Sun God Marvel

Chapter 663

The dispatch of the sentinel robots gave almost everyone a new plan for oneself. They began to make own preparations one after another, hoping to make things develop in the direction oneself expected in this event. In contrast, Zhou Yi is the least affected of all people.

Although the target of those sentinel robots is his city, he does not regard these little robots as a threat. Even to him, it was just a silly joke. Anyone who experiences the feeling of using the starry sky to compare the vastness of stars will not care too much about a trifling planetary civilization.

One side is a giant, one side is an ant. One side is Eternity, and one side will only be instantaneous. The two have no comparable probability at all. Naturally, the great party will not take the other party seriously. Compared with those insignificant little robots, Zhou Yi would rather spend his time on his own family.

Leisure at home, teasing the child all day, and when I am boring, I open the Sand Dragon mother with a group of women in a big house in the city center. Those who couldn’t stay at home joined the Mutant special police team, and now they have become Captain Level 1 Clarice. also two lovely children who have grown up and are sensible. these all are places that Zhou Yi feels satisfied and gratified.

Of course, the place that also made him feel headache-the women in the family. The appearance of Jill and child is tantamount to throwing a mine in the pond for these women. In this matter, almost none of them showed a good face to Zhou Yi. Ada’s ridicule, Jean’s indifference, Lilith’s contempt, and even Serana, who has always been very well-behaved, cast a grudge against him on this matter.

This really made Zhou Yi feel a lot of pressure, but he understood that all the problems were with oneself, he accepted all this with his fate, and began to try to compensate for it.

However, this kind of thing can’t be compensated casually. Because the child’s reality evokes the deepest desires in these women’s hearts, there is nothing more than a crystallization of love that can make these women’s hearts more exciting. So in the next few days, Zhou Yi almost worked hard for this kind of thing.

However, this is not something that you can casually succeed by relying on such alternative efforts. After a few days, Zhou Yi was almost suffering from bed phobia, Lilith still told all the women in a regretful way.

“Still not working. I didn’t feel the aura bred by the seeds of life from anyone.”

“Could it be the reason for not working hard enough? Maybe because of some The resistance of some people makes this kind of thing more hopeless.”

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Ada talked and looked at Zhou Yi who was grinning coldly. At a glance, it was obvious that he intended to push all the faults on him.

“Would you like to try to work hard for a while?”

The person who said this was Jean Grey with a puzzled look. Obviously, she had no results for her efforts during this time. I am very confused. But eager for her, she obviously wants to make persistent efforts to see if there is any change in the next time.

Her thoughts have aroused the consensus of many people. Whether it is Ada or the well-behaved Serana, they have shown a considerable degree of movement. For this performance, Zhou Yi immediately lamented.

The current situation is that he has no right to speak, otherwise, he really wants to show the attitude of oneself resolutely refused.

As for the thoughts of other women, Lilith, who has the most experience in life, shook the head and said her own thoughts.

“I think this peacetime effort has little to do with it. A large part of the reason lies in the life level.”

“Life level?”

Listen At this, everyone was taken aback, even Zhou Yi looked towards Lilith strangely, as if trying to figure out what she was talking about. And seeing everyone put their attention on own, Lilith suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

Several women present here are all her competitors, and if the competitors can show this expression, she clearly feels overwhelming them psychologically. Of course, this is just a self-comforting psychology. Lilith knows very well in her heart that if there is an opportunity, these women would not care about the favor of oneself in preaching and receiving karma. They would never show mercy if they could kick her away. of.

However, the Teacher should still be the teacher. After all, this kind of thing is closely related to herself.

“Yes, life level. Before explaining this question, I need to ask you another question. What do you think oneself is now? Is it a human? Or some other creature?”

“Aren’t you nonsense?” Ada waved her hand, and Ada’s tone was full of impatience. “What are we not humans? Lord Goddess, although I know that you usually look unpleasant to me, but I don’t want to confuse my race.”

“You know, I I thought you were so dull that you didn’t even know this?”

Giving a provocative look at Ada, Lilith continued.

