Sun God Marvel

Chapter 623

Fenrir has been completely angered, and Fenrir who has fallen into madness is an unstoppable existence. The steel forest is not as solid as his fur, and although the pulsating lightning stings his nerves and makes him howl from the pain, compared with the anger in his heart, these are all things that can be ignored. .

Like a manic wild boar, he plunged into the spear forest in front of him, but in an instant, Fenrir shredded oneself’s defense line that was created by countless Loki. And this was just the beginning. After doing all this, he immediately roared, charged towards the position where he had just abused own Loki.

“Maybe I should give you a title, mad dog! What do you think?”

Seeing Fenrir was about to rush to the owner, and Loki didn’t have any The meaning of fear. He sneered and continued his own mockery, making Fenrir even more angry and irrational.

“Loki, go die for me.”

The huge demon wolf broke through the lightning, and rushed to the front of the Loki who were waiting. At the next moment, he grew his own mouth and bit down at the countless Loki fiercely. The strange thing is that none of Loki made a dodge action. At this time, they reacted very uniformly, that is, standing in place, showing a uniform sneer at Fenrir who behaved so manic, full of mockery. sneer.

Can’t tell why, anyway, everyone who saw their expression felt strange. They wonder why they have such a smile, why they can be so confident at this time.

And next moment, they will know the reason. Because Fenrir, who seemed to be mad and clean without chewing the enemy, suddenly stopped owning at this time, and stayed there firmly like a statue without moving. If it wasn’t for his chest that was still undulating, and his mouth was still breathing hot and dirty aura, maybe someone would think that he was cursed like petrification?

Although he does not have a legendary curse magic like Sinopec, in fact he has caught something more troublesome.

Mind control! From the very beginning, Loki had this idea when facing Fenrir. She angered Fenrir time and time again, just to make this guy who had become a monster lose his mind. And in this kind of distraction, full of anger and shame, Fenrir’s defense is unlikely to be able to defend Loki’s strength strengthened by Mind Stone.

So unfortunately, Fenrir has become a prisoner. A captive controlled by Loki, like a doll.

“It’s an unexpectedly relaxing, unexpected result.”

It’s still the illusion that serves as a real body, he put on a pair of endowed with extraordinary intelligence He looked like he even walked up to Fenrir without defense at all and patted him with his hand to describe his hideous jaw.

Fenrir was naturally impossible to hurt him at this time, but the mouthful of filthy aura made this Loki change color instantly, and then retreated far to the side. And at this time, facing all around companions, whether your brain is sick or not, the illusion that has been smoked enough has to be strengthened and made a look of safety.

“In short, this guy is our toy now. You guys, what should we let him do? Should he go find the snake on the opposite side to perish together, or let him directly counterattack The undead on the opposite side.”

After all, it was something that was done temporarily, and after it was really successful, Loki was a little undecided. And this reaction to the outside world is that her illusions started to suggest you one by one.

“Why don’t you chain him and put on a saddle. I think he will be a good mount.”

“Illness, as I said, it’s better to slice and roast him. How about eating?”

“I still agree with the suggestion of letting him attack Yemengade, and control the big snake while they suffer from both sides. In this case, we have our hands. The trump card is even more sufficient!”

Some of the phantoms’ suggestions are purely boring nonsense, and some are full of words. But no matter which one it was, the people who heard their conversation felt a burst of inexplicable heart palpitations. Imagine that even terrifying monsters like Fenrir have been manipulated by Loki using Ghost God’s unpredictable means. So who can be sure that oneself will be the exception and the special one?

No one wants to be a doll. This is the same idea whether it is Superhero of the human world or the monster of this world. Of course, in the current situation, the fighters on Asgard’s side have some rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, Loki is on their side. But on the other hand, Yemengard said that it was unacceptable.

It has been paying attention to the situation of the battle. It did not expect that Fenrir’s raid would end in such a funny way, and it did not expect that in a blink of an eye, this guy would become a puppet controlled by the other party and would threaten To own weapons. This makes it both resentful and worried. Because it was also not sure that oneself could escape from Loki’s insidious means.

