Sun God Marvel

Chapter 654

After Captain was gone, Tony Stark stood there thinking like a sculpture for a long time. When he was spirit slowly recovers, the first thing he did was to smash the tablet in his hand against the workbench in front of oneself.

The fragile technology products immediately all split up and in pieces under his violence, but this did not seem to satisfy his inner desire for destruction. He took the wrench on his hand, like a demolition worker, venting this desire frantically on the instrument next to oneself.

Those sophisticated quantum computers are naturally unable to withstand this violent destruction, so they soon become fragments after bursts of crackle noise and electric sparks. But this voice attracted another staff member here.

“Hey, Tony. What are you doing?”

Knocking on the door of the laboratory, Banner cautiously walked in.

“It’s nothing, Bruce.” Watching Bruce walk in, who was in a good relationship, Tony started to converge on his own behavior.

“I just saw Captain go out from here. Why, is there any dispute between you guys?”

“The Old Guy who can’t change the past!”

Indignantly After cursing, Tony told Dr. Banner what had just happened. But after hearing these words, Bruce kneaded his nose and persuaded him.

“Tony. You should also know that Captain had his reasons for doing this. In some ways, he didn’t do anything wrong. For the faith of freedom, the people at that time paid For him, today’s reality is hard-won. Therefore, he will inevitably maintain all this.”

“Then you mean, I am wrong?”

Pointing to own head, the anger in Thor’s eyes can be clearly distinguished by his eyes. And Dr. Banner hurriedly shook the head and said.

“No, no, no! Of course you are right. It’s just this kind of thing, I think who will not be wrong. You are just standing in different camps.”

The words that don’t help each other are not popular in front of paranoid people like Tony. So he looked at this like-minded partner and directly asked this question.

“So what about you? Bruce, whose point of view do you support?”

“Me!” Burning Bruce pointed at oneself, with a wry smile on his face. However, he meant not at all vaguely, but after a while of thinking, he answered Tony’s question seriously. “If you let me choose, I will support you, Tony.”

“Why? Can you tell me the reason? Buddy?”

Tony once again find the root of the problem. When he asked such a question, Bruce laughed and said with some emotion.

“Not as you think, because we are closer. It is because I do have the same idea as you.”

“The danger must Controlled. If it can’t be controlled, it will only bring tragedy. I’m a good example!”

Speaking, Bruce pointed his finger at his head, showing bitterness and Sad smile.

“You also know another guy in my mind. His existence is a tragedy for me. From the day he appeared to the present. I don’t know how many innocent people have been He has affected. Although this is not my original intention, these errors and sins have to be counted on me. So I am very clear about the uncontrolled terrifying and sorrow. And this is the reason why I support you. Those uncontrolled forces are monitored and controlled. In this way, for those ordinary persons, there will be more hope.”

“You are right, Buddy. If they are all If I can be as sensible as you, I won’t have a headache like this. What do you think I should do now? Complete collapse with Captain?”

“I think you should have a frank and open chat with everyone According to the current situation, some people should be willing to stand on our side. Of course, you have to be mentally prepared. After all, not everyone is willing to agree to the registration bill.”

” also someone who understands things like you will do. Let’s go, Buddy. I invite you to go out for a drink. By the way, talk about Ultron. I think our thinking is a bit problematic. Maybe if you come back in the evening, you can try the number four plan.”

While saying this, he pulled Dr. Banner out of the messy laboratory. The two walked out of the Avengers’ mansion on a hook. At this time, in the old New York city beyond a thousand li, a special thing is happening.

Although due to alien invasion and nuclear bomb attacks, this once prosperous city has become depressed and desolate in just one year, and almost no normal people are willing to live here. . However, this does not mean that there is no life at all here.

Mutant, even the Low Level Mutant with low ability is enough to adapt to the extreme environment here. Their natural adaptability allows them to be completely immune to the radiation interference here, and the cracked land and the seawater that almost flooded most of the Manhattan city can’t have much impact on these all kinds of Mutants.