“However, regarding the fact that you are still humans. I have to declare that from a biological point of view, you are no longer humans. Apart from appearance and habits, you have almost nothing The same place as humans, you belong to a higher-rank life form.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Upon hearing this, Ada and Jean frowned immediately. Being told to your face that you are no longer a human being, I’m afraid whoever does this kind of thing will not feel comfortable. Even if what she said is a fact.

And before Lilith answered them, Zhou Yi took the lead in answering this question.

“In fact, Lilith said nothing wrong. From a certain perspective, we are no longer humans. I once sublimated to God, although I fell again. But in essence, I am no longer a human being. Even the body is created by creating something from nothing.”

“And like me, whether it is Ada or Serana, the same has happened. Change. I shared my power with you, and also allowed you to evolve from the life form. From man to god, or from Vampire to god!”

“Ah? When did it happen? ?” Upon hearing this, Ada and Serana immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. And when they slowly recalled the specific content from their own memory, their faces changed.

Because of happiness, Serana has changed from a Vampire who cannot face the sun to what she is now. This change is true happiness for her. And Ada was shy, because she thought of something that made oneself very sorry. On that crucial night, when she completed this transformation, she enjoyed another extra treatment at the same time.

Ada naturally wouldn’t say such shy words. Of course, other people didn’t care about her little thought. Because at this time, Lilith started talking again.

“Just like Yi said, Serana, Ada, and also me, belong to God beyond human beings. They are Goddess who are easy to follow, and I am the ancient life Goddess. And Jean Although you haven’t gotten this kind of change, your own power has also made you an incredible evolution. You should be able to feel it, birth, aging, sickness and death, even food, air and water. This kind of thing necessary for ordinary person has become an indifferent existence. If you can, you can even swallow all your breath and live forever.”

“Yes!” nodded, Jean His expression is also a little serious. “Since I woke up, I discovered that my body doesn’t seem to need the food that I used to be an energy source. Just relying on the rays that spill from the depths of the universe, I can get enough supplements.”

“Yes, that’s it. In a way, you are more special than God.”

Affirming Jean’s statement, Lilith continued while adding.

“From ancient myths, we can find examples of how many offspring can be produced by the combination between God and God, and how many offspring can be produced by the combination of God and mortals. It is like Zeus, he and He There are only two sons of Hephaestus and Ares, and three daughters of Heber, Eletia and Eris. This is really insignificant for this couple who have been together for thousands of years. Numbers, especially compared to those illegal child girls of Zeus.”

“Because of Life Level, it is difficult for Gods to give birth to offspring. Unlike them, it’s very difficult for mortals to come. It is said that having a relationship with God means a special gift. While being purified, they are also more likely to obtain the seeds of life. This is why our efforts are not effective for a woman who enters the void. , Her identity makes her take advantage of it.”

“So, you mean, because Yi and we are already God, is it difficult for us to give birth to a child?”

After listening to Lilith’s words, Ada asked in a brief summary. In response, Lilith shook the head again.

“In fact, the problem may be more serious. Because now, Yi is not God, but another life form.”

“Maybe you don’t feel much, but For me, who is also the priest of the earth, I can clearly feel that he is at the level of life personality. It is not God, but more advanced than God, and even just existence makes us live in this land. I felt in awe. I felt the change of planet’s will for him, just like a lowly commoner meeting a noble emperor, it was completely awe-inspiring.”

In this way, almost all women They all turned their attention to Zhou Yi. Looking at their gazes, Zhou Yi thought about it and whispered.

“Outside this time, I did have some changes. In terms of my essential strength, I should be considered a star now. Well, the kind that is bigger than our sun! “

“Bigger than the sun? Why don’t I understand what you are talking about?”

I complained, and Ada felt like oneself was listening to something. fantasy story. Regarding this, Zhou Yi just laughed awkwardly.

“Uh, what should I say? The red giant Sagittarius KW Sagittarius has been accommodated in my body. Its diameter is 1,460 times that of the sun, and its brightness is 360,000 times that of the sun. So from a certain From a perspective, I am just a red giant sun.”

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