Sun God Marvel

Chapter 651

“No thanks, Little Brat. I saw your past. This is a very interesting story for me. So, just take this as my reward.”

Looking at Zhou Yi in front of him, Nemesis nodded with a smile. Said this to him. It can be seen that for some reason, she seems to have a special kindness towards Zhou Yi.

And for such generosity, Zhou Yi would like to thank him immediately. But at this time, the dragon who had just reacted suddenly roared.

“Return the Infinity Gem to me, damn thief. Give it back to me, or I will tear your soul apart!”

Lost Infinity Gem is equivalent to Thanos Yu lost everything. Everything he relies on is based on the power provided by Infinity Gem, without these. He is nothing but an undying Xiaoqiang. Especially in front of Zhou Yi, his old enemy, he didn’t even have the qualifications to stand.

Thanos oneself also knows this, and because of this, he has already lost his emotional control. Even though it seemed that the situation was very unfavorable for oneself, he still yelled at Nemesis, who looked strange.

But for Nemesis, such a roar is no different from the annoying buzzing of flies on the own ear.

With a wave of his hand, the body of the magic dragon was pulled in front of her like a doll. And after staring at this ugly and terrifying monster with oneself eyes full of Star River radiance, Nemesis let out a disgusting voice.

“It’s really an ugly soul. Such a life shouldn’t exist in this universe.”

“Ha, it’s ridiculous. You seem to be able to decide who should exist or It doesn’t exist. If you have the ability, you can try it and see if you can kill me.”

Faced with Nemesis’s words, Thanos suddenly ridiculed. . With the body of undying, even if he is not the opponent of this group, he can also use this method to disgust his opponent. For now, this seems to be the only opponent he can cause harm to the opponent.

However, Nemesis does not seem to think so. She squinted her eyes and took a close look at the fearless dragon in front of her, before she laughed disdainfully.

“This is what you rely on? The curse from Death? You take it too high, but in fact it is not at all as useful as you think.”

After this, Nemesis just hooked his fingers and made an action on the dragon as if he had picked a thread. With this movement of her, Thanos immediately felt that something entangled with his life was quickly escaping from his life.

He doesn’t know what it is, but he can feel that this thing is very important. So that at this time he immediately exclaimed.

“Woman, what did you do? Why do I feel this way?”

“I cut off your curse and made you a physical body and mortal flesh completely . And now, I really want to know, in this case, what else can you rely on?”

The indifferent tone made Thanos stunned for a while. But after a while, he suddenly expressed surprise and asked.

“You mean, I can go to Death’s country?”

Death is not terrifying for Thanos. In fact, that world is the world he most wants to go to. He has pursued Ms. Death for countless years, but he has been haunted by this curse. If someone helped him untie this curse, it would really be a great help to him.

However, in response to his expectation, Nemesis showed a playful smile.

“No, you are dead. There is nothing left. Your body, your life and your soul will all be wiped out. This is your last life, so you I should cherish her. This can be considered a little gift for Death.”

“No, no, no! You can’t do this, you can’t do this.”

As soon as he heard this, the dragon immediately pleaded frantically. But at the next moment, a huge palm suddenly appeared in front of him. Like crushing a mosquito, the palms of the two burning golden flames and exuding scorching golden light suddenly joined together. In this sudden attack, the magic dragon immediately lost its voice.

Like what at first said, without Infinity Gem, he is nothing. Therefore, under King Ming’s infinite formidable power, he has only one end. A brand new end is also the end he deserves. The deity was destroyed, this is probably the best description of his ending.

And when he personally destroyed this entangled oneself for so long and talked about oneself’s enemy for countless years, Zhou Yi suddenly had an unreal illusion. Everything came too easy, and it came too easy. It’s almost like a dream.

This made him feel in awe of the revenge Goddess that caused all this. And as if seeing the complexity in his heart, Goddess of Revenge smiled and said to him.

“Are you afraid of the power I show? Actually, it doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, if this girl hadn’t awakened me, I wouldn’t have gotten involved in the affairs between you. In front of the ancient universe, Life is just a dust. Maybe you don’t understand it now, but when you experience baptism for a long time, you will understand.”

“That is the future, and it will not appear. Now. , I am still me. Madam!”

