Sun God Marvel

Chapter 606

“Did you feel incredible?” Seeing the change in Zhou Yi’s face, Loki also showed a faint smile, an expression that seemed like joy, truth and sadness. “Me too, I really didn’t expect that the treasure I lifted would fall from my hands to the hands of my most unexpected enemy, that is, its original owner. What is even more unexpected is that , It will be used to kill that woman, the woman I call mother. I always thought that oneself is the very smart one, even the smartest one. But now I realized that I was just the most ridiculous one .”

“reap what you have sown, this word can’t be used to describe me better. It can’t be more appropriate!”

Speaking of which, Loki has already It was a miserable laugh. She was laughing, but Zhou Yi knew that she was actually crying. Such a person, a person who can be cruel to cause endless killings, and make countless mothers and children separate and die, will show such a tragic appearance because of the death of oneself’s adoptive mother, which Zhou Yi never expected. It was precisely because of her performance that Zhou Yi realized for the first time that she was not so hopeless.

At the very least, she also has feelings for her family in her heart, and she is sincere and unpretentious. This alone can make Zhou Yi change her perspective.

Of course, it’s just a change. After all, she did that many things before. If she just abandoned her previous dislikes, then forgiveness would be too cheap.

“Let’s be sorrowful, Loki. Death is something that no one can reverse, so I want to start.”

Glancing at Loki, the expression sad, Zhou Yi soothed. I directly asked oneself’s concerns.

“You said that the Power Stone was on those enemies, who is it? Flame Giant or dark dwarf, or other who?”

“You want to find them, Or do you want to take the Power Stone back to own?”

When he heard Zhou Yi’s words, Loki immediately sneered.

“Sure enough, even you can’t help but feel tempted to see a divine object like Power Stone?”

“Don’t forget, that is what I originally have Something. It’s just lost in the battle with Thanos.”

Faced with Loki who was indifferent, Zhou Yi began to emphasize it. But his emphasis made the ridicule and disdain on Loki’s face deeper.

“Of course, it is something you own. But don’t forget, that thing was also taken from me by force, didn’t it!”

This It’s a positive question, because guys like Zhou Yi really don’t have such a thick skin to deny what oneself did. So he was simply nodded.

“I admit that I got the Power Stone from your hands. But don’t forget our identity at the time. You are my enemy. I get something useful from the own enemy. What’s wrong? The most important question after all is that you are still not strong enough.”

“Not strong enough?” Hearing this answer, Loki was stunned. Although she can now find 10,000 reasons to refute Zhou Yi’s statement, no matter how she quibble, she cannot change the truth of the matter. And the truth of the matter is as if Zhou Yi said that there is a truth to him.

She is not strong enough. If she is strong enough, she will not worry about her enemies jumping out of her palm when she plays all the enemies in her palms. If she is strong enough, even if her plan happens because of repeated exceptions. With the change of control, she can also suppress everything forcibly with her own power.

Strength, strength, in the final analysis are the fault of power, in the final analysis it is the fault of oneself not being strong enough. Once a wise man gets his horns, he can never get out of it. This is especially true for a smart and conceited guy like Loki.

At this moment, she did not refute Zhou Yi Jin Cong. Instead, she stared at Zhou Yi in front of her, stared at the most powerful existence she knew, and asked.

“Do you have a way to help me become stronger?”

“Yes! But it’s not for you!”

When Loki suddenly asked oneself Zhou Yi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded directly to replied.

“My lovers can gain my power, but it is only limited to them! You have someone you like, and I am also impossible to have any connection with you. Do you know what I mean!”

“Of course, I don’t have any interest in you either.”

After hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Loki immediately disdainfully said with his lips. Although she has realized the importance of strength, it is completely impossible for her to abandon oneself’s feelings for Thor for the sake of strength. In addition, as she said, she really has no interest in Zhou Yi, a heroic guy. It would be about the same if it had changed to Brunhild.

However, although this probability is cut off. Loki still thought of a roundabout way. And when she had this idea in her mind several times, she immediately opened her mouth and asked Zhou Yi.

