Sun God Marvel

Chapter 608

clay chickens and pottery dogs, this is Zhou Yi’s most true evaluation of those so-called cursed warriors. Even with the power of Infinity Gem, can they compare to Thanos, who once owned half of the gems? Even Thanos has been defeated by oneself into the deep space of Infinity’s universe. Zhou Yi doesn’t believe that these guys who are just relying on an Infinity Gem can make waves in front of own.

Although it looks a bit arrogant. But this is definitely not arrogance, but Zhou Yi’s absolute confidence in oneself’s strength. Because of self-confidence, he can show such disdain. In the same way, Loki understands why Zhou Yi has such an expression because he understands the strength of Zhou Yi.

As for his performance, Loki has only one idea, and that is jealousy. But no matter how jealous, as a smart person, Loki always understands how oneself should control the own scale. She would not do anything stupid because of this jealousy, even if oneself was cruelly rejected the last moment.

So she just watched Zhou Yi’s departure calmly, and even said to him with a smile.

“Since you are so confident, then I won’t say much. Good luck, honorable hero.”

“Be honest with you What you should do yourself, Loki.” It also showed a smile, but Zhou Yi, who was completely different, just waved his hand and disappeared in front of her. At the same time, he left her also with a barely kind advice. “It’s too early to think about what you think, and, have you asked Thor’s opinion?”

Thor’s opinion? Hearing this, Loki’s face was instantly taken aback, and then he smiled bitterly. Of course she hadn’t asked Thor this kind of question, because she knew that if she just and honorable told Thor to push him to the throne at this time, then the result would only be the possibility of leaving.

So all of her plans can only be done secretly, and they can only be promoted without Thor knowing. With her knowledge of Thor, she is confident enough to solve all problems before Thor realizes anything. But now, with Zhou Yi not at all agreeing to contribute, she can only delay all Infinity expectations.

This is not a good thing. Because the longer the delay, the easier it is for accidents. However, does she also have another way? Thinking of this, Loki’s wry smile became deeper and deeper. But even with the bitter smile, the firmness in Loki’s eyes has not changed. Because at this moment she has made up her mind.

until now, none of her plans have succeeded. And this time, she must make oneself succeed anyway. Because this is not for her, or not just for she herself.

People always feel that they are stronger when they fight for others, even for guys like Loki.

Leaving Loki, the birthplace of the conspiracy, Zhou Yi walked straight to Odin’s palace. Frigga’s death was something he didn’t expect, and no matter what, he needed to go to condolences. As soon as he arrived at Odin’s bedroom, he immediately saw Thor walking out of the main bedroom.

When he saw Zhou Yi, Thor was taken aback. Then the whole person rushed to Zhou Yi’s front with the crackle arc in an instant, and then grabbed his collar.

“You dared to show up in front of me, you guy!”

For no reason, Thor was caught by the collar so suddenly, even Zhou Yi would have nothing good temper. However, considering that he just lost his mother, Zhou Yi held his temper and asked Thor under his throat.

“Thor, what do you mean? Did I offend you in any way?”

“Offend!” Thor not at all because of Zhou Yi’s tolerance Convergence, even because of this, the anger in his eyes became more intense. It was like a mass of lightning condensed together, so dazzling it was almost impossible for people to look directly at it. In this case, the arc on his body also began to become more lethal lightning and thunderbolt, and began to diffract unscrupulously toward the surroundings.

This naturally made Zhou Yi also within the range of his attack, but Thor not at all therefore controlled his own emotions, and even his emotions began to become more manic.

“I invite you to come here to protect Asgard, my relatives and the people of this World. But look at what you did?”

“You made my father fall into a sleepy dilemma. After my father handed over the rights to you, you actually let the entire Golden Palace completely open to the enemy completely undefended. It’s all because of your stupidity, my mother. Dead. Did you know? My mother is dead! The mother who brought me up is dead.”

Speaking of this, the electric light in Thor’s eyes became brighter. And under his anger, the rushing lightning began to leaned out towards Zhou Yi like a python getting up, and just when the lightning was about to bite Zhou Yi’s body. Zhou Yi was already coldly snorted and slammed Thor’s arm.

Suddenly, a heavier weight than the mountains or even the earth was applied to Thor’s body. And this weight immediately halted him, and all his movements stopped.