Zhou Yi understands what the Revenge Goddess means. When the level of a life reaches their realm, then many things that are important to humans or individual lives have become insignificant. Just like her, for a long time close to Eternity, there was nothing left except emptiness and boredom.

But Zhou Yi doesn’t think so, at least he doesn’t think that oneself will become like this.

But Nemesis obviously didn’t think so, she only regarded this as a little personal delusion of a newly born universe God at the beginning of civilization. Moreover, she did not have the urge to correct this idea.

“I’m still saying that, you will understand.”

I looked up at Brunhild in front of him, Nemesis showed a slight smile.

“Your destiny has changed, unfortunate girl. Although the future is still heavy, but it has begun to show light. Now, it is time for me to leave.”

“Leaving? Where are you going?”

Subconsciously asked, Brunhild received an answer from Goddess of Revenge immediately.

“Go where I should go. I have been asleep for countless years. This universe seems to have born many interesting things. These things are worth seeing. Of course, maybe when I get bored, I will fall asleep again soon. But anyway, now I also have some time. Goodbye, young children. Maybe in the future, we will still get together again!”

After this, the figure of Revenge Goddess was like a handwriting erased on a piece of paper, little by little disappeared in front of the two. Neither obtrusive nor weird, as it should be, she should disappear in this way.

When she disappeared completely, Brunhild asked as if she had reacted.

“Where did she go? Why did she disappear suddenly?”

“She went where she should go. Brunhild, do you have any plans next “

Standing in the sky, looking at Martial Goddess beside oneself, Zhou Yi asked her like this. When he asked, Martial Goddess stretched out his hand, held his palm tightly, and replied to him like this.

“Just call me Bren. Also, don’t ask me what plan. I just want to be with you now.”

Uploaded by tightly held hands It is a different feeling, and for this feeling, Zhou Yi can only smile bitterly and hold her tightly in the palm of his own hand. Everything this woman did was seen in his eyes. If he didn’t know how to respond to this feeling, it would be too stupid.

With the complete disappearance of Thanos, the so-called Ragnarök has also come to an end. Unlike what is said in the prophecy, Asgard is not at all destroyed. Despite the baptism of flames, the crown of World Tree is still spreading high. With the color of molten gold, surrounded by water and fire. World Tree firmly supports everything in Asgard’s world.

This World is still going on, and the life of the Asgardians is going on.

The Asgardians exiled in the other world returned to this world under the leadership of Aurora. Like the warriors and Gods who died heroically, they also accepted Brunhild’s rule. Odin’s last words were passed to the ears of every one of his heirs under the influence of the power of destiny, and Brunhild had become a king, whether others wanted it or not.

The brand new Asgard was re-established in the hands of these survivors, and the glorious golden palace was once again erected on the edge of the Jinlunga gap. And in this new palace built around the crown of the World Tree, Brunhild sits high on the golden throne, holding Gangnir and accepting the bows of her subjects.

For those people, this great Goddess is a fighter who has stood firm to the last moment, and a successor who continues the majesty and faith of Odin Supreme. For some people, she is not only a king, but a person they should treat with guilt.

Like now, looking at the majestic queen above, Thor lowered his head, one-knee kneels on the ground.

“I am sorry for the choice I made, Your Majesty. I abandoned you at the hardest time. This is a fault I cannot hide!”

” But it’s not your fault, Thor. You just did what you should do.”

Faced with Thor, who was pleading guilty, Brunhild raised his hand and motioned for him to stand up. Come.

“At that time, no one was sure that I could come back alive. And if I could not come back, you would be Asgard’s last choice. So don’t worry, you just did what you should do. “

“But I still bear the charge after all. Your Majesty, please look at it for the sake of glory, Penalty me. No matter what kind of punishment, I am willing to accept it.”

Thor’s attitude cannot be rejected. Faced with his request, Brunhild thought for a while, and said with a smile.

“If this is the case, then I will appoint you as Asgard’s ambassador and go to Midgard to establish our reputation as Asgard. We have left the Midgard world for nearly a thousand years, and it is time to go back. Now.”

“Your will, my Your Majesty.”

For this fate, Thor naturally accepts it willingly. At this time, Brunhild had cast his sight into the distant starry sky.

“Wait, Zhou Yi. You can’t escape. Soon I will be by your side.”

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