Of course, the power that wants to control other people’s minds is not something that can be used casually. If he really has that kind of ability, it is estimated that oneself and Fenrir can be used at first Take control together in the palm of your hand.

Squinting his eyes for a moment, Yemengada made such a statement in the heart of owner. He believed that such a powerful and strange power must have its limits, and what it has to do now is to take a gamble.

“You have also seen that Fenrir’s idiot has been controlled by the enemy. This is no longer the time to scruple him. For your queen’s orders and will, attack. Missed this opportunity , Not only will you not be able to get out of your body, you may also be greeted by Queen Hela’s anger. When the time comes, it will be too late if you regret it again!”

The undead, Yemengjia said to the officers who command the undead in oneself deceptive language.

As a formed unit, the undead army is naturally impossible and all controlled by Fenrir alone. Those powerhouse monsters who died in the past are the key to controlling this army. Before that, they had to obey Fenrir’s orders and did not give Yemengade a chance to reach out. But now, the opportunity is in front of Yemengade, and it naturally has no reason to give up.

The undead who are the lower class don’t know the lag between the influential figures. And in this situation where the leader is captured and cannot withdraw from negotiations. Accepting Yemengade’s order has become their only choice.

So after a brief period of confusion, this group of undead army moved again. Along with the still surging flood, an endless army rushed again. And this time, Loki’s face really fell silent looking at the undead who attacked again.

He originally wanted to use his intimidation to delay a little time, but now it seems that this goal seems unlikely to be achieved. The enemy neither fell into a panic because of his own ability, nor did he care about Fenrir’s life. The issue of determination alone was enough to make Loki feel tricky.

Because, as Yemengard guessed, her abilities are indeed limited. A Fenrir is already the limit, and she is impossible to control the existence of God at this level.

But this does not mean that she has no other way. Conspiracy will always only be a supporting role in the war, and what really determines the direction of victory in the war is always the fight of real things and the contest between absolute strength. Loki knew this very well, so she wasn’t thinking about it anymore.

“Everyone, it’s time for us to work hard!”

With a casual call, the real Loki has walked to the front, facing the opposite side in the front position The terrorist army. Behind her, all the phantoms have been replaced with oneself’s most familiar weapon, gearing up one by one, ready to fight.

It’s not just them, even the vanguards who have retreated to the second line have begun to move forward in order. They will take over their heavy responsibilities when Loki’s illusion cannot support them, and continue to buy precious time for Asgard.

This is Loki and Thor’s plan. Everything is planned on the premise of delay. Even if it turns out that they may all die here, as long as Asgard can buy precious time, they have the determination and courage to do so.

Controlling Fenrir’s body, Loki in full armor jumped directly onto Fenrir’s back. She regarded this terrifying monster as an own mount, and wanted to use his power to deal with these terrifying undead. Of course, just relying on his strength may also be limited. Thinking of this, Loki took an involuntarily glance at the pack of wolves hiding in the local army. These Fenrir’s heirs can also play a harassing role compared to at this time.

“Order your children to attack. To the monster beside them, create the best opportunity for us to attack.”

Stepping on the body under oneself’s feet, Loki is like Commanding Fenrir as if controlling a marionette. Under her order, Fenrir immediately raised his neck and let out a terrifying, terrifying howl.

After the long howl, countless wolves howled one after another. From the army of the undead, from the tide of the waves. And next moment, those Fenrir’s offspring, whether they are alive demon wolf or dead, the guy who crawled out again as the dead suddenly became crazy and launched a surprise attack on any monster beside oneself. .

They are either in groups of three or four, or directly alone in a sneak attack. In just a moment, an inevitable commotion was caused in the undead army on the way. Even Yemengard did not expect that the enemy would actually seize this loophole. What it didn’t even expect was that the commotion caused by a wolf pack sneak attack would be so great.

Those chaotic monsters attacked by a cup of wolves and immediately began to fight back frantically. The goal is not only to attack their demon wolf, but also other monsters around him have been affected a lot. And the monster, who has always been chaotic and irritable, is basically impossible to do submit to humiliation, so a big take action becomes inevitable.

In the middle of the team, it became a mess. And seeing this, how could Loki be able to bear it.

“The whole army assault!”

With an order, the phantom army finally launched a charge.

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