Sun God Marvel

Chapter 632

A shuddering chewing sound echoed continuously in the empty space, and listening to this sound, Loki, who had just regained his vitality, couldn’t help but frowned. At the same time Also paled.

“He was just eaten like this?”

“Of course, clean, probably not even a bit of residue.”

Replied this way, Zhou Yi appeared in this terrifying cannibalism scene with Thor, who had a bad face. Seeing the three suddenly appeared, Fenrir immediately showed a fierce expression.

“It’s you, what are you doing here? I tell you, there is only dead end here. If you don’t want to die, please leave here as soon as possible.”

“Dead end? If you are talking about that stupid little action, you don’t have to worry about it at all.” shook the head, Zhou Yi on the surface is an explanation, but in fact, Fenrir’s escape probability has been eliminated. “She doesn’t seem to understand what happened? The Reality Stone is already in my hands. Do you think that the dark matter nirvana device he activated will have any use?”

Fenrir was taken aback, then immediately licked oneself’s bloody lips with a grin.

“This guy died unjustly. Such a stupidity, it is a miracle to live now!”

“I think so too, but I’m not talking about him now Time.” Looking at Fenrir who almost exploded the hair, Zhou Yi spoke frivolously, but it made Fenrir’s bones start to shudder creak creak. “I want to talk about you, or let’s see if you are willing to cooperate with me. Of course, you can try to oppose it, but you have to think carefully about the consequences!”

“Is this a threat?” he muttered and flinched. Fenrir clearly saw oneself’s current situation. And soon, he couldn’t retreat. Because Thor was already behind him.

“Of course, you can think so. Now tell me what your answer is? My patience is exhausted!”

Loyalty or betrayal. This is not a difficult choice for Fenrir. He has never been a loyal guy, and in this situation where life is threatened, his choice is almost without any hesitation.

“Well, what do you want to know, or what do you want from me? Tell them all.”

Sit on the floor as if confessed, Fen Lille immediately changed from a fierce wolf to a gentle large domestic dog. This made Thor show his disdain for expression, but also made Zhou Yi smile.

“The wise choice saves you and me a lot of trouble!”

Walking straight to Fenrir, Zhou Yi looked up almost unguardedly Looking at the dog, which is a little bigger for him, he asked directly.

“I want to know, where did Thanos aura on you come from? Or he also has another name, Nied Hogun!”

” Nied Hogun, you Looking for him?”

Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Fenrir immediately eyes shrank, revealing a dangerous expression. He stared at Zhou Yi in front of oneself, staring at the guy whose whole body exuded the light that disgusted him. It seems to be thinking about whether it is better to tell the secret or to eat him.

But his reason gave him the answer, and made the most correct choice at this time. He lowered his head, made a respectful look, and then asked in a low voice, softly.

“So, my lord, what do you want to know? About Nieder Hogun?”

“First of all, my question, your relationship with him. If you say The guy who knows him best in this world should be me. As an enemy, his aura makes me sick and at the same time I feel the most familiar. You have his aura on your body, and it’s more obvious than last time, so Tell me about your relationship. Your relationship with Thanos, Nied Hogun.”

“Woo…” There were horrible roars from his throat, Fen Lille seemed suddenly full of irritable desires. But soon, he used own reason to suppress this desire.

“Nid Hogun, Thanos in your mouth. He is my master. He is the guy who changed me into this appearance. He is also the great being who saved me last time and gave me the chance to be born again.”

“Great existence, then you have betrayed your great existence completely!”

Thor, who was originally extremely dissatisfied with what Fenrir did, couldn’t help but tell The voice laughed. But for this ridicule, Fenrir expressed unusual calmness.

“No matter how great a fellow is, compared with oneself, it is nothing worth mentioning. The so-called betrayal, once compared with oneself, is not it all with no difficulty?”

While Thor’s shameless answer, it also made Loki nodded secretly. In essence, they are a type of existence, but this is not the key to Zhou Yi’s concern.

“Very good, then the next question. Do you know his current situation? Or how long will it take him to recover?”

The word “recovery?” Obviously, he felt so severely disturbed that at this time he could not bear the emotions in oneself’s heart and said directly. “How is this possible? He is obviously in a state of Death. He is the dead sleeping under Uktra Hill. Only Hela can wake him up temporarily. How can he recover.”

