8:00 AM, a private villa in Long Island, New York.

The rapid sound of the phone call came from the living room. The man lying on the bed opened his eyes because of the noise and glanced at the bright sunshine outside the window. Rubbing her hair like a chicken coop, she got up from the bed.

After ten minutes, the man half-naked upper body clicked on the voice message in the living room.

“My dear, it’s me, mother. I heard that you have returned from China, I hope you have fun there. I have a little work recently, and I am now on the plane to France It is estimated that I will be back in four months. The teacher from Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters called me, and your younger sister recently had some small problems for you to solve. Therefore, it is best to go to Staten Island after the break. Also, Contact me immediately if you have any questions, I don’t want Clarice to become a hooligan on the street.”

“Yi, it’s me. Ororo, I know you have returned. First of all, thank you for sending it from China The gift you came back was very beautiful and I liked it very much. In addition, your younger sister recently violated school regulations seriously. She used her own ability to sneak out some troublemakers at night. We are very worried that they should go where they should not go. So, I think you’d better talk to Clarice when you have time. Okay, let’s contact again when you have time!”

“Hi, dear Yi. I heard that you have returned from China, okay. But I hope those cute Chinese girls won’t be sad. Although I don’t want to disturb your vacation, it doesn’t matter if you often take vacations anyway. Now, I have something for you to help. Obadiah wants to sell our company’s Jericho Missile. In the hands of those extremist militants in the Middle East, heaven knows what he thinks. I want to persuade him, but he seems very determined this time. He even held a board member meeting to decide this proposal, and he seemed to have convinced a lot People, you know that I need a helper to stop him, so as a friend, I think you won’t refuse me. I’ll wait for your reply. As soon as possible!”

After listening to the message on the phone, I am already an adult Human Zhou Yi rubbed his chin and thought for a while, but decided to return the important call first. So he took out the cellphone and dialed a number. The bell rang twice and the other side was connected.

“Hi, Yi. Calling so early is not your style. I’m afraid you didn’t want me to call me.” A happy female voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Ororo, I will be very sad if you say that. You know, when I was in China, I have been missing you, so I want to call you and listen to you Voice.”

There was a chuckle from the microphone, and then Zhou Yi listened to Ororo saying, “It’s really nice. I’m afraid there are not many little girls who are fooling and sensible in China. Say it. Well, what the hell is looking for me?”

“Hey, Ororo, I have never lied to anyone, and you know I always care about you.”

“Of course, of course. It’s just not just about me. Okay, I’m going to class. If anything happens, come to school when class is over in the afternoon.” Ororo said and hung up the phone. And Zhou Yi could only pull his face awkwardly, and dialed another number.

“Hello, this is Stark’s house, this is Jarvis. Is there anything I can help, Mr. Zhou Yi?”

“Jarvis, is Tony here? Help if you are. I’ll transfer him.”

“No problem, please wait, Mr. Zhou Yi!”

After ten seconds, a frivolous voice came from the phone.

“I thought you were going to play and disappear again, Yi!”

“If it weren’t for your phone, I really planned to disappear for a while. I just contacted one Fighting coach.”

“Alright, Battlemaster. Let’s talk about business. How are you thinking about Obadiah?”

“You said this Don’t worry. Don’t worry, I will support you.” Zhou Yi used Telekinesis to control the phone floating in midair, putting on a suit and replying.

“Then I can rest assured. With your 6% stake, this matter will be fine. I owe you a favor.” The man named Tony let out a sigh of relief. The sound made Zhou Yi feel amused.

He said, “I don’t understand, Tony. Since you don’t want to reject him directly, this is something you invented. Starting from the agreement, as long as you forcefully disagree, even if it’s a shareholder’s Meeting is also impossible for you. After all, the patent is in your hands.”

“Hey! You also know that Obadiah is my father’s friend after all, and Stark Industries can have the current position with him several Decades of hard work are inseparable. Reasonable in every circumstance, I have to give him some face. So what you said, I can only use it as a last resort.”

When Zhou Yi heard this, Can only be nodded, and then turned to the topic.

“When does the meeting start, you know, if I’m late, I can only rely on you yourself.”

“Even if I drag it, I will drag it to you Yes, and the meeting starts at ten o’clock. I believe that with your driving skills, it’s no problem to arrive at Stark Tower at ten o’clock.”

“Oh, our playboy would actually admire others driving Technology, this is something that has never happened before.” Zhou Yi smiled and put on his coat, and walked out of the door of the villa.

“After seeing you racing, I decided to stay away from a crazy guy like you, of course, only when you hold the steering wheel. Okay, I won’t tell you more, Obadiah is here. . You should hurry up, I don’t want to be taught by Old Guy for too long.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here soon!” After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yi got in the driver’s seat. Then, amid a low engine roar, he galloped in the direction of Manhattan Island.

