“I really want to know where the taxpayers’ taxes are wasted by you, oh! Maybe it was used for that stinky long name.”

“You want to know where we use taxes. Okay, let me tell you. We used taxes to treat you guys with super powers who are chaotic all day long. If you want to see A tax bill that can be published in front of the public, I think it’s better to be your playboy obediently and honestly.”

The dispute between the two people is still escalating. It is intense to a certain extent. Phil Coulson already regretted following Maria. Hill came together. She is not here to discuss cooperation, she is definitely provocative.

In order for Nick Fury’s request to be successfully fulfilled, Coulson had to step in between the two.

“Two people, can you control oneself a little bit?” When he said this, Coulson stared straight at Commander Hill. In this matter, she not at all did what oneself should do, and she also pushed the matter in an unpredictable direction. This is definitely a serious mistake for a qualified agent.

Maria. Hill also understood that oneself had made a mistake in this matter. But letting her admit that own was wrong in front of Zhou Yi, it was more difficult than killing her. She simply hugged her arms, put on a silent look, and threw the rest on Coulson’s body.

And this, this is what Coulson wants. For him, communicating with people has never been difficult.

“Mr. Zhou, I think my partner is a bit emotional. If possible, I will talk about our cooperation on behalf of her next.”

“Of course! This is best.” Zhou Yi, who was so noisy with smoke in his throat, picked up the teacup. It was the first time that he had become so angry with a woman. To a certain extent, the two of them are definitely rivals.

“If you have any different ideas by adding our opinions, then we can put this topic on hold for now. We have a plan for you to take a look.” Coulson skipped the previous topic directly, He took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi took the file and looked at it. The content of the document is a plan for the formation of a special combat team, which specifically points out that all members of this tactical team are composed of special and talented guys. And Zhou Yi is really a member of their plan.

This document is the most important in Zhou Yi’s memory and the prototype of the most profound Avengers. Although, now this so-called prototype does not even have a little shadow.

“What is this, your super boy plan? And, is it a plan that doesn’t even have a basic structure?” Due to the previous quarrel, Zhou Yi did not use mockery politely in the conversation. the way.

In the face of Zhou Yi’s poisonous tongue, Coulson performed much better than Commander Hill. He directly ignored all the offensive elements in Zhou Yi’s words and responded clearly.

“If you join in, you are the first member. And soon we will be able to fill in new members.”

“Are you cracking a joke? If so, I think the jokes you said are not funny at all.” Looking at Coulson’s extremely sincere eyes, Zhou Yi pulled out a smile that was not very nice. Others could tell at a glance, he smiled rather reluctantly.

“I mean it!” Coulson continued to use his deceptive smile.

“Sorry! I have already said that I don’t want to work for others. In this world, the department that can afford my salary does not exist yet.”

In this case , Zhou Yi decisively chose to refuse. Hooking up with the current Avengers will not benefit him at all. He wouldn’t choose to be one of Tony’s guys until they joined.

Not for anything else, just for not wanting to get involved in the secrets of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.

Everything in this department is an annoyance. Until oneself’s problem is solved, he doesn’t want to have the slightest relationship with these annoyances.

“This team is not affiliated with an organization under our department. It is independent.” Coulson ignored Zhou Yi’s refusal and continued to persuade. Many things need more communication to have further development.

“We are only responsible for the formation of this special team. As for the management of this team, it is your own business. We will not get involved in it. Moreover, we will share information with you!”

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division intelligence, this is no ordinary bargaining chip. Since the establishment of this department in World War II, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division has included most of the supernatural information in this world. They have so many secrets that they are even not fully aware of it.

However, Zhou Yi does not believe that they will be so kind. This kind of information sharing is absolutely one-sided without thinking about it.

“If you want to persuade me to join, I am afraid that your chips are not enough.” Zhou Yi’s words are not so firm this time. This World faces many dangers. His impossible is completely compatible with Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division put aside the relationship. The rejection just now was just a temptation. He had guessed their intentions a long time ago, and he would naturally want to get more information if possible.