And not only the movements on his body, even the lightning surging around him was forced to be overwhelmed by the huge pressure. They are firmly bound to Thor’s body surface. Although these tyrannical electric lights are constantly undulating and jumping, no matter how they move, they can’t leave Thor around, let alone attack Zhou Yi again.

Looking at Thor, who was already unable to move, Zhou Yi slapped his hand and moved forward, grasping his neck, and then lifted him up in one breath.

“Listen, Thor. I don’t care what you think, I can tolerate your resentment because of this incident, but I can’t tolerate you pushing all your faults on me. “

“I promised you to help you through this catastrophe, to help you keep Asgard. But I did not promise that you would protect the integrity of each of you. Odin was met by the enemy because of impulse You have to blame me for this ambush? Frigga was killed because he wanted to protect Odin. You have to count on my head. Is there a trash can written on my head, so that you can take all the slander to your heart’s content Throw a good time, huh?”

A yelled question, but the pressure Thor was under soaring by three points, and this caused Thor, who had already reached his limit, immediately lost his persistence. Possible.

His body began to tremble, and his bones began to crackle. Although he is still mad and high-spirited in volition, in reality, his body can no longer withstand the pressure of this terrifying.

Large swaths of sweat flowed out of his body, and countless blood beads appeared from the skin little by little like bright red pearls. It was a capillary burst caused by excessive pressure. It will happen. And under this mixed condition of blood and sweat, Thor quickly turned into a vague blood man.

But this didn’t make Thor give in, because he also opened his mouth, so he immediately opened his mouth and asked Zhou Yi hoarsely.

“You dare to say that this is not your reason. If it were not for you to transfer the elite of the Golden Palace, how could my mother die. If it were not for you to decide to go to war with the enemy, let Brensch Erde and Martial Goddess all left here, how could the gate of the Golden Palace be broken by those enemies. Now, do you still have to shirk your own guilt, Zhou Yi?”

, Thor’s already dimmed almost invisible lightning blazed sharply. For almost an instant, the light it bursts almost illuminates the entire palace. But it was only this moment. After a moment, all the electric light suddenly disappeared. disappear without a trace, as if it didn’t exist at all.

The powerful force field bondage makes Thor’s lightning impossible to break through. Even if oneself has already raised all the power of oneself, it will not play any role in the final fight. Instead, Thor’s power collapsed earlier. “Guilty?”

Seeing Thor’s reaction like this, Zhou Yi immediately sneered.

“Do you think that everything I did was a stupid mistake? Then did you know that without me, now you Asgard would be facing the attack of 50 Legion under Surter. It’s Fenrir’s endless pack of wolves, the serpents engulfing the flood, and your countless avengers!”

“Without me, you thought you could be as comfortable as you are now Talking to me like that? It’s ridiculous. You didn’t even figure out whose mistake it was. You are like a mad dog and bite like a mad dog. You are also qualified to be the heir of Odin. Don’t crack a joke, you You don’t even have the wisdom of Odin 1/10000th. You are a complete idiot!”

Looking at Zhou Yi’s undisguised mockery and ridicule, Thor immediately felt that in oneself’s heart was like a volcanic eruption The rage. He suddenly grabbed Zhou Yi’s arm stuck on oneself’s neck, and violently pulled his arm. It can be seen that he seems very unconvinced. So even if you have become embarrassed, you will have to fight with Zhou Yi for hundreds of rounds to get justice to oneself again.

Looking at his unconvinced face, Zhou Yi’s sneer became more obvious.

“Why, do you think what I said is wrong? Or even if you accept my statement, you still don’t want to face this fact? You want to hit single fiercely in my face Fist it, you want to teach me fiercely. Come on!”

Leaving his hand abruptly, Zhou Yi looked directly at Thor’s muddy, unclear, full with cold eyes. It was the eyes of resentment and anger, and then opened his own arms, facing the furious Thor in an unguarded posture.

“I’m here to teach me. Let me see how much resilience Asgard Thor has, and let me see if you have the courage to wield the little hammer in your hand. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, just this time, I promise I won’t have any defense!”

The force field has been loosened, and the power has returned to Thor. And facing Zhou Yi, who was standing in front of oneself with his eyes closed, Thor, who was full of electric lights, did not move for a long time. Until a moment later, he jerked his own hand towards the sky.

There is a whistling sound. It is the sound of Mjölnir receiving summon. At the next moment, the thunder burst into action.

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