Sun God Marvel

Chapter 667

After eating the familiar lunch, Zhou Yi gave Coppola a generous tip, and then returned home with the take-out food. At this time, several women seemed to be still discussing the things they had planned. Regarding the things Zhou Yi brought, they didn’t seem to even have a look at them.

This makes Zhou Yi feel a little disappointed. Oneself has toiled so long to bring you a lunch. Are you doing this to me? So Zhou Yi couldn’t help but knocked on the desk full of plans and said to the women around.

“Hey, you guys don’t plan to eat anymore.”

“Just let it go. If we remember, we’ll eat.” Ada turned back without looking back. After one sentence, he quarreled with a few women again about a problem.

“Although I don’t want to say, because it makes me look like a mother-in-law. But if you do, these foods will soon lose their original taste.”

” I see.”

Jean raised his head, reaching out to tap the food aside. Then Zhou Yi could feel that the Phoenix power she manipulated made all the operations around those foods stand still. More thorough than ice sealing, all air flow, oxidation, and even molecular operations at the microscopic level have stopped. Preserving food in this way is really effective. It’s just a bit wasteful. But for Jean who made all this, it is nothing.

“That’s all right. If you are satisfied, go and do own things. Don’t bother us now. We will contact you if necessary.”

“Well, Okay. Since you said that. Then just do it with you.” shook the head, it was helpless to these women’s behavior. Zhou Yi opened his mouth and continued. “Then, go ahead. I’ll go see the child and bring him something useful by the way.” Upon hearing this, several women waved their hands impatiently. It looks like you are going to hurry. In this case, Zhou Yi shrugged, naturally left this place that was made a little strange by them.

While watching Zhou Yi really leave like this, Ada couldn’t help curl one’s lip and said to others.

“Let’s take a look, a child makes him like this. Imagine him. If he has more new friends and more children outside, what status can we also talk about? “

“You are thinking too much, Ada. Yi Ke is not as romantic as you said.” With a blushing face, Selana seemed to feel a little sorry for herself. Go down.

Seeing Selana’s reflection, Lilith smiled disdainfully and said.

“There has never been a man who does not steal fishy. In Mythological Era where I am, there has never been a male God who can treat his own partner in the same way. Even those who love oneself wives Guys, I can’t help but find a few mistresses outside and give birth to a few Demi-Gods. So I hope they can control oneself, it’s better to castrate him more useful. It’s like Osiris.”

“Rather than having this skill to castrate him, we might as well think of a way to make our plan more reliable. Where did we just figure it out? If the sentry robot sends out a force to directly attack the city As far as the district is concerned, who is responsible for it?”

As if they were doing some tactical deduction, several women continued their own hard work and hard work. At this time, Zhou Yi drove straight to a department store near Jill’s house.

I have an own child for the first time, and it is still such a small one. Zhou Yi is really at a loss, don’t know what to do. However, fortunately, his wallet is rich enough, so he can do everything, that is, you can get a few copies of everything you see.

So when he piled a lot of milk powder and diapers in front of the shopping guide, the shopping guide suddenly showed a strange embarrassing smile.

“Sir, do you want to buy these?”

“Why, is there a problem?” took out his own credit card and placed it in front of the shopping guide. Zhou Yi looked at the pile of things in front of oneself and asked curiously.

“It’s not, just sir! There are too many of these things. How many children do you prepare? Boys and girls? What age are they?”

“Well, just a male child, just full moon.”

“Then these, these are not necessary. These are for girls, and these are for six-month-old children. Yes. It’s not very suitable now. Also some of these milk powders may not be suitable for your child’s stomach and intestines. It will be difficult to digest for one month. So, these are actually enough.”

“That’s it. , Then just follow what you said. By the way, is there a baby toy also bed? Could you please introduce me some suitable ones, the best ones. Don’t worry, money is not a problem.”

“This is your first time being a father.” Looking at Zhou Yi like this, the shopping guide suddenly laughed. When meeting such customers who don’t care about money, her commission will not be less, so naturally, her face will smile more.

