The flame is still burning, but the burning posture seems to be frozen for a moment, as if time has been suspended. However, this is not a real time pause, except for the Time Stone among the gems that claim to have Infinity power. In this world, it can be said that nothing can pause time.

Even the Time Stone, Zhou Yi did not believe that it could really suspend the timeline of the entire universe. If such an ability really existed, the universe would have collapsed long ago. It can be said that he still has a wait-and-see attitude towards the capabilities of those Infinity Gem.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no similar ability in the world. Because time is a relative thing. It’s just that it is absolutely fair to the overwhelming majority of people in the world, so some people have the idea that All living things are equal in the face of time. For those very few people, time is not fair.

For example, the two brothers who have lived for hundreds of years and are still wandering around, or the existence that appeared in front of Zhou Yi at this moment.

Professor Charles, he is a guy treated unfairly by time. It’s just that he wasn’t given special care physically like the two brothers. Charles, his special care lies in his mind.

At this moment, Zhou Yi was drawn into Charles’ spiritual world within the realm, and in this Charles’ spiritual world, time has been suspended. Everything that exists in the physical world is completely solidified here. All of this, including Charles himself and Zhou Yi’s body, but here, their thoughts are free.

Time cannot confine their thoughts, because thought has no boundaries.

Seeing Charles staring at oneself with a smile on his face, Zhou Yi sighed helplessly and tried to take a cigarette out of his pocket. But in this World, everything is static. And this naturally includes cigarettes that should not exist. It does not exist in this freeze frame time, so it is naturally impossible to be taken out by Zhou Yi.

“Professor, I just want to give this young man a little small sect training, there is no need to pull me in here!”

The bald professor stood up Body, walked in front of Zhou Yi. Here, his spirit got rid of the shackles of his aging body, and he could do that.

“Of course I believe that you have a sense of measure, so I did not invite you here for this young man. Or, this is just an incidental issue.” “Why, you are in trouble. I But I haven’t heard Ororo and the others say!” Squeezing the bridge of his own nose, Zhou Yi was thinking about what the professor needs oneself to help. Over the years, because of Ororo, Jean Grey, and Clarice, his relationship with school has been heating up. But school has never asked oneself to give them any help. Whether it is political or economic. Never before.

They just silently maintain oneself’s isolated position in society, and do their best to protect some Mutants. Although they can do more with the help of Zhou Yi, they don’t at all do it. And this is why Zhou Yi is willing to accept this group of Mutants.

Because it shows that they do not want to use oneself, but maintain a friendly exchange relationship. They regard oneself as a friend and treat oneself with sincerity. Then it is enough for Zhou Yi to give them back with sincerity.

“There are some things that I don’t want Ororo to worry about. That would be dangerous to them.” Professor laughed. “And for you this danger does not exist. So I hope to get your help.”

“Well, I agree. Come and hear what the problem is. Let’s You are not at ease with your own proud student.”

“I have an old friend who now has a dangerous idea. But this idea needs the ability of a new student in my school to help him Finished, so I hope you can protect my new student during this period of time.”

“An old friend?” Zhou Yi was surprised. “It’s not a nameless person who can be called an old friend by you. Can I know the name of this guy with a bad idea?”

“Erik. Lanchel, this is my The name of an old friend.” The professor showed an expression of remembrance. “Of course, humans gave him a more powerful nickname, Magneto.”

Weily curl one’s lip, Zhou Yi felt that oneself seemed to be pitted by this old bald head. The name Magneto in this world can be described as an influential figure like thunder piercing the ear, which almost triggered the war between the two superpowers during the Cold War. It was not cracking a joke.

And this is not the most famous thing about this Magneto. The most shocking thing he did to the world was to use his own ability to create a metal city on the Pacific Ocean.

Using oneself’s super control over the magnetic field, Magneto forcibly extracted countless metals from the seabed veins, creating a huge city. And with the help of Earth’s own magnetic power, he even turned this city into a city of eternal sun.

Earth’s magnetic field provides endless energy for this city, making him move unpredictably along with Earth’s turbulent electromagnetic field like a giant ship on the sea. This is the city of Magneto and also the city of Mutant. Humans cannot even reach this place because it is hidden in the deepest part of the turbulent magnetic field, which is a walking Bermuda Triangle. Only Magneto knows how to get in and out of here, and only those Mutants can accept his invitation and enter his city.

He, like Professor Charles, is a well-deserved leader of Mutant. However, if Charles is a peaceful faction advocating exchange, then Mr. Magneto is a complete military force faction. And he himself is also the most powerful existence among Mutant.

If possible, Zhou Yi really doesn’t want to face the king of Mutant. His ability is quite troublesome, even Zhou Yi did not have the confidence to defeat him. According to Zhou Yi’s estimation, the best situation is a 50-50 situation. And this is obviously the same as the professor estimated.

