In Canada, an artificial lake named Ekali. This is a large-scale artificial dam built by the Canadian government funded by the United States Government after World War II. The purpose is to provide convenient artificial irrigation and prevent summer flash floods in the area.

Because of the extremely abundant precipitation in the area, this dam formed a huge artificial lake shortly after the construction was completed. This makes the surrounding farmers and residents begin to migrate here consciously. In just a dozen years, a sufficiently large town has been formed.

For the residents of the town, this lake named Ekali has become an indispensable part of their lives. A large part of their living needs come from this lake, and this situation has been going on for several generations. However, the residents here would never have thought that the lakes they are familiar with and the dikes that have been abandoned for decades still hide amazing secrets.

Here is the secret base of General Stryker. The mysterious organization he leads hides in this abandoned dam.

In order to rebuild this dam, he spent a lot of effort. Its most important purpose is to prevent Mutants with various abilities from entering and leaving here. He regarded Mutant as a lifelong enemy, and even the own base was designed to deal with Mutant. In this base, besides his soldiers, the most is Mutant who was imprisoned by him.

With decades of hard work, his base was filled with his prisoners. Those are Mutant from all over the world. Some of them were transferred here after being arrested for a crime, but more were arrested by his men. Before that, they would never consider whether the person they arrested was a good person or a bad person. . What’s more, many of the Mutants they caught were still children.

In the eyes of Stryker and his soldiers, Mutant is not a human being. At this point, even Mutant’s children are the same, they don’t have the slightest burden in their hearts. You can even watch these Mutants being subjected to various inhumane experiments like animals.

As it is now.

A struggling Mutant was firmly locked in a seat. Several guys in white coats turned a small hole in his skull with a high-speed turning head, and then used The slender needle injects a liquid that looks a little strange in color.

The soldiers around did not even change their expressions a little bit. It seems that in their eyes, the guy being tested is not a human, but a guinea pig that’s all with a human appearance. They are used to it, used to everything in front of them, used to howls and screams in their ears. This is already an indispensable part of their daily lives.

No one will be interested in the pleading and pain of their experiment. What they are interested in is the result of this experiment.

Looking at Mutant’s pupils gradually diminishing, the struggling behavior slowly stopped. Instead of the previous few times when the physiological fluctuations were disordered to almost out of control, the surrounding white coats looked at each other. They saw a common expression in each other’s eyes-joy.

“General, we seem to have succeeded.” A guy in a white coat said to a reserved man standing next to them.

This is a man whose hair is a little gray, but still looks quite tough. He wears old-fashioned glasses, neatly combed beard and closed lips show that he is a pretty serious guy. The always straight waist and steady steps make his behavior full of strong military color. This is William. General Stryker, the top commander of this secret military base.

Hearing the report of the researcher, General Stryker walked quickly to the side of the experiment. If it was normal, Mutant here would wince like a frightened quail when he saw him coming to oneself even if he didn’t hate gnashing teeth. He is the devil in the eyes of all Mutant, which he himself will not deny.

At this moment, this Mutant’s expression is a bit strange. His eyes were fixed on Stryker, but there was no fluctuation in it, as if he was facing a stranger. And this can’t sum up all his abnormalities. If he insists on describing it, it can only be said that his expression is abnormally pure, as if he is a baby.

Stryker stared at his expression, and after a moment he put oneself’s blunt face in front of him, and lightly told him in such a close situation.

“Listen, Kane. I am your most respected person. You always follow my orders. No matter what I ask you to do, you will do it. You always think everything I say It’s all right. In order to accomplish what I said, you will do it at all costs.”

Mutant named Kane tilted his head and stared at Stryker, seeming to understand what he said. What does it mean the same.

Looking at Kane’s reaction, Stryker waved his hand and said, “Soldier, untie him.”

“General, I don’t recommend you to do this. Subject The 254’s ability is very dangerous, we don’t need to experiment in this way!” The white coat on one side listened to Stryker’s order and quickly dissuaded him.

This is just the most preliminary experimental result, there is no need to use this dangerous method to confirm the effect of the experiment. If the subject really loses control, with his ability, it is likely to cause a huge danger to everyone present. Not only Stryker, but they may even be injured or even die.

“One of the most important reasons I don’t like you guys is that you really don’t have the guts.” Stryker twitched the corner of his mouth. This was the greatest expression he was willing to show. . “Complete my order, soldier. Open his restraints.”

For the soldiers here, Stryker’s orders need to be executed unconditionally. Whether or not they are really in danger as the researcher said.