On the other side, in the Stark headquarters building on Manhattan Island, a man with a delicate moustache and a tall middle-aged uncle hugged each other. They talked and laughed while facing towards the Stark building. The conference room on the top floor moved forward.

The employee on one side just silently watched these two influential figures until they disappeared from the own line of sight. Of course, it would be better if there were fewer female employees in their ardent eyes.

“Tony, you make me sad this time. You know, everything I do is for the good of Stark, why don’t you understand me?” The middle-aged uncle looked sad. Looking at Tony Stark, the look in his eyes was as if he was looking at a prodigal disgrace.

For this kind of questioning, Tony Stark could only blow his cheeks, muttering words like it’s coming again, and explain to the middle-aged big man Obadiah. “Dear Uncle Obadiah, of course I know how great economic benefits this transaction will have for our company, but there are some things you have to understand. Although we are an arms company, it does not mean that we are going to support the war, especially Those wars with strange slogans. At least the people of White House will not agree with us.”

“The idiots of White House, as long as they have money, they can stop their mouths, so don’t use This kind of excuse is perfunctory to me. Tony, no one will be struggling with the interests, and the war is not our fault. We are only the people who provide weapons, not the people who dominate the war. The things there have nothing to do with us.” Obadiah sneered first. Turning to Tsukkomi, he gave a slap in the White House office, and then he persuaded him with earnest expression.

The expression of hate iron for not becoming steel almost made the famous playboy Tony Stark confess oneself’s past crimes from the heart. However, it was still a little bit worse after all.

And this point, it is estimated that manpower can no longer achieve.

Tony Stark and Obadiah went into the conference room just like this.

The conference room is full of shareholders and decision makers. These people watched Obadiah and Tony walk in, and stood up one after another. For these people, the two people in front of them are boss level characters, and they are the wage earners of these two bosses.

Obadiah watched the meeting begin, patted Tony’s shoulder and whispered in his ear: “Tony, this time you better stop being foolish, but believe that our choice is right for Stark. For the enterprise, it is the best.”

“Of course, of course.” Tony Stark blinked, combing his neat and tidy beard with joy. “I’m always making the most correct decision.”

Driving the beast-like Tyrannosaurus V-REX, Zhou Yi drove into the basement of Stark headquarters in Manhattan with weird eyes all the way. In the parking lot, the loud engine sound naturally attracted the security of the underground parking lot, and also the miss secretary who was waiting here long ago.

“Good morning, Pepper! I didn’t expect Tony would let you wait for me here. I thought he would separate you and me forever like a prison?”

beautiful and pleasant, and also a shrewd and capable blonde beauty laughed mischievously and said: “I believe Mr. Zhou Yi, who has been in jail for a long time, has been approved by the warden and allowed me to visit him for a short time.”

“Okay, okay. You are always on Tony’s side. Fortunately, the clever Mr. Zhou Yi has already thought about this situation, the beautiful Pepper Young Lady, your bribe has been taken by me It was transferred to the warden, and the warden who wants to come to your beloved will definitely transfer it to you immediately.” Zhou Yi and Pepper walked into the elevator leading to the conference room while talking and laughing.

“Yi, you know. Tony will definitely not hand over to me the things someone gave me so easily.” Pepper looked at Zhou Yi in distress, obviously for these two who also like pranks The boss is not a general headache.

“That’s the problem of Miss Potts, where wisdom and beauty coexist.” Zhou Yi pushed open the door of the conference room, and said loudly to the suddenly quiet conference room; “Good morning, everyone. No matter what you say, please bring me. I believe that as the third shareholder of Stark Industries, I still have the right to speak.”

At this time, I was pressing the table proudly and looking down at Tony’s Obadiah. Seeing Zhou Yi who suddenly broke in, he opened his mouth in disbelief. Then he shouted at Tony in a low voice: “You called this guy back.”

“It’s really not me, I dare to swear!” Tony solemnly vowed his own finger.

Hearing this, most of the people present rolled their eyes. Tony Stark, people in the entire United States of America know that this billionaire brimming over with talent has many titles, scientists, philanthropists, and entrepreneurs. But the most well-known is the title of playboy, and this title represents the gold content of his oath.

“Yi Zhou, this is the shareholder’s meeting of Stark Industries. You have been 40 minutes late. As the initiator of the meeting, I don’t think you also have the right to speak now.” Obadiah gnashing teeth said, with A difficult Tony Stark is enough, and another Zhou Yi, who is not at all difficult with Tony Stark, is almost 80% sure that today’s meeting will be planted here. But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up. So what he wants most now is to kick the guy who broke in.

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