” Is that so? Interesting. What is restricting him, World Tree? So what other conditions does he need? A condition that must be solved for Asgard to cause Ragnarök?”

Knock Knock on the own helmet to make this divine tool called the light of justice emit a crisp sound. As Zhou Yi said so, he cast his blazing eyes on Fenrir. Obviously, he was waiting for this guy to answer. However, Fenrir at this time expressed the meaning of powerlessness.

“Although I seem to have a bit of identity, in fact, I am just a slave to Nieder Hogun and even Hela. You think you will tell such an important secret A servant, a house dog?”

“There is some truth to it. In this case, then you have only one role left. Take me to find him, and then end it all.”

The final decision was made, Zhou Yi said to Fenrir. And hearing him say this, this already docile fellow like a domestic dog slammed his own body and once again exposed the ferocious nature of a dangerous wolf.

“Then, it’s my turn. I have a question. If I take you to find him. What will happen to me, will you just let me go like this? Or, use your believe Will oneself infallible justice destroy me?”

“What do you say?”

I didn’t answer this question, or disdain to answer it. Zhou Yi turned around like this and said to him.

Fenrir still didn’t understand what he meant while watching his actions like this. He simply did not intend to let oneself go, and now he was left with nothing but cheap mercy. Live for a while, and when he finds Ned Hogun, it is the time of his death. This is his real answer.

In the face of such an answer, Fenrir did not even have the ability to resist. He could only gritted his own teeth, dragged oneself’s body that had not yet been completely recovered, and walked with difficulty to the front of Zhou Yi, and then led him to the place of Ned Hogun.

While looking at his miserable and even tragic silhouette, neither Thor nor Loki looks like a hatred. For such a guy who has abandoned his humanity and everything, isn’t this kind of experience a pleasant one?

“Let’s go, let’s go back to the Golden Palace. Make the final defense!”

Seeing Fenrir and the two disappear in front of the owner, Thor said so. What he didn’t know was that at this time, the Golden Palace was already in ruins. Because at this moment, the demon fire that destroys the world has already spread above the Golden Palace, and it has skyrocketed.

“What a stupid guy. I’m so stuck on this land and never left. If that’s the case, please turn me to ashes.”

Twilight Sword and Thunder Warding swept through, and the ruthless fire of extinction had already burned all the soldiers in front of oneself to ashes. Behind him, Heimdall held his own sword with difficulty, half-kneeling there, while flowing red divine blood, while speaking weakly to him.

“Stop, you monster. I decided not to allow you to harm my king.”

“You mean Odin, the trash?” The Balrog turned his head back. , Showing a playful smile. “I think you must have understood it wrong. I don’t have any thoughts about that waste. In fact, if it’s just him, I don’t need to fight. From the very beginning, our goal is not him.”

“What do you want? Sirtel?”

“Good question!”

Turning around, the flames on Sirtel suddenly swelled and burned through. The top floor of the entire palace caused countless masonry beams and pillars to fall down with the rain of fire. And he just wandered in this flame, walked to Heimdall’s side, and then squeezed his head like an insect, and picked him up.

“Tell me, where is the door and key to the crown of World Tree? If you say it, maybe I can give you a good time.”

“You dream, I will never tell you this secret.”

Although very weak, Heimdall’s answer is still and decisive. And this answer obviously made the Balrog Lord very dissatisfied.

“Really stupid answer, then goodbye, God of Dawn!”

Speaking of this, Sirtel immediately twisted his own fingers, as if to pinch Crushing the shell of a peanut is like crushing Heimdall’s head. This kind of pain is naturally unimaginable, so that even a strong guy like Heimdall couldn’t help hissing loudly. And at this time, a radiance like a meteor suddenly exploded and shot Surter’s wrist.

Radiance immediately penetrated there, and Suerter, who was suddenly attacked, immediately covered his wrist and looked towards there with an angry expression. But when he saw the attack on the owner, the expression on his face suddenly became vivid.

The change from anger to joy, and the reason for all of this is that Martial Goddess, who stands there with golden lance in his hand, is valiant and formidable looking to admiration.

“Let him go, Lord of the Balrog. Your opponent is me!”

“Is that right, I don’t think so. Brunhild, you are destined to be me Yes!”

Crazy and proud, the Balrog King gave his answer.

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