Sun God Marvel

Chapter 603

The enemy ran away. To be precise, it should be the horror prestige in the fairy tale, and the terrifying monster that brought the end of the world just ran away.

Yemengjia was able to own most of her body as a price, relying on oneself’s powerful undying, battered and exhausted, led Fenrir into the Rhine water, and this indeed brought it alive. Opportunity. As the evil god that Rhein incarnates, Yemengard can incarnate into a rule-based existence as long as he enters the Rheinland, and escapes from this World. Unless Zhou Yi can destroy the river instantly, it will be safe.

For Yemengada, it is already lucky enough to be able to escape from a powerful guy like Zhou Yi at this price. For Zhou Yi, this is a very helpless thing.

It is true that he has a way to make the entire Rhine disappear, but with his means, I am afraid that the entire land that the Rhine River flows through, and even the three worlds it runs through, will suffer irreversible huge losses. That is definitely not what he would like to see. To do this for an insignificant guy is not what Zhou Yi can accept.

So, he could only look at the surging river with his face, and after a long time he could only cover up everything with a helpless sigh.

At this time, Brunhild, who also didn’t look good on his face, also came over. She looked at Zhou Yi who was sighing and immediately said to him.

“Sorry, it’s all my fault. If I hadn’t given it a chance, it wouldn’t have a chance to run away from you.”

“No need to Say, Brunhild.”

Turning her head, glanced at the body of the huge snake that was turned into ashes in the raging fire, Zhou Yi also comforted her Up.

“No one thought that this guy would have such a powerful life force. The half of the body that I cut off should have a lot of important organs, that’s how it can be opened alive and well. A big hole in the ground, I got into the Rhine River. I began to wonder if it was a snake or an earthworm.”

These are Zhou Yi’s words to comfort Brunhild, and they are also the most true in his heart. Thoughts. Because the flames burned the scales and body of the giant snake, the internal organs were also exposed little by little. From the perspective of Zhou Yi, one can clearly see how many important organs are in this majority of the body.

There is a part of the heart that has just been cut off, and also a complete liver, stomach, kidney and small intestine. It can be said that most of the internal organs that a snake can have are here. And that’s it, Yemengard’s body with only the head left can escape with the same miserable Fenrir. I have to say that its life force is really too tenacious.

Even Zhou Yi began to wonder if he did not burn this half of the body, this snake body would grow a head again, like an earthworm that was chopped in half.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Zhou Yi is not interested in trying such boring things. And if this body is left alone, it may cause even greater damage. So immediately, Zhou Yi increased the firepower and at the same time increased the intensity of the incineration.

And just as he did this, Brunhild spoke again.

“Are you comforting me? Sorry, I don’t need any comfort. In fact, I hope you can put the blame on me. I don’t want you to use this comforting language Come and perfuse me. Moreover, in this situation, I make mistakes better than you make mistakes.”

“What do you mean?” Hearing this, Zhou Yi immediately turned around I looked towards Martial Goddess behind oneself. From her words, Zhou Yi heard a deeper meaning. And it was this meaning that made him have to ask.

“What I mean is very simple!” Caressing the fur under the neck of oneself’s mount, Brunnhilde calmed its panic while motioning to Zhou Yi. “In this war, the gods can no longer be the existence that dominates victory. We will lose and we will die. In front of those powerful enemies, we simply powerless to defend himself, let alone become a symbol of victory and lead This group of fighters is heading for victory. But you are different!”

“Look at the eyes of those fighters and the admiration of you in the eyes of my sisters. In their eyes, you have replaced We have become more noble beings than me, Tyre, or even any God. As long as you are there, they can face any enemy with infinite confidence. And because of this, you can never make mistakes. “

“The king of heroes, this is the title given to you by the heroes. As the king of heroes, you are noble and undefeated, and at the same time, there must be absolutely no stains and mistakes. Once you make a mistake, your position will be shaken. Similarly, the faith in their hearts will also be shaken. This is absolutely not allowed, so don’t you comfort me and blame the mistake on me. Come on. For the sake of Asgard, I can serve as anything heavy, even for a crime!”

At this moment, there was a glow in Brunhild’s eyes. The radiance, a strong belief that hurts people’s hearts. And looking at such a stubborn, such Martial Goddess who exudes an indescribable radiance of humanity from the inside out. Zhou Yi suddenly drank, interrupting her completely.

