more than anything else. Because of this, they more agree with those warriors who fight for their families and relatives around them. In contrast, those who sacrifice their families and relatives for the sake of a larger collective are difficult to identify with.

Odin is like that. When he sacrificed oneself and even the benefit of Asgard for own child, Brunhild was able to accept everything he did out of his father status. But when he was impartial and incorruptible, for the benefit of Asgard, to kill his own children, she couldn’t understand it at all.

Her emotions bound her, making her unable to accept or understand Odin’s choice. This is also the source of her distress now.

However, for Zhou Yi, he understands Odin’s approach very well. Moreover, he sincerely admires Odin’s choice. Because if he was allowed to make a choice, he would probably not be able to achieve Odin’s level.

Everyone can do this step with the depth of their thoughts. Zhou Yi knows oneself very well. He may have the ability and will to save the world, but he has no determination to abandon his family and relatives to do this step. And it is precisely because oneself can’t do it that he will show his admiration for Odin who can be so decisive.

But admiration is admiration. For this kind of person, Zhou Yi still holds the idea of ​​keeping a distance.

Zhou Yi and Brunhild’s minds are similar but different. This made it impossible for them to reach an agreement on this matter, so drinking became the only way they could communicate.

Hip flasks, one after another, quickly piled up. The two people who drank were also confused the more they drank, the more sober the more they drank. However, they didn’t mean to stop, but kept staring at the night sky while continuing this silent communication.

Soon, the night darkened gradually. But as the night darkened, the sky in the distance became extraordinarily weird like the soaking of thick ink. The deep color has broken away from reality and seems to have entered an unspeakable form. And when the shrill roar of the wolf appeared. Brunhild could not sit down anymore.

“Heimdall, what the hell happened. Why can I hear those voices here!”

Although Brunhild acted shakily, she She walked to Heimdall’s face with force, and asked him.

When he heard Brunhild’s questioning, Heimdall, who was equally uneasy in his heart, immediately moved his gaze away and looked into the distance. He was watching everything that happened in the dark, and wanted to understand what was happening now.

But soon, he gloomy face and lowered his head.

“Sorry, I can’t see what happened there. Odin Your Majesty has used his magic to cover up everything that happened there. It seems that he doesn’t want people to know where he is doing it. Everything.”

“Something that will be known sooner or later, what is he also unspeakable?”

If you drink too much, Brunhild will naturally There are not so many scruples. Hearing her rebellious words, Heimdall frowned immediately.

“For your father, your king, you should maintain a basic respect. Brunhild!”

“I want to do that, but I have I can’t find a reason to do this!”

Brownhild continued to be taunted in drunk, and just when Heimdall wanted to reprimand and so on more. A howl of a wolf and a neigh of a horse resounded violently through the dark night sky.

The voice of the wolf means that they have achieved their intended purpose. But the neigh of the horse is something that makes everyone uneasy.

“No, that’s Srepnier’s voice. What happened to Odin? How could this be!”

The fastest response to this noise is the ability to hear everything. The voice of Heimdall. His hearing made it immediately understand the source of the sound. As soon as he heard the source of the horse’s neigh, he immediately exclaimed.

Srepnier is Odin’s most loyal partner. If it weren’t for Odin’s problem, it would not make such a sound. And such news is enough to mean that Asgard will usher in huge turmoil.

“Get into action, Martial Goddess. Let’s rescue Odin, and rescue our king!”

This sudden bad news made Brunhild wake up immediately. She shouted abruptly, and summon picked up the Martial Goddess present, and rushed towards the horizon on her horse. Seeing his actions like this, Heimdall shook his head with an ugly expression.

“It’s too late, Odin has returned. He has been seriously injured. Damn, how did the situation become like this?”

“Why, you can’t see the future anymore Is it?”

Looking at Heimdall who lost self-control like this, Zhou Yi walked up to him and asked. When he heard Zhou Yi’s question, Heimdall’s face became more ugly.

“Since you changed the trajectory of fate, I have been unable to see any clear images. Now that this kind of thing has happened, I don’t know whether such a thing is good or bad. That’s it!”

“You mean to blame me!”

Although he is still sober, Zhou Yi, who has drunk a lot of alcohol, is unavoidable at this time. And listening to him, Heimdall is shook the head. Zhou Yi now has an extraordinary importance to Asgard, so even he is not willing to offend Zhou Yi at this time.

