Sun God Marvel

Chapter 595

“Go to hell, Tyre.”

The huge Yemengada suddenly appeared from under the Rhine, using a thunderbolt. His posture opened his big mouth and bit towards Tyre. And looking at Yemengard who suddenly appeared, Tyre had such an expression on his face.

This big man with only one arm, bare head and full beard, suddenly drew out the sword from oneself’s waist, and then with a one-arm swing, the sharp sword immediately bloomed to the extreme The radiance, like a sword magnified by Infinity, appeared fiercely on Yemengade’s head.

As a War God, Tyr’s power is one of the very best throughout Asgard. Unlike Odin, who created magic, Thor, who is also a thunder divine ability, controls thunder and lightning. He has ordinary power, but it is also very powerful.

He is the Guardian God of warriors, so he is also the most skilled warrior. And the warrior’s power gave him more than just such power, it also gave Tyr more powerful abilities. For example, he can magnify the own attack thousands of times with divine force to form more powerful damage. In addition, he can see the enemy’s weakness with the most keen eye. Or face any enemy with an unyielding attitude. In that state, if he does not admit that oneself has failed, unless he is killed instantly, he can continue to fight even if he has a broken hand or a broken head, until he thinks that oneself no longer needs to fight. until.

This is the power of War God and the most solid pillar in every god system. It is precisely because of this that War God Tyr has become a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of the enemies who watch Asgard. Without getting rid of him first, they are really having trouble sleeping and eating.

So in the face of Tyre’s counterattack, Yemengga did not dodge. It allowed the huge radiance giant sword to fall behind the owner, and even if he died, he would drag Tyre. The determination to dive into the water.

Its huge two jaws almost stretched a wide distance to swallow the entire mountain, even if the giant sword forcibly changed by Tyre cuts into the upper jaw, it almost has to be embedded In the skull, it didn’t mean to shrink at all. On the contrary, the severe pain stimulated its fierceness, causing it to stretch out oneself’s fangs full of Venom flow, and then desperately closed its own mouth toward Tyre.

Faced with Yemengard’s swallowing method like a prehistoric giant crocodile hunting, Tyre suddenly gaped and issued a wild and violent roar. The sword in his hand, Tierfeng, became bigger and sharper under the infusion of his power. When he held the sword and cut horizontally, the radiance giant sword of this size instantly penetrated Yemengade’s jaw. , And then in the same posture as splitting heaven and earth apart, a nearly perfect circle emerged.

Unmatched, blood is raining. Under Tyre’s counterattack, even the terrifying giant beast like Yemengade couldn’t bear the physical pain. It began to roar and mourn, because the giant sword’s cutting had already forcibly cut off nearly half of its head from its mouth. This and the undoubted pain of beheading made it almost crazy, and in this madness, it couldn’t maintain its own rationality.

It can’t turn off Tyre anymore. In fact, the instinct of wild beast tells it how wrong it would be to continue swallowing Tyre. So it threw Tyr out when it shook its head. At the same time, it began to twitch its own body frantically, with the pain unresolved.

A body larger than a mountain appeared from below the Rhine River, and the sudden ups and downs immediately caused the Rhine River to surge wildly, like a surging tidal tsunami, shooting towards both sides. At the same time, the body of the giant snake was also swimming frantically.

The scales on its body are scraped on the stone wall along the coast, so that the hard rock is easily chopped and smashed like tofu. And when its huge tail section full of bone spurs twitched and hit the land on both sides of the strait, the Asgard warriors and dark gnomes present felt a panic almost like a natural disaster.

The earth is shaking, the surface is cracking, and the flowing river is sharper than weapons and heavier than rocks. Just touching it has the life-killing formidable power, but the most life-threatening thing is the twitching snake’s tail. It was still rioting, making all of this, and even lashing out at the dwarf battleship that was resting on the ground without any hesitation.

In the harsh and terrifying sound, the huge sword-like battleship has been drawn into countless fragments by the terrifying tail of the giant snake. The hard metal fell straight down like a collapsed rock, and while splashing countless smoke and dust, it also made countless dark gnomes covered head and sneaked away like a rat. But no matter how they run, some people are destined to be bad luck after all. In such a short period of time, the casualties caused by Yemengard have surpassed Asgard’s battle against the Dark Gnomes.

This situation made both parties feel a little confused, and they were all confused. Where is Yemengade from? Even some Asgardians began to speculate whether Tyr had already surrendered the giant beast, let it turn its direction, and turned its spear on oneself’s original camp.