“Enough, Brunhild. I don’t need you to do this, and I don’t want to be the existence in your mouth.”

“No, you don’t understand. You It must be such an existence. Tyr is dead, and Odin is not awake. Whether it is the defeated me or Thor, who can’t even see the shadow at this moment, I can’t become Asgard’s support. Asgard’s savior. Only you, only you can make up for all this, and only you can save this kingdom. Therefore, I must do this. I must protect your reputation.”

“Listen! “When the topic entered the heroic and sacrifice stage that bore Zhou Yi the most, his temper inevitably became bad. So he immediately drank, and at the same time violently pulled the reins of the Martial Goddess mount in his hand, staggering this mighty unicorn and almost kneeling to the ground. “I don’t want to be a hero or watch who makes sacrifices for me. This is the most stupid behavior, especially for such insignificant things. It’s just running two half-dead monsters, simply nothing. Big matter. So I don’t allow it, and I don’t need you to take any responsibility. Even if this kind of small mistake is in my head, I don’t care about this kind of small matter at all!”

“But I Care!”

Zhou Yi’s sharp drink does not make Martial Goddess any withdrawal or cowardice. Even on the contrary, her attitude has become more determined and strong.

“This is not whether you are willing to be a hero. It is a matter of the future and destiny of Asgard as a whole. If you are not on the mission of saving Asgard, then what do you commit? I don’t care about such mistakes. But not right now. I absolutely don’t allow any stains on your body. You must be a hero, a hero who saves Asgard, saves this country, this World. This is a must, It’s also something that is absolutely not allowed to change.”

“Don’t you be afraid of me leaving. Don’t forget, I’m not a person in this world. If you offend me, I can Go back to my world and stop worrying about your life and death.”

The tough attitude of Brunhild also aroused Zhou Yi’s inner anger. He looked at this Martial standing in front of oneself. Goddess, already narrowing his eyes, revealed a dangerous expression.

And even so, Brunhild still showed an attitude of not giving in.

“Don’t forget, what kind of promise you made in front of Odin. Why, someone like you has already arrived, and you can just throw away the promise of talking. Is it clean? If that’s the case, I have nothing to say, just as if I’m blind!”

Martial Goddess This is full of spikes, as soon as I say it Zhou Yi choked. At this point, he must also admit that oneself is not shameless to the point where it takes the promise of speaking out as fart. And since he agreed to Odin, how could he be impossible at this time, so he withdrew. Sticking to this matter to the end and giving Odin an explanation is his only choice.

However, looking at Brunhild’s confident look, Zhou Yi really felt a deep sorrow. So that he can only say to Martial Goddess like venting his anger.

“Brownhild, has anyone told you that your character is very bad!”

“I know, but I don’t care!” Martial Goddess shook Head, showed a kind of contempt and disdain that couldn’t be more obvious. “I only need you to accept my opinion now, do you understand?”

“It’s alright, I know!” Zhou, who is unwilling to argue with Brunhild on this issue anymore Yi quickly stopped. “I can accept your opinion on this matter, but only for this one time. I don’t care about it this time, but I absolutely cannot accept such a situation again. If there is another time, even if it violates my promise. I do not hesitate, this is my condition, do you understand?”

“Why, did my behavior hurt your self-esteem that belongs to a man?”

Bren Hilde was still blunt, speaking bluntly to the point where Zhou Yi’s face was distorted. And before he could say anything, Brunhild had already given an answer.

“Well, I understand what you mean, I can promise you. But as I promised, I will be your shield before you save Asgard. Unless I fall , Otherwise I won’t let you get any harm. So, once the situation goes beyond the limits, I will definitely do something. When the time comes, don’t blame me for not explaining to you!”

” There is something that needs you to protect me, I don’t think it is necessary!”

Shook the head very simply, Zhou Yi clearly expressed his own attitude towards Brunhild. For his attitude, Martial Goddess just smiled.

“Strength does not mean everything, although it is really important. Forget it, anyway, this kind of thing is only possible with me!”

He said vaguely, Martial Goddess He cast his eyes to the distance. There, the heroic spirits had already brought their own captives to join them. This was also a brilliant victory, but for some reason, Brunhild felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

It’s as if something is happening.

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