Sun God Marvel

Chapter 589

The Slashing Sword is a bloodthirsty Demon Sword. It is an evil thing that must drink blood when it is out of its sheath. Even Hewaller, who is favored by luck, cannot change this. But she can dominate the sharpness of this sword, let it direct this bloodthirsty evil to the own enemy instead of oneself.

While the rushing blood spurted out accompanied by the sheath of the sword edge, the iron edge of Tyrfeng also tore the lava giant that rock-hard, full of Lava’s flowing skin, and then retrograde all the way with an extremely quick gesture.

The blood of the scorching hot lava is like gushing from a violent sprinkler. It instantly transforms into a small waterfall, and it can’t stop spewing wildly. And as the spell on Tyrfeng’s blade began to Blink bloody radiance, more and more of the same wound appeared on the lava giant.

These wounds are exactly similar to the sword wounds just torn by Hewlett with Tyr, and the effect is very similar. When these wounds appeared on the lava giant’s body one after another, accompanied by Tyrfeng’s magic, his whole body became a water bag full of holes, and his whole body began to shoot out one after another with huge amount of bleeding. Lava fountain.

The blood of lava sprayed all over the sky filled every corner around the giant like fire rain, and in this place almost indistinguishable from the pouring rain, Hewlett was miraculously untainted. First half point.

Now she is like a sensitive ape, trying to stop the bloody giant from flying around in the corner of her hand, but in the blink of an eye, she is in the giant’s horrified eyes Appeared in front of the giant, then the sword shot out ruthlessly.

Demon Sword pierced the throat of the lava giant, and this also gave his life a complete stop symbol. When the blood-colored radiance entangled like a thick thorn and followed the Demon Sword Tyr’s blade and poured into the throat of the lava giant, the wounds all over the giant’s body immediately ushered in the last unprecedented eruption.

The fire rain splashed, the blood of the lava almost merged into a river, and the lava giant that came to the end also ran out with the blood flowing, completely turned into a hard obsidian statue, and then suddenly It fell apart, pieces shattered and fell onto the dust.

The Demon Sword entangled in the blood-red thorns was also gathered up by its owner at this time. With the coquettish blood color, this bloodthirsty Demon Sword actually seemed to be satisfied at this time. The feeling of fullness caused the Flame Giants who were all around to immediately stop their own footsteps, but walked away from a safe distance.

As Hewaller repelled the lava giant, Dietrich also beheaded the own target. The big sword on his back was already swung by him. Even the weapons that would not appear small in Flame Giant’s hands were being tricked by Dietrich at the moment.

Faced with this weapon that was enough to split oneself, the lava giant seemed helpless. He is huge, but relatively clumsy. So when Dietrich rushed over with a giant sword, he had no way to resist.

With every swipe of the giant sword, the lava giant’s body was suddenly cut short. That was how his body was cut directly by a sharp sword.

As the body was chopped off in sections, the lava giant immediately uttered a huge wailing, and then quickly lost movement. After beheading the lava giant, Dietrich waved his great sword and charged towards Flame Giant, which was all around.

Foul wind and bloody rain emerged along with his movements. He was like a battlefield meat grinder, bringing the panic of Death to the own enemy little by little.

As one of the very best heroes in Norse mythology, Dietrich’s performance did not detract from his legendary reputation. Compared with Dietrich, Beowulf also has the same amazing performance.

He is a warrior with bare hands, and the most reliable for him is his own body. Therefore, even in the face of a huge lava giant, he did not fear at all, and stood up shirtlessly.

The lava giant is equivalent to two or three times the height and size of an ordinary giant, making it difficult for Beowulf, who does not have any weapons to rely on, to find a place to put his mouth. But this does not mean that he has no other way. In fact, for this monster size, there are really few heroes in Northern Europe that can match him.

I saw him quickly turn behind the lava giant by taking advantage of his size. Before the clumsy giant turned around, he kicked a side fiercely and flew fiercely on the giant’s Achilles tendon.

Beowulf’s strength is not much inferior to that of the lava giant, but in terms of its relatively small body and more concentrated strength, it is just one foot, the lava giant’s hard skin and rock-like Beowulf’s muscle skeleton was forcibly broken by Beowulf’s brute force, and the lava giant who was suddenly hit so badly was unable to stop it. He could only scream, and then fell forward to the ground amidst the rumbling sound.