Of course, this is just a guess. Because the crazy Yemengade was simply a wild beast that was irrelevant to the enemy and the enemy, the tail of the snake that broke the battleship twitched abruptly under the pain, and fell to the ground. The huge snake tail, which is the same as the mountains, has a terrifying momentum like Mount Tai’s overturning. Under such pressure, whether it is an Asgardian or a dark dwarf, there is actually only one thing that can be done, and that is to escape.

No one wants to die if they can live, and they still die under this kind of monster. Therefore, the two sides made a fairly unanimous decision. But it’s not so easy to escape, especially under a monster of this size. Seeing that Asgard’s warriors were about to suffer from Yemengade’s poisonous hand, Tyre, who came back to his senses, suddenly shouted and once again wielded the own sword.

The unparalleled sharpness pierced through Yemengade’s most missing head in an instant, setting it firmly on the riverbed. At the same time, Tyre also stretched out his own one arm, transforming it into an infinitely huge body like a pillar of sky, and then forcibly smashed through Yemeng amidst the boundless power of piercing the clouds and breaking the sea and the loud noise. Jade’s spine smashed its huge body into a puddle of mud, and slowly shrank into the river in a weak twitch.

This was a fatal blow, but even such an attack did not make Yemengada die. Its huge body is still twitching unconsciously, each twitching stirs up countless sands from under the riverbed of the Rhine River, making the entire river muddy in an instant, and in this muddy, fundamentally It is not clear what happened under the river bed.

This made Tyr a little worried. He wanted to end this battle as soon as possible. The best thing is to kill Yemengade completely while he is now. For this reason, he began to squeeze oneself’s exhausted body, recondense and fight God’s Force, and poured it onto the Tyr front in his hand.

The huge giant sword of light that can almost smash the clouds is revealed again, and when Tyr is about to slash the sword edge into the riverbed, the violent and terrible wind slams from him. Passed from behind.

From the warrior’s natural keen sixth sense, Tyre turned his own body in time, and blocked the sword firmly in front of him. And just after he had done such an action, a terrifying force hit him, knocking him out like a meteor.

Under the impact of this power, Tyr couldn’t stop owning his body at all. His body was rushed into the river. The rapid speed and terrifying power made the river be divided in half by his body, and two water curtains several ten meters high were separated on both sides of him. At first glance, it seemed like a big river had been split in the middle.

However, Tyr is Tyr after all, the War God of Asgard. Although he was accidentally attacked by a sneak attack, he quickly stabilized his own body and stood up on the river again. At this time, he also saw the sneak attack own guy so clearly that he couldn’t help but pronounce such a name in a complicated expression.


That’s right! In front of him is the once God of Darkness, Hoddle, who was exiled from Asgard because he killed his own brother, but now he has a new look and a new name.

The original Hoddle is a gloomy, terrifying blind. Of course, he is still a person no matter what. And now Hoddle is no longer human. He is now a wolf, a huge monster wolf full of dark mist.

With a shoulder height of 50-60 meters, it can face most of the creatures in the nine kingdoms in a bird’s-eye view, even giants. The black fur reveals the deep metallic color, and the sturdy body and the four claws like the trunk can also make people clearly feel its power and strength. Its eyes are like the deepest and horrible lights in the night, and its sharp teeth are sharper than any sword. The most palpitating and fearful thing is the expression on its face.

When a wolf shows insidious and terrible expression in front of you, cunning fickle expression like a human, anyone will feel scared. But now, facing the demon wolf who has been staring at oneself with a grinning smile, Tyre just said so bitterly.

“Are you finally willing to show up, Hoddle, my stupid younger brother!”

“Stupid younger brother, are you talking about me, Tyre! That’s funny , What makes you think I’m stupid? I’m not at all of this kind of consciousness.”

Demon wolf Fenrir, the former god of darkness, Hoddle, with his deep green eyes. Staring at Tyre, then gasping for the white mist, replied at him with a grinning tone.

“Look at what you are now!” Hoddle’s persist in your own wrong doings made Tyr feel a heartache. He stared at Fenrir and yelled emotionally. “You have become a monster now and all. And this is just to retaliate against Asgard. Is it worth it? You killed Bald and cut off my arm. It was not enough, and you even reached out to father. Reaching out to the country where you were born and raised, don’t you feel any regret?”

“Regret? How is it possible!”

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