Mutants with low abilities are rarely seen by humans, and one of the most important factors is their peculiar appearance. Among the lowest level Mutants, a large part of them have a weird appearance like wild beast. These weird appearances have caused them to suffer discrimination, and even many people have been abused or more cruel things.

So unlike the lucky ones, these Mutants live a miserable life. It is precisely because of this that they are more hostile to humans. It can be said that if Magneto raises his arms and shouts for war, most of the people here will join him instead of choosing Charles, who is close at hand.

In their opinion, Charles and humans are too close. So sometimes, he seems not so easy to believe. Of course, at this time, they already have new options. Huiyao City-Mutant’s homeland.

Someone once thought this was a lie, but now, almost no Mutant doubts the status of this city. Not only because one of Mutant’s leaders, Magneto has also joined the city. And even more because the city is completely transparent, and the open urban environment is enough to make any Mutant believe in her tolerance and greatness.

She will not only let you live, but also provide you with life, work, and most importantly, dignity and safety. This is something that has been confirmed by thousands of Mutant, and because of this, she can become a paradise in the hearts of all the displaced Mutant in this short year.

But, it’s like heaven is inaccessible. No Mutant can enter Huiyao City.

This is not to say that Huiyao City put forward any conditions to deny the entry of those Mutants. But the United States Government cannot watch these dangerous people enter the dangerous city and strengthen her little by little. So they blocked all the roads leading to Huiyao City by various means to check every train, plane, and bus entering Huiyao City to prevent those Mutants from entering the city that has become a Mutant Paradise.

Of course, individuals cannot fight against national power. Mutant, especially those weak Mutant, do not have this ability. Therefore, the distance of Huiyao City seems extremely remote to them.

Of course, it does not mean that this road is completely blocked. In fact, in terms of the execution power of the United States Government, to completely blockade such a city is simply a fantasy story. In other words, as long as you have enough channels, you can enter this different city in various ways.

However, these channels may be different. But they have the same requirement, that is money. And that share is definitely a huge burden for most Low Level Mutants.

In front of such numbers, some people gave up. Choosing to accept the registration bill, like a captive animal was locked into the Mutant living area specially established by the United States Government. The people of also chose to fight and came to this abandoned New York City.

Be aware that the current New York City is a wasteland. But this does not change the fact that it was once the most prosperous city in this world. And in that heaven-shaking, earth-shattering war, no one knew how much wealth was lost in this wasteland.

Whether it is those expensive heavy metals or valuable antique calligraphy and painting. As long as you find one at random, it is enough to exchange tickets to heaven for those guys who have a way to enter Huiyao City.

Since the first lucky person got his own future here, more and more Mutants have entered this land full of gold, and they look forward to finding them here. future. Generally speaking, as long as you work hard, you will have a future. But today, this future is completely cut off.

0.625, the peak period of treasure hunting. A group of silver-gray metal robots flew into this wasteland. And the final notice from the also United States Government who came in with this group of robots.

“Warning, unregistered Mutant target was found. Now, in the name of the United States Government, we order you to stop all evasion and escape behaviors, and accept the registered bracelet of the registration bill. Otherwise, we will conduct extraordinary Rules.”

“****, those damn robots.”

Whenever they saw sentry robots flying from the sky, most of the Mutants immediately turned around and ran away. . It’s not that no one has ever confronted these robots, but most of them have no good end. Over time, these weak Mutants developed a habit of running away.

But this time, the sentry robots won’t let these Mutants just run away.

As the first person turned around, the sentry robot immediately began to execute the instructions that oneself had received, driving an unimaginable fierce firepower, and strafing at these Mutants. In just an instant, most of the Mutant was shot to pieces. Of course, also some a fish that escaped the net started to flee more frantically.

However, for the sentinel robots that have received the lore order, their escape has no meaning. In less than ten minutes, all the treasure hunters were wiped out.

While watching the news sent back by the sentry robot, Ross, who was far above the Helicarrier, immediately smiled and said to the people around him.

“The big net has been thrown out, get these little fishes. We can try to catch that whale!”

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