As soon as the giant fell to the ground, Beowulf immediately climbed up along the giant’s body. Along the way, Beowulf’s knees, waist and hips, and spine were forcibly destroyed by Beowulf’s hands and feet. It can be said that under his violent destruction, the lava giant has completely lost the probability of re-action.

But Beowulf didn’t stop owning at all, and he had fought with monsters many times. He knew that if he didn’t kill this big guy once, he might have a bad luck comeback. So at the moment when the giant fell to the ground, he directly used his own arm to pierce the lava giant fiercely into his heart.

The powerful strange force instantly smashed the giant’s heart into pieces, and lost the core, and the giant who was no different from the dead also came to an end. His body turned into a broken rock, and Beowulf, who came out of the rock, held up oneself’s ill-formed arm, which had been burned, and let out a beastly shout.

“Roar, for Asgard!”

In this loud and terrifying cry, all the heroes burst out loud roars full of fighting intents. Seeing that the situation had been opened up, Brunhild immediately put away his own shield, and then raised the Divine Sword Grammer in oneself’s hand high, and slammed Divine Sword fiercely towards the bustling Flame Giant ahead. Fall down.

The dragon fire condensed with the soul power of the evil dragon instantly filled every inch of land that Brunhild saw in front of him, and all the Flame Giants above it were raging in the dragon fire Below was immediately melted into ashes.

Under the dragon fire, even Flame Giant, which is equivalent to immune to fire, has no place to rely on. After all, the dragon’s fire is the most powerful force in the monster, not something that their relatively lower-level existence can resist. So in just a moment, a huge black and ash-filled area appeared in the middle of the entire battlefield.

And this is to make the flame giants around who survived the disaster immediately frighten them, and then, like a little girl who has encountered some horrible monster, they head in the direction of the oneself camp regardless of anything. Ran over.

This is a rout on the battlefield, and as the rout occurs, it allows more fire giants to join the rout. Piece by piece, the scale is getting bigger and bigger. Until all the enemies you saw were swept by this panic, and then a situation that could change the course of the war was formed.

Faced with such a situation, Brunhild naturally did not waste such an opportunity. So she immediately raised the Divine Sword high, using the dragon fire of Heavenspan and the white radiance on the shield as a signal, sending out a whole army assault signal to all the heroes.

“Let’s go, heroes! The time has come for the decisive battle, for Asgard, for victory! Charge!”

The dawn of victory has appeared, and everything is seen before my eyes The irritated heroic spirits also shouted, roaring and chasing the fleeing enemy. The war has almost shown a one-sided situation, and in this case, Asgard people all thought that victory was within reach.

However, standing on a mountain from a distance, Mu Ross, who is watching all this, is not willing to admit that own has failed. He looked at the conspicuous Martial Goddess Brunhild who was so conspicuous in the distance, and could almost attract people’s sight infinity, but he grinned, showing his sharp fangs and let out such a low roar.

“Brownhild, do you think this will lead to victory? You too underestimated me, too underestimated the strength of our Flame Giant. It is too early to say victory now That’s it!”

Speaking of this, Mu Ross suddenly stretched out his hand to the lava pool where oneself was, and then let out a wild laugh.

“Come out, Grom Ross. Take your heirs and show me out. Let those Asgard’s crawlers see how far away the fantasy of victory is, they How stupid it is to choose us as opponents!”

Following his words, the rolling lava pool of lava violently violent, and the rolling lava slapped like waves. On the rock walls all around, the huge force caused the rock barriers to break into pieces little by little. And as the lava rolled higher and higher, the silhouette of a huge rare beast came out of the lava.

It was a lizard-like head and a snake-like neck. The head that came out had a monster that was far higher than Flame Giant. With the appearance of such a snake-like slender head, more and more snake-like heads came out. When the head of the ninth snake came out, a huge body wandered and climbed to the outside of the lava pool, stepping on the rolling lava.

At this time, the true appearance of this monster was completely revealed.

It is a huge snake-like monster with nine heads. It is also a Demon called Hydra. Of course, unlike Hydra, the symbol of HYDRA, this Hydra is now a monster made up of flames and lava. Whether it is scales, flesh, or blood flowing inside the body, it is replaced by flames and lava. Because of this, it has a completely different name, Shamanla.

Shamanra, the incarnation of Fire Element, is also a monster representing flames and lava. Its appearance not only means that a monster has joined the battlefield, but also means that a Legion that the Balrog Lord is proud of has joined here.

Fire Element Legion, appeared in the most unexpected situation.

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