“Professor, you don’t want me to compete with this well-known Mr. Magneto.” Zhou Yi didn’t quite understand what Professor Charles meant. From that point of view, let him To deal with Magneto has exceeded the upper limit of their relationship.

It is true that he and Mutant are friends, but they are not to the extent that they are going to kill themselves for the benefit of their friends. Don’t say that Charles was worried about his students and asked Zhou Yi to solve the stupid things. There are countless Mutants in danger in the world. If he was really worried about Mutant’s safety, he would have asked him for help. It wouldn’t be until now.

Allowing Zhou Yi to help means that the benefits contained in this request are worth paying for with their friendship.

“I know Erik.” Professor Charles saw Zhou Yi’s doubts and slowly explained. “We are an old friend, I want to know him. He is a talented guy. We have had the best cooperation in the world. And even today, after we parted ways, our beliefs have not changed. It’s me and him, both fighting for Mutant’s survival. It’s just that we have different means of fulfilling this belief that’s all.”

“But there is one thing I’m sure that he will not make Things that hurt Mutant. Unless there is a reason for compelled by circumstances. And now he has that reason.”

Listen to Professor Charles telling the inside story one after another. Zhou Yi said uncertainly.

“Are you sure Magneto wants to use this so-called Mutant modification device to influence all dignitaries participating in the summit meeting so that they can open up various unequal treaties to Mutant? It sounds like a good thing. “

“If there are no other side effects, this is indeed a good thing. But Erik’s experiment is not perfect. This morning, a congressman whom he used as an experiment has unfortunately passed away. The reason is genetic Collapse.”

“Wow! This is really unfortunate news.” Zhou Yi has some thoughts of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. He had heard of the name of this congressman, and he was an extreme anti-Mutant vanguard. He is also a guy that Zhou Yi hates, so the news of his death is good news from a certain perspective.

“The situation is not what you think.” After insight into Zhou Yi’s mind, the professor corrected it. “This genetic collapse is irreversible. Once it is used by Erik at the summit. All participants and the innocent people around will be in danger of life. This is likely to cause war.”

” Okay!” Zhou Yi, who realized the seriousness of the matter, straightened his face. “What do you want me to do?”

“To be precise, I don’t want you to do it. But what do I want Dawn Knight to do?” Professor Charles crafty laughed, another of Zhou Yi’s Identity not at all hides this wise old man.

“I knew I couldn’t hide it from you!” Zhou Yi shrugged indifferently. He knew in his heart that his own identity was difficult to keep secret in front of this old man. As the most powerful Psychic Ability Owner in the world, his Telekinesis was enough to allow him to recognize the difference of all species. And Dawn Knight, the extremely powerful and arrogant Superhero, has no reason to ignore it. Once he enters the observation net of his spirit, all the secrets will be revealed. He was mentally prepared for this kind of thing.

“Then you agree?” This is the last inquiry, and this also represents the attitude of the professor. He is requesting rather than requesting, and the initiative is in the hands of Zhou Yi.

“I have no reason to refuse, do I?” With a wry smile, Zhou Yi made his own attitude clear. The identity of Superhero prevents him from rejecting Professor Charles’ proposal.

“Don’t worry, my young friend.” Hearing Zhou Yi’s response, the professor obviously relaxed his mind. “My old friend is not without weaknesses. For you, there may be one of the most labor-saving methods.”

Listening to this old man’s plan, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but feel that Mr. Magneto, who has not yet masked his face, felt a trace of sadness. Is it too pitiful to be plotted against by the most familiar owner? However, thinking of the future relationship between him and own, Zhou Yi decisively abandoned this sympathy.

People will always be a little better to oneself, and who will not be an exception to this.

After talking about the business, Professor Charles silently disappeared before Zhou Yi’s eyes. In an instant, it seemed that time began to flow again. The huge gap made Zhou Yi almost forget that also a poor Little Brat stood in front of oneself.

The hurricane’s flames instantly turned into countless flying fire stars. Even so, it scared this Mutant named John. As a student in the school, he had never been exposed to fighting, but he was truly traumatized.

But this is not in Zhou Yi’s consideration, his mind has been filled with Professor Charles’s plan. Thinking of Charles’ plan, he looked at this elegant manor. It seems that we have to find a way to solve the most critical link as soon as possible. If there is an accident, it really doesn’t seem like Ororo has explained it.

With this mind in mind, he just walked past John. He didn’t notice the flame in the youngster’s eyes. However, even if he noticed it, maybe he wouldn’t care. After all, they are not creatures to a certain degree, and there is no overlapping probability at all.

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