Sun God Marvel

Chapter 629

“My doom?”

Malekiss facial features began to twist, the muscles on his face twitched, and then he began to laugh wildly.

“Daydreaming, who do you think I am? I am a king, a king who is destined to rule everything and regain everything. No one can defeat me, no one can kill me. I am destined Choose, I am the one who can laugh last.”

“You yourself will not believe this, Malekis. This is just your ridiculous self-comfort, your heart has begun Shaking, I can feel it!”

Faced with Malkis’s madness, Loki, who was also hung there, began to laugh. And her sneer apparently revealed the unknown part of Malekis’s heart, which immediately made him angry.

“Shut up, you two vulgar guys. Otherwise, I will immediately let you never have the ability to speak with this mouth.”

“hehe, wait for us I know who is the one who has lost this ability!”

Ignoring this nasty threat, Loki still spit out venomous words on his own. But her words immediately destroyed all the fragile lines of defense in Malekis’ heart.

“Enough, I wanted to save you a little life so that you could see me destroying your kingdom with your own eyes. But now, I have changed my mind, and now I will destroy you The life, your soul, make you completely ashes, a cornerstone under the tombstone of Asgard!”

“If you have this ability, come and try! Damn bastard, Let’s see who will be part of the tombstone.”

Thor roared angrily, but the already controlled body made him even more unable to stop Malekis from doing anything. As for Thor, who can only show oneself formidable power by roaring, Malekis naturally has no fear. He just walked to their side with a grin, and then stretched out a hand to them.

The scarlet radiance surged over his palm, swaying between Thor and Loki like a living Viper. Of course, this is much more dangerous than snakes. Viper’s fangs are not a threat to God’s safety, but this scarlet power has such a formidable power, and can even directly Oblivion their lives.

Thor and the others are very sure about this, because it is not the first time they have come into contact with this power. So for his behavior, Thor roared at him like an angry lion.

“What do you want to do, Malkis, come at me for anything? You are not allowed to hurt her, if you hear, you are not allowed to hurt her!”

“Why, do you care about this woman?”

Looking at Thor’s impatient appearance, Malkis’s heart with little measure suddenly developed deep malice.

“But what can you do now, do you think you are still the brave Thor? No, now you are just a prisoner under my hand. You, and even her life, is mine Under control, I let you live, and you can live. I let you die, and you have only dead end.”

Speaking of which, it is hard to find the happy Mahler from this humble satisfaction Keith immediately laughed wildly and proudly.

“As the king, I can show you a special exception!”

“I will give you a choice!” The scarlet Viper entangled Thor’s On the body, the power above quickly made Thor feel a suffocation. “You can choose one person to die first, and the remaining one, I will treat him as a sacrifice to my new kingdom. How about, what is your choice? Is it you? Or she?”

“One will die first, the other will die later. Tell me, who do you choose to let first?”

This crazy evil taste made Thor angrily yelled, even Loki was full of resentment The land looked towards Malekis. But as he said, they don’t at all have room for resistance, and all they can do is choice.

“Let me come, let me die first. You are not allowed to hurt her, let me come first.”

“No, let me come first. Let him go, let me Come first.”

The kind of self-mutilation that Malekis wanted to see not at all happened. The appearance of two people fighting for death made him say no in his heart. Out of disgust, and jealousy. Although expensive, Malekis couldn’t find such a woman who could play such tricks with oneself, and because of this, he increasingly wanted to get rid of these two annoying guys.

“No, I suddenly changed my mind. You two are going to die now, I can’t wait!”

The scarlet Viper suddenly split into two, entangled firmly These two hard-working mandarin ducks. This caused them pain, so that they could hardly breathe, and even their entire faces began to twist. Looking at their distorted faces, Malekis laughed haha.

“That’s it, that’s it. It’s this distorted expression, it’s such a happy expression. Go to death, you two, go die for me. Please use your most desperate pain to please Me. I am the last victor, I am the last king!”

“The king? All I saw was a dirty, unknowing maggot.”


A voice suddenly appeared beside Malekis, and the appearance of this voice caused the guy who was still crazy just now to immediately turn around and yell in the direction behind oneself.

