Sun God Marvel

Chapter 612

Looking at Hela, the noble and enchanting ruler of the underworld of Heim, who sat high on the throne, even if only half of his face was exposed, Malkis showed respect His attitude lowered his own head.

“Dear Queen Your Majesty, I invite you to come here, hoping to talk to you about cooperation.”

“Cooperation?” Upon hearing this question, Gao The queen sitting on the throne frowned immediately. Although he is the ruler of Ming Sect, Hela is a special kind of guy who is not willing to play tricks. In fact, she prefers to deal with dead people compared to dealing with living people. Because the dead are impossible to deceive her, but the living can.

But now she can’t ignore Malakis’ request. Not only because of his special status, but also because she does need the power that Malekis holds in her hands.

Even if he already has the largest and most powerful strength in this alliance, Hela is not completely sure to become the only leader in this alliance. After all, her strength is only limited to power, and in terms of true strength, she is far from being able to compete with Surter, which means destruction. So until now, she has no plans for a showdown. Without him, just lack of confidence.

The appearance of Malekis provided her with a very important external force. Although Malekiss own power can be said to be the weakest in the alliance, even he himself has to bend under their god Yemengade. However, Hela didn’t mean to underestimate this king.

And the most important reason for this is the cursed warrior in his hand. Those horror warriors made with the treasure in the hands of the Dark Gnomish King even have the strength to defeat the gods. If they really cooperate, she can immediately become the most powerful force in the entire alliance. So at this time, Hela had to admit that Own was really moved.

“How do you plan to cooperate with me? Or, what do you want from me?”

“I can give you 80% of the cursed warriors in my hand, as The ultimate weapon of our dark gnomes, I believe that their power will become the most advantageous weapon in your hands. And the price?”

Speaking of this, Malekis closed his mouth and showed his words. It stopped again.

Seeing his appearance, Hela immediately waved his hand and said to him impatiently.

“If you want to be straightforward, I don’t like to guess other people’s thoughts.”

“In this case, I’ll just say it.” There was a handsome face on his face. With a smile, Malekis raised his head and looked directly at the queen in front of him. “When I first became king, I heard about the beauty of Queen Hela. So please forgive me. I am willing to use fifty cursed warriors as a dowry to express my sincerest love to you.”

“Why, do you mean to propose to me?”

When he heard what Malekis said, Hela was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a playful smile.

“Have you heard of my beauty? The king of dark gnomes, if I remember correctly, before you start exile into the depths of the starry sky, there should be no news about me that has entered the underworld. , How do you know this?”

“There is always such little bit news spread.” With some embarrassed smiles on his face, Malekis quickly put on oneself The most sincere color that can be put on. “What’s more, I now have your lineup in front of Your Majesty, and this also confirms my thoughts. It is not as famous as meeting, Queen Your Majesty, your beauty has indeed fallen me, so please consider me This sincere proposal.”

“Don’t think about it!” Touching the bone mask on oneself’s face that just covers half of own from the middle of the face, Hela’s mouth is drawn with a smile of disdain . “I won’t agree to you.”

“The king of the dark dwarf, I don’t have the mood to play any rights game with you. I know your mind very well. It’s better to admire my beauty. Said to be greedy for my rights and the dead Spirit Warrior soldiers under me. I can cooperate with you, but it is only limited to cooperation. As for the deeper things, you should stop having that unrealistic fantasy!”

“Can I ask why?”

It’s the first time for Malekis to be rejected so simply. His self-esteem was immediately hit hard. But after all, he is also a king who has been in exile for many years. He was already not in arrogance, but learned to clip his own tail. So even now, he doesn’t look angry. Instead, he made a look of disappointment and lowered his head deeply.

As for this question, Hela obviously has no meaning to cover up. She glanced at Malekis below and said straight to him.

“The answer is simple. As a woman, I have not used my own marriage and happiness to trade with others. And, tell you the truth. The king of dark dwarves, you still can’t be my In the eyes. Power, power, and even wisdom, you have nothing to surprise me. So a man like you is basically impossible to be my partner. Be wise, so whether it is for you or for me It’s all a good thing.”

He held his own hand tightly, and even let oneself’s sharp nails pierced into the palm. Malekis suppressed oneself’s pierced heart and scorching anger with this sharp pain. He wanted to break out, but he didn’t dare to break out. Even on the contrary, he had to force oneself to smile against this Ming Sect queen.

