Sun God Marvel

Chapter 592

“Elder sister, take them to avoid, as far as possible. Your hero is about to appear soon!”

Aurora’s The voice rang in Brunhild’s ear, but it made the fire of hope in her heart more intense. If at this time also who can serve as her hope, then there is only this last player, and only the legendary warrior who can change the fate.

At this time, Brunhild, who has entrusted almost all hope to Zhou Yi’s body, simply did not hesitate. While waving to the sisters of own Martial Goddess, she faced oneself behind her The heroic spirits of screamed “Retreat, retreat. Retreat!”, and then led Martial Goddess to flee toward the sky.

Such a move made the heroic spirits under her stunned, with a feeling of dreaming. In the same way, Surtel, as the audience present, also felt somewhat unacceptable.

For him, Brunhild attracted him not only by her unparalleled beauty, but more importantly, her will, her stubbornness and unyielding, and her nobleness. Desecrated soul.

The flower of Gaoling blooming on the battlefield is such a longing existence. But now, what Brunnhild did was waiting to tear all the past impressions of oneself into pieces. The contrast was so huge that the Balrog King could not accept it. So he immediately let out a deafening roar.

“You dare to escape, you choose to abandon your dignity? Blasphemy, despicable. In this case, you have no value in existence. I want to destroy you, and I want you to become Ashes. Go to die, insect! Go to die, Brunnhild!”

The invisible forces gathered together, and the feeling of destruction full of doomsday made everyone present in the heart. Panic and fright. And this is equivalent to the extreme anger of the Balrog King, and everyone feels desperate.

In the legendary story of Asgard, the Balrog is a more terrifying existence than Death, and is the ultimate Demon King among the stories that every child hears. His image has taken root in the hearts of Asgardians, and has long been demonized into an invincible existence that will only bring destruction. And now, he had already swung the butcher knife of destruction on the group of oneself, how could those Asgardians take it lightly.

Everyone instinctively spread their legs, and followed the retreating Martial Goddess, fleeing into the distance. Looking at these Asgardians like ants, the Balrog King felt even more angry, and the desire for destruction became even stronger.

He wanted to destroy this group of insect-like existences, but at the moment when he had already grasped the own Divine Sword and was about to wave it down in the air, there was a sudden burst of warning in his heart and a distant transmission. The terrifying power fluctuations that came caused him to immediately stop his own action.

In the distance, among the mountains. Standing high on a mountain, Zhou Yi held the divine spear Eternity in his hand to judge Rod Neil, as if holding a blazing lightning, staring straight at the Balrog King on the battlefield.

His power is surging frantically towards Rod Neil, and with the infusion of this power, Rod Neil himself is also undergoing incredible changes.

The gun barrel like the white jade gradually loses its physical limitations and becomes an invisible and intangible space Strength of Source, lingering on the scorching spear tip. And between the spear blades, the Eternity fire began to burn sharply, reflecting the rushing golden divine fire, releasing increasingly powerful power fluctuations.

The flame is rushing, the flame is fighting, and the power of the flame is infiltrating every inch of space around. In this case, even the gun blade that the Death Star turned into began to change color. The rune engraved on it began to be filled with the radiance of the flame bit by bit, and as the rune was completely lit, the entire gun blade began to bloom with endless light.

Such a situation makes Zhou Yi look like he is holding a brilliant and eye-catching sun, which makes people admire and admire Infinity.

Looking at Zhou Yi like this, Sulter, the king of the flame demon, suddenly burst out with a hoarse roar of thunder.

“Cunning guy, you don’t want to destroy all of this. Go to hell!”

After all, an extremely huge sword appeared silhouette out of the void.

That is an incomparably magical sword. Its sword edge looks almost completely free of metal or other solid forms, but more like a light, a brilliant light. It’s eye-catching and very dazzling.

Of course, this is not to say that this sword is really made of light. But because its blade is very special, it is so pure that it is almost impossible to look directly at its shape with naked eye. In fact, it still has a sword body and a sharp edge. This can be seen from the simple inscriptions on the hilt extending all the way down, almost all over the spine of the sword.

But it is still magical anyway, and this point is even more prominent when the flames of destruction linger on the sword body.

This is the most conspicuous place of this huge sword, and it is also the only conspicuous place. As for the other accessories on the sword, they look simple and unpretentious, without any eye-catching features.