“So, what do you think of the alliance between the two of us. You and me, the guys behind you, also Asgard behind me. We formed a strategic alliance, and we are all prosperous, if one suffers, all suffers, what do you think?”

“I am already an alliance with Asgard. Do you think it is necessary for us also to do this?”

“Of course. The current relationship between you and Asgard is not so much an alliance, as it is a simple cooperative relationship. A model based on interests and commitments. Once Ragnarök passes, this cooperative relationship is basically over. At that time, do you think you can still like a fish back in water in Asgard?”

In order to achieve the purpose of owning, Loki began to treat the idea of ​​owning whether it was good or bad, all They all spoke to Zhou Yi.

“In any case, you are not from Asgard. No matter how much you do for them, they are impossible to accept you completely. And more importantly, you feel that Odin is awake Will you accept your existence as an outsider who has reached the top in both fame and prestige?”

“Do you think he will do something with me?”

“No , He’s not that stupid. Doing his hands on you can do anything besides causing disaster to Asgard?” shook the head, and Loki said another possibility.

“Your identity is enough to give him ample excuses. You are a Midgard, and he is his helper to solve Ragnarök’s problems. After Ragnarök is over, your mission will naturally be That’s it. At that time, if you are sent out of the country with the highest specifications, both you and his face will look better. And that is what he will do.”

“From After that, you have nothing to do with Asgard. Even if there is an intersection, it is impossible. Like now, let all Asgardians obey your orders. Everything will return to the king after all. And the king Your help will always be impossible as generous as it is now. In fact, Odin will never give you the right if it is necessary. He is a gamble, but his good luck this time is a little bit.”

“You seem to have a big opinion on Odin!”

Listening to Loki’s explanation, it is not difficult for Zhou Yi to tell her dissatisfaction with Odin from her words. This made him subconsciously squinted his eyes and asked looking thoughtful.

For a completely irrelevant issue like Zhou Yi, Loki immediately became coldly smiled.

“If you are changed, you have been treated differently for thousands of years, and even become the one abandoned in the end. Will you also have any luck with him?”

When it comes to Asgard’s family ethics, Zhou Yi really doesn’t want to mix too much. Although from his point of view, Odin’s family relationship is really chaotic and cannot be looked at directly. But no matter what, he is the king of Asgard, the leader and God revered by thousands of people. So for this, he doesn’t want to make too many comments.

With the buffer of this problem, Zhou Yi has cleared his own thoughts.

“So, can you tell me what I can get if I form an alliance with you? What can you get from me?”

“If you ask you Whatever you can get, I can only tell you that you will get an ally who will spare no effort to help you even if you exhaust the power of the entire world. Asgard will formally enter into an alliance with you, no matter what kind of enemy we face , What kind of benefits are obtained. All are shared and shared. This is what I can promise you.”

“And if you ask me what I can get and so on?”

Speaking of this, Loki immediately squeezed his own hand, showing a somewhat uncontrollable expression.

“I will get strength, the most powerful strength I can recognize. You are right, what I lack is strength. If I cannot get strength, then I will have Powerful people are my team. And you are my goal. I want to turn your power into an existence that I can use, then alliance is the only way.”

“For this? You don’t think the cost Are some too big?” Faced with this answer, Zhou Yi was not so relieved. Because this answer is too general, even to the point where it is unbelievable. It is just too crazy and stupid to give the resources of a world just for strength. At the very least, Zhou Yi cannot understand this.

“Is it expensive?” Sneered, Loki’s face regained confidence. “Stupid people will only guard such a small amount of property, for fear that someone will rob these destined to be consumed clean things. And smart people will think about how to use these destined to have no future things to earn a better future. For me In other words, the current Asgard has no value. Using such things to establish an alliance with you to win a better Asgard, is it expensive to do so!”

Not big, Of course not. Zhou Yi knows very well what kind of existence Asgard will become after having own power. It can be said that its future will be incomparable to the current Asgard. And if it weren’t for being fettered by the people behind him, Zhou Yi wouldn’t even care about such an alliance. His power is enough to make him ignore everything, but now, he has to admit it. He was tempted!

Just, also there is a problem to be solved!

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