On the order of Stryker, several soldiers stepped forward. They opened the locks that were handcuffed to Kane’s limbs and completely released him from the hard steel seat.

Kane left the seat, not at all anything worrying, he looked around, and then slowly walked behind Stryker, like his shadow.

Stryker’s mouth stretched out a curved arc, obviously Kane’s performance satisfied him.

“Very well, Kane. Now, I order you to transform yourself.” He turned around and whispered to Kane behind oneself.

Kane hearing this took two steps back a little, and then the whole person began to change dramatically. His body was pulling up quickly, and the texture of his skin appeared like wood. Soon, his whole body became like this, it looked like a huge figure carved out of wood.

“no no no, Kane. It’s not like this kind of petty mess. I want you to become your most terrifying form. That kind of huge form.”

Kane’s wooden eyes rolled a few times, showing some hesitation. But soon he was nodded, and his body, which was more than two meters high, was undergoing changes again.

The wooden skin began to quickly cover up with a bark-like shell, his height rose again, and soon reached the top of the laboratory. On his head, the skull has changed into a shape that spreads outward, and a thick layer of green leaves covers his entire head. At first glance, it feels like looking at the canopy of another tree.

The changes in his limbs are equally astonishing. The huge arm can no longer see the shape of a human arm, but a thick stump with roots. A stump full of the thickness of an ordinary person’s waist extends from the position of his shoulders and swings with his shoulders. On his lower body, the same tree stump stands there, the difference is that the root system of his lower body is stronger and stronger. These thick roots even shred the thick concrete floor, firmly piercing oneself into the ground.

At this time, Kane has no human appearance at all. If he insists on saying, he looks like a big tree with a slight human shape.

This is the ability of the tree man Kane. When he is fully released, he can grow into a big human-shaped tree with a height of four meters. In this form, he can make slow movements. But it can use extremely huge power. The huge stump of the arm alone can cause a heavy impact of about two tons. And as long as there are tree roots deep in the ground under her feet, she can continuously absorb nutrients and strength from the ground, and recover oneself from various injuries.

And his hard wooden skin can even block the bullet shooting of ordinary automatic weapons.

In the records in the hands of Stryker, the strength, defensive ability, and recovery ability of the Treant Kane are beyond the general Mutant’s level. Among his many prisoners, it is also a very dangerous type.

However, this danger is completely within the scope that can be subdued. Because Kane’s ability can’t be maintained forever. If Kane maintains this ability for a long time, his brain will be gradually treed, and by that time he will really become a tree. Therefore, after a certain period of time, he will take the initiative to remove this form, and this time is not long, only about one or two hours.

Watching Kane transform into a huge tree, Stryker is not at all accidental. He is waiting, waiting for the final result. See if Kane will always follow his orders, or take the initiative to lift this form out of self-protection.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Kane’s face that looked like a contoured bark showed a difficult expression. However, he did not move, still maintaining the form of oneself Treant. And Stryker kept looking at him like this, watching his expression gradually stiffen, watching his original slightly shaking movements gradually stop, watching him just like this turning into a real tree in front of him.

Two hours later, Stryker knocked on Kane’s body, and there was a dull sound from the hard body. That is the sound of high-quality wood.

“Kane, Kane. Please reply!” He tried to call a few times, but Kane, who had completely turned into a tree, had completely lost his ability to speak. Although he is still alive from the point of view of life, from the point of view of human beings, he is actually already dead. Death of the brain.

Stryker, who couldn’t wait for Kane’s reply, took out his own gun and shot a few times on the tree. The bullet tore open the outer bark, but was embedded in the wood in the middle. If it was the usual Kane, he might have some movements when he could still feel the pain. But now, the whole tree is still.

“It looks really useful!” Coming to this conclusion, Stryker put away the gun, does not pay attention to the trees in front of oneself. “Soldiers, clean up this guy. Just chop it up and throw it out. Don’t stay here to get in the way!”

“Now, tell me. How sure are you to repeat this experiment? How much can you do? Dosage?”

The white coat discussed for a while, and quickly responded.

“If the raw materials can support, we can make a dose of about ten people. If more is needed, at least it will wait until Subject 147 recovers itself.”

“First use all the materials on your hands. I have a plan to use them.” Stryker waved his hand and ordered to go down. Then looked towards the outside of the laboratory.

There, in the prisons, many prisoners are looking at him with sad and hateful eyes. They are all Mutant.

“Mutant is a very useful tool, with them, my plan will soon be realized.” As he muttered to himself, Stryker clenched his fist fiercely. He has been waiting for this day for too long.

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