Whether it is a silver-gray mountain-shaped handguard with round lobes, or a spiral-shaped gray hilt, it looks unremarkable. There is not even a trace of extra decoration on the entire sword, not even a gem inlaid.

If it weren’t for the magical, blazing blade, almost no one would think of it as a Divine Sword. However, when these combinations come together, it has a reputation that is enough to shock all the nine countries.

The sword of twilight, the sword of destruction, the Demon Sword of flames, and the sword of destruction. This is the Divine Sword, the most powerful divine tool in the hands of Sulter, as well as the most terrifying Divine Sword in the formidable power of the nine kingdoms. When it waved, the entire world would tremble.

And now, the giant sword has been swung across the air, and the infinite flames almost turned into arcs that tore open the sky, fiercely down towards the mountain where Zhou Yi was.

The flame swept through, and everything was burned out. Even before the sharp edge of the Twilight Sword completely touched the mountain peak, the mountain peak had already begun to collapse and melt, turning into ashes in the sky.

The earth also began to tremble, and the earthquake also broke out suddenly. The invisible force made the mountains tremble and the surface tore. Countless trees began to burn out of thin air, and billowing lava was spilling out all over the sky like a fountain.

The Asgardians are terrified by the power of the Balrog King and the sword of Twilight. In front of the natural phenomenon that Heaven and Earth have changed their colors, they are miserable, but they can only froze. Watching everything in front of him.

Because they know very well in their hearts that running away is actually useless. Want to live, want to see tomorrow and hope, the only thing they can count on is the glorious sun, the last light that never dissipates even in the flames.

And this sun-like existence, at the moment when the sword of twilight was finally swung, burst out a light that was so strong that people could not look directly at it.

Heaven and Earth lit up suddenly, and everything was swallowed by the most extreme bright light. Whether it is the mountains and rivers, or the stars in the sky. Or perhaps the flames flying all over the sky, which can almost burn the entire world, have lost their own form. Everyone sees only light, and only light.

The radiance that broke out at that moment was too strong, strong enough to make everyone who looked directly at it lose the power of their senses. And when the more resilient Martial Goddess began to restore their own vision, they found that the fire in the sky had been extinguished, and in the sky. All the light has condensed into an extremely blazing beam of light, and the edge of the Twilight Sword is closely aligned.

The flames are rushing, the streamer is flying. Whether it is the crimson almost black flame of destruction, or the golden sacred fire that flies like a streamer, they are rubbing violently, colliding, and shooting out one after another dazzling and terrifying electric light in the sky.

The electric light of **** can almost turn everything oneself touches into dust, and the splashing flame turns everything into ashes directly.

At this time, there is no Martial Goddess to dared to ride in the sky. Everyone has landed, watching everything happening in front of them with the most reverent awe, and then praying, taking everything Leave it to fate to make a choice. Among them, the only exception is Brunhild.

This Martial Goddess, who shines like a morning star, silently stared at the silhouette of Zhou Yi looming in the bright light, clenched his fists, and made the deepest prayer in his heart.

“Come on, Zhou Yi. For Asgard, for me, must win, sure!”

Maybe I heard her voice, maybe the stalemate has been The winner was divided. At the next moment, the bright light suddenly skyrocketed, and the golden fire turned into a flamboyant angry dragon, wrapped around the beam of light. In an initial sound that seemed to open up all things, the sword of twilight represented destruction and destruction. The edge was knocked out instantly. Then the remaining power flew towards the phantom of the Flame Demon King.


At this time, the Balrog Lord can only make this roar in vain. But there is no longer any means to prevent this original light from coming.

The gate made of lava began to collapse instantly. Under the destruction of this ultimate light, even the giant Legion in Msbelheim began to receive a huge and fatal blow.

The Lava Gate opened the way for them to invade Asgard, and also opened the way to Death and destruction for them oneself. Under the baptism of this extreme light of destruction, everything began to disappear.

No matter what kind of soldier it is, it is just a trivial ant in front of such an attack. And even worse than the ants, they didn’t even have a chance to escape.

The summon of the Balrog King gave Zhou Yi the opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop, and facing this best time, Zhou Yi simply didn’t mean to show mercy. Just as Sulter wanted to bring destruction to Asgard, as Asgard’s current Guardian, he was naturally not afraid of treating these invaders in the same way.

So, the end is coming. Not for the fighters of Asgard. But for the giants of Msberheim. Death has arrived as scheduled.

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