“Isn’t there enough chips?” Coulson rubbed his chin. He felt that Zhou Yi was not the kind of person who could not communicate at all, but it was not so easy to come up with something that would impress him. “Can you make it more clear? Mr. Zhou. I don’t quite understand your definition of this bargaining chip.”

“It’s very simple, an empty shelf is impossible, so I can join in without thinking about anything. “Zhou Yi leaned on the sofa. “If you want me to join, you must at least have members who can take action. I’m not a nanny, and I don’t want to train you with Little Brat. If I join such an organization, the least thing I must guarantee is that it can The role played will be greater than that played by me alone.”

“I can’t do this, I simply don’t have to join.”

“I understand !” After hearing Zhou Yi’s request, Coulson said clearly. This is not good news for him, but it is not bad news either.

It is not completely impossible to want Dawn Knight to join in. However, for Avengers, who doesn’t even have a code name, it’s a little unlikely. If they want Dawn Knight to join in, they also need to make the structure more perfect.

At this point, the main intention of Coulson and his party has been basically achieved. They did not get what oneself wanted most, but they also got a promise that was not a promise. On this point alone, they have been able to deal with each other.

However, human beings are always pursuing the greatest benefits. In this regard, even good old people like Coulson are no exception.

“About this special team, I think we will make progress soon. When the time comes, I hope we can have further cooperation with Mr. Zhou Yi.”

“Let’s talk about this question when the time comes.” Neither party wanted to continue on this topic, so Coulson quickly talked about an additional content.

“Then Mr. Zhou would mind talking about a deal with us?”

“A deal?” Coulson’s question made Zhou Yi a little interested. After all, he also has an identity , A qualified businessman. “Why don’t you talk about it?”

“We are very interested in Dawn Knight’s armor. I don’t know if Mr. Zhou has any intention to sell it. Of course, we are happy to sell technology or finished products. Accept.”

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division has sufficiently sound analysts, and Coulson himself is one of the best analysts. Although they have concluded that Zhou Yi is a natural mutant individual and a super rare ability user, this does not prevent them from other guesses about him.

No one knows the specific function of the Dawn Armor, and it is even less clear what the Dawn Knight equipment does. In their expectation, even if this magical armor cannot directly endow the wearer with super powers, it will have the effect of strengthening the user’s abilities. If it is as they guessed, the armor of dawn is quite valuable.

Be aware that the United States Super Soldier program lasted for nearly a century, and until now there are only a few finished products that cannot be copied. If Dawn Armor can achieve the effect they expected, it will undoubtedly open a new direction for them. Therefore, in the eyes of some senior executives in the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, the value of Dawn Armor even exceeds Dawn Knight itself.

Of course, there is also a certain attempt to contain Dawn Knight in it. Knowing the weakness of the Dawn armor will undoubtedly allow them to take the initiative in dealing with Dawn Knight.

Zhou Yi guessed this, but he was not worried at all. In his mind, the armor of dawn is just a cover to decorate oneself’s other identity that’s all. He is not the future Iron Man Tony Stark, and Dawn Armor is far less important to his use than those interested in it.

However, no one else knows about this. This has become Zhou Yi’s advantage.

“Do you want to do such a deal?” asked uncertainly, part of Zhou Yi’s merchant began to awaken. “My offer is very expensive.”

“I think our budget should still be enough for our little investment in this area.” Coulson smiled refreshingly. He knows that the leader of this transaction is the group of guys behind the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, so he doesn’t worry about the bargaining chips at all, and he will not feel distressed at all.

“First of all, I want to declare that I will not sell technology. I only sell finished products, and there will be no guarantees. Moreover, even finished products will only come out with next-generation products.” Zhou Yi set out the carts and horses, but he wanted to see how much thoughts the guy watching him had.

Coulson gave an apologetic smile and held down the headset. He needs to report this situation up, and it is not for him to be an eighth-level agent to decide on procurement involving this level. At least it needs the secretary nodded, or the group of guys behind the council to approve it.

Soon, after getting the approval from the board of directors, Coulson said with a smile: “There is no problem at all, also other requirements?”

“Of course, I There is no shortage of funds. So I need to exchange resources. I wonder if you can come up with the resources I need?”

“For example?”

“Adamantium, or The original Vibranium!”

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