Sun God Marvel

Chapter 586

Asgard’s front line against Msbelheim, a place as terrifying as a meat grinder on the battlefield. Although here, Msbelheim has not officially declared war on Asgard, the sporadic conflicts and frictions have already soaked every inch of the land here with blood.

In the camp that Asgard belongs to, the commander Tyr who is in the commander’s camp has already come into contact with Brunhild from the Golden Palace.

“So, does your plan look like this?”

“Yes, Tyre. This is the best solution we can think of now.” Renhild glanced at the enemies who were still fighting sporadicly in the distance, and said to Tyre with a heavy face. “We can’t afford to procrastinate, Tyre. No matter how long you procrastinate Flame Giant here, it’s impossible to change the situation. So now we can only use this method to take the risk once!”

After a long silence with his eyes closed, Tyre stood up from the position of commander-in-chief.

“You are right, it’s time to change this deadlock.”

Faced with the current deadlock, Tyre had very clear comparisons and calculations in his mind. Although it looks like they did a good job, they actually paid a huge price. In order to prevent Asgard from being invaded by the power from the fire giant, he and his Legion have been fighting with their lives.

Because of the great power of Flame Giant, even the warriors of Asgard need to pay a battle loss ratio of one to three, or even one to five, for every Flame Giant beheaded. And facing continuously, the huge number of Flame Giant. If Asgard hadn’t had a heroic spirit that could die and resurrect, Tyr’s Legion would have long been unable to hold on.

And even now, the warriors under him are almost reaching their limits. Not every warrior of Asgard has the power to resurrect heroes from death. For the heroic spirits, this kind of confrontation of life and death may only be a process of chasing glory over and over again. But for those warriors, it is the path of glory paved by own life and blood.

Huge casualties are always unavoidable to damage morale. And now, Tyre can already say that morale has fallen into a trough.

Even if he is War God, sometimes he cannot change the situation of war. Asgard is at a disadvantage, and there is not much he can do in such a disadvantage.

“Well, I promised you. But before that, I want to ask a question.”

Speaking of which, he held the sword Tyrfeng with one arm on his waist The War God couldn’t help but touched oneself’s broken wrist. For a War God, having only one hand is indeed a huge shortcoming. But for the guy who caused all this, Tyre’s mood was very complicated.

It cannot be said that it is hatred, it can only be said that emotions, regret, anger, and regret are all mixed together. With this feeling, Tyre opened his mouth.

“How is Odin now? Also…, Hoddle, how is that guy. Has he really been killed by Odin?”

Brunnhild understands Tyre’s feelings when asking this question. For Hoddle, Tyre may be the only brother who cares about him, and the only one who sees him as the brother of siblings. Although Hoddle looked disgusting in the eyes of others, he was so cold that he could not approach him. But for Tyre, he is oneself’s youngest younger brother and his closest blood relative.

And now, the younger brother of own has turned into this look. After hurting his biological brother, he stretched out his blood-stained hand to their father again. This can be said to be something that no responsible brother can accept.

But things have happened, and nothing can be changed. He can only give oneself a little bit of comfort in this way of inquiry.

“You should ask Odin about this question. Apart from him, no one knows what the situation was like.”

shook the head, Brunhill De does not want to spend too much time on this topic. Or she didn’t want to mention Hoddle at all. And her performance is to make Tyre sighed, a rare expression of fatigue and weakness.

“I see. I will take the warriors away in a moment and leave the heroic spirits to you. In order to cooperate with your actions, I will also find ways to expose my whereabouts. Let those The Flame Giants discovered your arrival and my departure. As for the small-scale commotion, it’s up to you!”

“Don’t worry, I understand! I will bring Asgard Victory!”

Receiving the command arrow from Tyre, Brunhild assured him.

The change of commander-in-chief made an inevitable change in the camp of Asgard. The warriors and heroes on the front line were still fighting Flame Giant dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety. The low sound of the bull’s horn suddenly came from the direction of Daying.

Such a situation naturally puzzles the warriors fighting in the front. But an army is an army after all, and in the summon of the horn, these warriors dare not be too fond of fighting. So under the cover of the heroic spirits, the warriors of the physical body and mortal flesh began to break through the flame giant’s entanglement, and turned towards the big camp.