“Really, that’s really a shame. If this is the case, then we may have to change some conditions to talk about our cooperation.”

” The best!” Hela looked at Malekiss with an obvious sneer and disdain, but in the positive words, she slightly reduced her own behavior. “Let’s go, the king of dark gnomes. What do you want? As long as I can give you, I can give you. If Asgard hadn’t blocked my way, I wouldn’t even want to participate in this boring game. So talk about what you want, as long as it doesn’t involve my underworld, you can make conditions.”

Although I saw the expression in Hela’s eyes, it involved personal interests. Malekis still blocked all the extra feelings of oneself. After thinking about it again and again, he said to Hela very clearly.

“I have three requirements.”

“Say it, let me see and talk about it.”

“First, I need your support. My country. Wattheim must return to my control, and the empire of dark gnomes must be re-established.”

For this request, Hela did not even think about it.

“Of course, there is no problem at this point. A trifling Wattheim, it won’t make our allies tear their faces.”

A good start , Malekis had some confidence in the next conditions. He opened his mouth tentatively and said.

“My second condition, I want Álfheim. I want all the elves there to submit to me.”

“Do you want to have two worlds?” Playfully With a smile, Hela did not give Malekis a clear answer, but said to herself. “The wolf in Fenrir wants Asgard as his territory. And Sirtel has already reached out to Jotunheim even after he has temporarily resided in Msbelheim. I also have some interest in Warnerheim. As for Álfheim, as far as I know, your God Yemengade seems to have shown considerable interest.”

“You can ignore the snake for the time being I just need your support to bring Álfheim into my own power.”

Faced with Hela’s statement, Malekis replied clearly. And from between the lines of his words, Hela could clearly feel his disdain and hatred for the god who had just recovered from the oneself race. This made her face immediately show a playful smile.

“Yes, but the God there needs to be dealt with by yourself. Of course, I think that shouldn’t be a problem for your cursed fighters.”

“Of course, As long as you have your support, these are not problems.”

Malakis, who was also satisfied with the second answer, was somewhat delighted and nodded. Then he pondered, and with a little hesitation, he said the third request of own.

“My third request is that you can help me kill the old undying fellow Yemengade. Of course, after everything is over.”

“Kill it Yemengjiade?” Upon hearing this request, even Hela Oneself felt a little weird. “If I remember correctly, Yemengade turns out to be the God you believe in. He has supported your dark gnomes for countless years. Why, at this time you actually want to kill him.”

“That’s all in the past!”

With a hateful wave of his hand, Malekiss face showed a hideous expression that couldn’t be more conspicuous.

“If it was before, I would not have any opinion on it. But since it died in the hands of its own brother as the river god of the Rhine. We dark gnomes have never suffered from it anymore. Favor. It is clearly not dead, but it would rather watch us being annihilated without daring to show it. And now, I have finally accumulated the strength to regain the country, but it didn’t even say hello to me, just let those damned Ayesha of Ayesha split most of the military power from my hands. It has reached this level. Do you think there is any room for relaxation between me and it?”

“The stupid right Struggle!” Looking at the flustered and exasperated, describing the ferocious Malekis, Hela cursed secretly in her heart, and squinted to him and asked. “Then what do you want me to do? You know, as the god of the Rhine, Yemengard is not so easy to die.”

“Of course I thought about this question, Hela Your Majesty.” Listen At this point, Malekis knew that the matter had been more than half successful. So he immediately confided all his own thoughts with joy. “I have arranged the manpower to prepare, as long as the time comes. I will let them break through the barrier between the Netherworld River Gior and the Rhine, and let the Nether-River Water directly mix into the Rhine. Once the water of the dead country Entering the river channel of the Rhine, Yemengade’s secret technique of undying on the Rhine River is mostly invalid. At that time, as the ruler of the underworld, you want to take away its soul. Isn’t it a matter with no difficulty? Is it?”

“You really are deliberate.” He sighed with emotion, but a smile appeared on Hela’s face. “But I appreciate your wit. Well, I have agreed to this condition.”

“Then, happy cooperation!”

I got what oneself wanted , Malekis raised his head immediately. He and the queen above looked at each other and laughed in unison.

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