Sun God Marvel

Chapter 598

War God Tyr was killed by a sneak attack like this?

This sudden change caused all Asgardians present to fall into absolute silence. Their War God actually died like this. It was a joke that everyone didn’t believe it, but they had to believe it.

And this scene that is enough to make every Asgard warrior lose his mind has also completely changed the situation on the scene. Without the leader, they can no longer hold on to the already precarious line of defense. Whether it is on the river bank or on the river bank, they have completely fallen into a state of collapse.

Escape, chase, corpses everywhere across the field! No matter how strong the warrior is, he cannot defeat his own enemy without confidence. So they were defeated like a mountain, and one after another by the endless pack of wolves and dark gnomes, they were thrown down from behind and killed. Was sent into the abyss of Death one by one.

The wolves are enjoying the delicious flesh and blood, and the dark gnomes are enjoying the long-lost feeling of revenge. All of this has an extremely delicious pleasure, which makes these invaders want to stop. As for the soldiers of Asgard, physical pain is second, and the key is the endless psychological fear.

Fear of Death, fear of everything after the defeat of the war. All this is enough to make these fighters lose the courage to fight. At this moment, they don’t have the courage and will to resist, they can only be slaughtered.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer warriors as Tyre is stationed here, and the enemy’s army has been driving straight into the land of Asgard. In the sky, there was a loud horn suddenly sounded.

The high horn called the Martial Goddess riding from the sky, and as soon as they appeared on the stage, they immediately cleared the road with sharp spears.

Lance hiding the sky and covering the earth, which shoots down like rain, is unstoppable. In just one face, hundreds of evil wolves with Fenrir’s blood were shot through their bodies and crucified to the ground alive. Dirty blood pooled into a pool of black blood, and the wailing of evil wolves before their death also stopped the invaders who were madly chasing the Asgard warriors.

The appearance of Martial Goddess really exceeded everyone’s expectations. Neither the Asgardians nor the invaders thought they would appear in this place at this time. And this naturally allowed them to make different moves.

The fighters of Asgard are naturally overjoyed. The appearance of Martial Goddess is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for them. So when they saw Martial Goddess, they immediately ran in their direction desperately.

On the other side, the intruders cautiously stopped their own footsteps. The killing caused by the terrifying spear rain just now made them really scared. No one wants to use their own body to try the sharpness of Martial Goddess’ spears, so they just stand obediently and honestly, watching this new enemy, while waiting for the owner to issue the next order. .

When I saw Martial Goddess appearing here, Fenrir, riddled with scars, barked his teeth and let out a low roar, then limped through the black and crushed wolves and walked to the wolf The forefront of the group shouted at the Martial Goddess team standing still in the sky.

“Martial Goddess? What are you doing here, do you want to die? Get out of the way, or I will let you be buried in this place like Tyre.”

Fenrir’s hideous appearance coupled with his threatening remarks really easily made people feel a sense of fear. However, the Martial Goddess did not even react at all, as if there was no such terrifying monster in front of them. They calmly surprised Fenrir, while Fenrir was still wondering why Martial Goddess was not afraid of his existence. Brunhild’s voice suddenly rang from the queue of Martial Goddess.

“Monster, what did you do to Tyre!”

This voice made Fenrir stared wide-eyed immediately, even if it was a wolf face, but It can clearly distinguish the astonishment on his face. He was really surprised, for Brunhild’s appearance.

“It’s you, Brunhild, how could you be released by Odin!”

Looking at the two-row Martial Goddess driving the lone actor Beast, Brunhild flying out on a ride. Fenrir’s words were full of incredible meaning. He really didn’t expect that Odin would release his imprisoned daughter. The appearance of Brunhild also made him completely flustered and angry.

He panicked because he knew what kind of strength this special Martial Goddess had. That kind of power that was not below Tyre made her a sufficiently threatening existence. The anger is also because of his appearance.

In his opinion, his experience with Brunhild is similar. It is also the fate of exile and imprisonment. Why can Brunhild be pardoned, but oneself has to become an avenger in this way? The injustice he imagined made him feel immense resentment and jealousy, and his eyes began to show a terrifying expression.

The appearance of demon wolf’s desire to eat frightened many survivors who had already been terrified. But in the eyes of Martial Goddess, this is nothing more than a meaningless threat.