“I don’t mean to blame everything on you. It’s just that Asgard can’t stand any turmoil now. Odin’s affairs will only make the already difficult situation even more difficult. It’s just embarrassment. We don’t even know how to keep going at this time.”

“If my words cause you misunderstanding, I apologize to you, sir. Now we are better than ever. I need your strength, so please don’t abandon Asgard at this time anyway.”

“I have made promises and guarantees, and I have never been a fatal man who broke my word.” Shaking his hand, Zhou Yi frowned and repeated what oneself had said more than once. At the same time, he cast his own eyes on the night sky.

There, the Martial Goddess who just charged ahead have flew back towards the Golden Palace. With Zhou Yi’s eyesight, you can clearly see that in the Martial Goddess queue, the silhouette of the eight-legged warrior Repnier leaning on Odin is in the line, but from his situation, the situation does not seem to be optimistic. .

“Your Majesty urgently calls, please distinguished guests and gatekeeper to his palace as quickly as possible!”

Odin’s silhouette just appeared, and the warrior who just reported the letter reappears In the palace of Martial Goddess, Zhou Yi told them the order from Odin. Hearing this news, both Zhou Yi and Heimdall looked grimly and rushed towards the palace of the Golden Palace as quickly as possible.

As soon as they entered there, they immediately saw Odin who looked pale and looked like a dead person. Odin now looks very bad, not only his face is ugly, but also the many obvious scars on his body. Some of these wounds seem to have been forcibly bitten off by something, while others seem to be contaminated with weird and poisonous, and the process of healing and decay is repeated all the time around the wound.

This process of change completely ignores Odin’s own divine force and the surrounding Ayesha treatments. It exists stubbornly, just like the tarsus maggot, it simply has no meaning to fade away.

“You are here. I’m so sorry, my friend, for letting you see me so battered and exhausted!”

I saw Zhou Yi and Heimdall walking in , Odin reluctantly sat up with the help of Frigga and Brunhild, and stretched out his hand weakly towards them. Looking at his appearance, Zhou Yi immediately walked up, wanting to give him some help with his own ability.

But the situation is still not very optimistic. The wounds that were torn out have been healed, but the places that seemed to be corroded by the poison are still stubborn. Obviously, the healing power possessed by Zhou Yi is not enough to heal these wounds.

“Don’t bother, my friend. This is Yemengard’s Venom, which can’t be solved by ordinary methods.”

“What will happen to you, Your Majesty?” asked with a frown. Zhou Yi is very worried about whether Odin will be able to preside over the overall situation of Asgard. And as bad as he thought, Odin quickly confirmed what he was worried about.

“I’m sorry, my friend. I’m afraid I can’t do anything next. I thought I could easily kill the unfilial son, but I didn’t expect that in the end, I still couldn’t be cruel. My weakness made me what I am now. And now, I am afraid I will fall into a deep sleep.”

“Sleep?” Hearing this phrase, Zhou Yi obviously became more Puzzled. At this time, Odin, who had no more time, couldn’t explain anything to him. He cheered up and explained all the arrangements in oneself’s heart.

“When I was asleep, I was afraid I could not stand up and preside over Asgard’s overall situation. Now, the whole Asgard is in the most dangerous situation. They are obviously premeditated. And I stupidly walked into the trap. As you can imagine, something big will happen next. And at this time, all I can trust is you. My friend!”

“Entrust to Me?” Zhou Yi was stunned by this sentence. He wanted Odin to hand over power to Frigga, and thought he would hand over power to Tyre, Thor, and even Brunhild. But he didn’t expect that he would actually hand over Asgard’s power and Asgard’s future to oneself, an outsider.

This is incredible. It even made Zhou Yi wonder if Odin’s brain was broken by the stimulation. But Odin oneself is very sure.

“Yes, my friend. I will entrust all of this in your hands. I will let Heimdall and Brunhild assist you. Please do not let him Asgard is destroyed. I can only ask you now, and only you can save us. Please, my friend. Promise me!”

He shook Zhou Yi’s hand firmly , Yi didn’t mean to allow Zhou Yi to refuse at all. And this immediately put Zhou Yi into a dilemma.

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