When the last heroic spirit on the scene was headed by the Flame Giants, the Flame Giants also foul-mouthed back to the own barracks.

Many of them complained that they didn’t have enough fun this time, and Asgard’s soft-footed shrimps unexpectedly retreated so early this time. However, some people also found out what was wrong and reported the news to the owner.

And it’s in Flame Giant’s Central Military Camp, a place like a huge lava pool. As the general commanding Flame Giant and Asgard this time, Mu Ross listened seriously to the report from the frontline soldiers below, and then stretched out his blood vessel, which exudes hot radiance like a lava, and silently rubbed the oneself root. Must stand in great numbers, beards as hard as stalactites. There was a loud noise like gongs and drums.

“In that case, the enemy’s performance today is very abnormal!”

“Yes, General Mu Ross. The enemy took a lot of time to return to the camp today than usual morning. This is indeed a bit abnormal for Asgard’s group of fools who would rather die than take a step back!”

The kneeling Flame Giant soldiers answered truthfully, and listened. It’s his answer. Mu Ross immediately turned his own head to the other side.

“Then you guys, have you scouts got any special news?”

Mu Ross’s line of sight is a shadow. And in this shadow, a female Flame Giant walked out quietly.

Different from the ordinary Flame Giant, the female Flame Giant is much shorter and slender. Even compared with the body shape of the Asgardians, their body shape does not seem too contradictory. It is precisely because of this size advantage that a female Flame Giant can be qualified for missions that ordinary Flame Giant cannot, such as spying on intelligence.

And this female Flame Giant is the chief intelligence officer under Mu Ross, who is also responsible for spying on intelligence from Asgard.

Just as Mu Ross asked this way, the female giant also told all the information that oneself had just spied on. Listening to her report, Mu Ross suddenly broke off a oneself rock-like beard, then threw it into his mouth like eating chocolate, ka beng ka beng chewed. At the same time, a somewhat excited smile appeared on his face.

“In this way, the enemy’s commander suddenly changed his identity. It seems that the dark dwarf and the two monsters are not incompetent waste, and finally found a chance to give Asgard a serious injury. Already? Ha, just so, I’m tired of this kind of boring confrontation! Who is the enemy’s commander now?”

“My lord, it is Martial Goddess Brunhild. The one in my king’s order Goddess!”

“Is that the legendary Martial Goddess Brunhild? It’s really an excellent prey. If she is captured alive and dedicated to my king, I will definitely get my king’s Reward!”

“My lord, you underestimated the enemy!” The female Flame Giant said bluntly, but it attracted Mu Ross’s undisguised mockery.

“A trifling woman, even with the prestige of Martial Goddess, can it turn this situation around?”

“Although this is true on the surface, General Your Excellency. But there is no guarantee that this is one of the enemy’s tricks. If Brunhild takes over the army is just a cover. Then Tyr suddenly switches back to launch a sudden thrust when we launch an offensive, it is very likely that we will I have suffered a huge loss!”

Hearing this speculation of the female giant, Mu Ross repeated the previous action again, and then haha ​​burst into laughter.

“Even in that appearance, we cannot change the strength of the enemy and ourselves. We are the strong side. We should worry about the enemy. However, we need to be careful. Campbell, except Bren Apart from the heroic spirits brought by Hilde, are there also traces of other enemies?”

“not at all, sir general. Our scouts are very clear in the investigation. Not at all the other armies are in the vicinity Activities.”

After listening to these words, Mu Ross was lightly nodded.

“Very well, then you will take your subordinates and three hundred giants to watch Tyr’s every move! If they return obediently and honestly to Asgard and fight the dwarves If they do, you don’t have to worry about them. If they dare to look back, you will find an opportunity to teach them an unforgettable lesson from behind them, understand?”

“I understand, then General, you plan to What are you doing?”

“Need more to say?” He stood up suddenly from the lava, revealing oneself, which is much taller than Flame Giant. Mu Ross made a loud noise with a muffled voice. “Come on, my soldiers. It’s time to launch a general offensive. Let’s kick off the war and let the flames of my king drown everything!”

His voice spread throughout the barracks, With this sound, bright firelights emerged from the barracks. The war has begun!

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