She is not blind. Naturally, I can see how serious Fenrir’s wound is. Because of this, she was indifferent to Fenrir’s intimidation, and even directly responded with disdainful ridicule.

“Hoddle, it turned out to be you! It turns out that you have really become a monster. I advise you to tell me where Tyre is honestly, otherwise I don’t mind using my sword to pry Open your mouth, break your teeth, and let you spit out everything I want to know!”

“Tyr?” Looking at it, I don’t know that Tyre has been caught by Yemenjia. When Brunhild had to swallow it alive, Fenrir was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a terrifying smile. “Do you want to know where Tyre is? It’s too simple. Have you seen the earthly python Yemengard in the prophecy? Tyre is in its stomach now. If you have the ability, you go find him, see See if he also doesn’t have a whole body now, ah ha ha ha.”

Fenrir said, he turned his body to the side and turned the mountain as huge as the giant snake floating in the river. The silhouette pointed it out to Martial Goddess. And looking at the daunting giant snake that was walking, Brunnhild’s face suddenly turned pale.

“Hoddle, have you completely degenerate into a monster? Since you and the foreign enemy killed your own father and elder brother, if so, I will not show mercy to you. Take it to death, monster. Take it. In the name of Asgard!”

Martial Goddess said, and drew out the sword in oneself’s hand. And with her actions, almost all Martial Goddess drew their swords out of their sheaths in the same way. For a time, they stood in great numbers with their swords and halberds. The momentum was so great that the invaders who were their opponents couldn’t help but take it. The neat and mighty posture sighed.

Faced with the prestigious Martial Goddess, the dark gnomes showed expressions of hesitation. But unlike them, the wolves under Fenrir had no sense of fear. They are born bloodthirsty and combative Demon, even in the face of the powerful Martial Goddess, they will not be afraid to move forward. With Fenrir’s low growl, all the evil wolves began to make terrible long howls.

This miserable long howl is like a steel drill with a handle. It penetrates straight into the human brain. It makes the brain painful, and at the same time it gives birth to a have one’s hair stand on The feeling of end. And just after this long howl, the wolves suddenly moved into action.

Like a huge gray screen moving forward between the mountains and woods, the huge number of wolves has a number that people can feel afraid of. And when they charge unscrupulously, they have a terrifying magic power.

Anyone in front of them will have the feeling of facing a wave of horror that devours flesh and blood, and they are indeed as terrifying as described. Along the way, whether it was an enemy or a teammate, a living person or a corpse, they were all torn to pieces by the group of hungry wild beasts, and then divided into countless pieces and swallowed into their stomachs.

The ground was flattened three inches in their forward footsteps, not to mention the people standing on the ground.

Looking at such terrifying wolves, the soldiers who had just stabilized their minds paled again. They no longer have the courage to fight, and even running seems to be an unlikely luxury at this time. So they can only pin their hopes on Martial Goddess, hoping that this group of Goddess, who represents victory, can once again guide them to victory and hope.

Martial Goddess did not disappoint this group of fighters. So immediately, Brunhild had already held up his sword Glamour and gave orders to the Martial Goddess behind oneself.

“Sisters, charge with me!”

The hustle and bustle of the horses hissed like a sharp sword to tear everyone’s anxiety away, and the next moment, riding The Martial Goddess of Martial Goddess are already haunted by the radiant radiance, like the light of dawn breaking through the darkness, washed down in the sky like a tide.

Lance opened the way, and Martial Goddess’ powerful arms threw a deadly rain of spears, causing the bloodthirsty wolves to turn on the way to the charge. And the swords and halberds that had already been unsheathed brought a rain of blood in the sky at the first moment of contact with the wolves.

It’s just a wild beast. The instinctual evil wolves are impossible to fight against the experienced, powerful Martial Goddess anyway. Even if they have such a terrifying amount, they are absolutely impossible.

So at first is doomed, it will be a terrifying massacre. The slaughter of evil wolves!

The riding Martial Goddess immediately ripped apart the wave of wolf incarnations, just like the terrifying meat grinder, killing all the lives along the way. The boundless wolves can’t stop their charge at all, and can’t even slow down their speed.

In the midst of this extremely powerful charge, Brunhild, who is at the forefront, has pointed his own sword edge directly at Fenrir, and issued an angry and high rant.

“Suffer, monster. You will be cut by my sword!”

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