“Who is it, who is there? Come out to me!”

“You want me?”

Radiance flashed by, Thor and There was already a figure suddenly added to Loki’s side. In his hands were two scarlet Vipers that were constantly twisting. With a little effort, the scarlet’s light spot immediately burst out like a broken crystal powder. Looking at this situation, Malekis immediately narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

“You are the guy, the hero they say can save the world?”

“I don’t know if this World can be saved, but I know, I can definitely kill You. Maggots!”

The tone can’t be more plain, but the meaning is enough to make a conceited person like Malekis generate endless poisonous fire from his heart.

“Only by you, a small insect with a hidden head and exposed tail, dare to speak such big words? Give me up and kill him.”

The last two who have been standing by his side A cursed warrior heard the order and strode up immediately. Although they knew that the guy in front of them was dangerous, it was a threat that had killed ten people like them, but their natural obedience and loyalty forced them to do what their king ordered.

In the past, for such a loyal dog, Zhou Yi also means show mercy. But now, all his mind has been put on his own old rivals, and he has no interest at all to play kindly games with these guys.

Seeing a cursed warrior who ran up quickly stretched out his fist at oneself, he immediately punched him back.

The two fists collided in midair, the golden radiance and the scarlet streamer slightly opposed, and then it ended with a complete defeat by one side in an instant.

Starting from the colliding fist, cursing the armor of the warrior, the skin muscles underneath, and the deep skeleton nerve system began to fall apart under the force of this impact, spreading from the arm to the half body, and then to the whole body. Everything was affected by the shock, and everything was destroyed in an instant. It’s like a broken crystal, or a paper man burning in flames. In an instant, he shattered and flew at the speed that naked eye could reach, leaving nothing but a corpse, but not even a complete part. Apart from ashes, there is only ashes.

This situation is naturally caused by Zhou Yi’s power, but his power is not the whole reason. Part of which is also due to feedback from the power of Infinity Gem. This kind of gemstone has always been harsh for the unqualified, and this time is no exception.

But for Malekis, this situation is really beyond his imagination. The cursed warrior is one of his greatest reliances, and the most important and powerful warrior of the Dark Gnomes. They were once taboo, because their power made the dark gnomes themselves feel terrified.

But now, the so-called taboo is slaughtered like a chicken that cannot be resisted. Do not! It was not a massacre, it looked like it was accidentally trampled to death! This kind of stimulation really makes this king who broke the taboo somewhat unacceptable.

Although it is also a cursed warrior, Malekis has no hope for him to gain something. What he can now rely on is oneself’s biggest trump card, and this trump card is Infinity Gem!

Reality Stone, this scarlet Infinity Gem has the power to distort reality. Once upon a time, it was the treasure of the dark gnomes and the symbol of their king. But with Odin’s victory, such a treasure was also banned, knowing that Loki had stolen it.

It fell into the hands of Zhou Yi and became a powerful backing for him to fight Thanos. Although in the end, such a thing fell into the deep space due to the collective runaway of Infinity Gem, but the invisible fate brought it back here, back to the hands of its former owner.

Malkis, as the king of this generation of dark gnomes, is the holder of this gem. And it also firmly believes that the power of Infinity Gem can help it overcome the terrifying existence in front of it.

However, as soon as the scarlet halo spread out from his body, a hand had already torn the radiance and penetrated deeply into his chest.

“The Reality Stone is a familiar thing. I forgot to say that such a thing was once in my pocket! So, I am no stranger to it than you! In contrast, this Infinity Gem seems to prefer me to be its owner, rather than your rubbish!”

With a volley, he blasted another cursed warrior into the air like a piece of paper. Zhou Yi put his hand in Malekis’ chest and said to him.

Looking at what happened before him, Malkis made a painful and hoarse voice.

“How is this possible?”

Blood spouted from his chest. But this is not the most important thing. Most importantly, the scarlet brilliance was rushing frantically and uncontrollably, and as the hand withdrew from his chest, a scarlet gem had appeared in his hand.

Infinity Gem is no longer owned by him. It once again found a more suitable owner for oneself!

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