“Although I have adopted two children before, they are both larger children. This is the first time that I own a child.”

“You can see that you must be very I like children. So, what do you think about these things. They are all made of the most natural wood materials, which are absolutely the best for the child’s health.”

Look at things , Zhou Yi nodded, confirmed it.

“That’s it. I want it!”

“Thank you for your patronage, sir. We have a door-to-door delivery service. May I ask where you want to deliver these items? What?”


Holding the child, Jill opened the door that was knocked on. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Zhou Yi holding a pile of things and a delivery man in a department store uniform. This made her ask strangely.

“Zhou Yi, what are you doing?”

“I bought something for the child, you first let the workers put the things in.”


“Huh?” Also some unfathomable mystery Jill turned sideways and asked Zhou Yi to bring the workers in. And it wasn’t until the workers left that she complained. “Why did you buy that many things back?”

“Last time I came, did you remember that Little Brat broke the own bed? So I’ll get him another one as soon as possible. How about it, Little Brat, I see father happy or not. Father bought you milk powder back.”

When I saw Zhou Yi, Little Brat immediately stuck his tongue out at him. Obviously, he is still remembering the last time. While Jill looked at the milk powder he brought back, shook the head said.

“You buy too many of these things, and the child can’t eat so much. Also, he doesn’t use diapers. Little Brat is very smart and knows it is called mother when he needs convenience.”


“Huh?” Looking at Little Brat, who was still sticking his tongue at oneself, and then at the three-pack diapers that oneself bought, Zhou Yi suddenly felt a psychological trauma. . As a father, oneself is a little too failed.

However, looking at Zhou Yi with an embarrassed face, Jill didn’t mean to complain about him. She just said to him with a smile.

“But, the bed was bought right. I really want to change the bed for the baby? You came in time.”

“Just one thing is right!” As he said, Zhou Yi’s face smiled again. He looked at the child in Jill’s arms, leaned in front of him and said while making faces at him. “Hey, Little Brat. Do you want to father, look, what does father look like now?”

If you are an average baby, you are either crying or laughing when facing this kind of grimace, but This child didn’t have these reactions. He just stretched out his little hand in disgust, pushing Zhou Yi’s big face closer and closer, and using wu wu ya ya to express his dislike.

Seeing child’s performance like this, Jill immediately laughed. “Our child is not as naive as you think? He is very smart, far smarter than the average little child. So it is useless for you to tease him in this way.”

“Ha, our child is really different.” Hearing this, Zhou Yi immediately stopped the own grimace in embarrassment, and then asked Jill. “By the way, there is a very important thing. Child’s name, I mean, did you name the child?”

“Name? Not yet.” Holding the own baby, Jill is in his She gave a strong kiss on her tender face and then replied to Zhou Yi. “I just gave him a nickname, Shane. As for the name, I think it’s okay for his father to come in person.”

Speaking of this, Jill stretched out his hand and embraced oneself. The baby in there handed it to Zhou Yi.

“This is my child!” He stretched out his hand and took the cute and robust Little Brat. Zhou Yi looked at the little Brat who was kicking his legs vigorously in his arms, and said in a different and joyful tone, shaking. “My biological flesh and blood in this world. I think I should give him a name, a special name.”

“Yes, you are his father, of course you have this right.”

Jill looked at the different father and son from the side and responded with a smile.

“Let me think about it, let me think about it. Zhou Shang? Yes, it’s called Zhou Shang. I hope you can become a noble being, with a free and great will. You will become mine Proud, child. You will become a great person.”

“pu!” Sticking out your tongue, spitting out one by one with bubbles, this is Xiao Zhou Shang gave his father’s answer. Looking at such a vivid Little Brat, Zhou Yi lowered his head and kissed his fleshy little face forcefully.

“I will give you the best things in the world, my child. You are my treasure, you deserve everything. I want you to have countless wealth, whether materially It’s still spiritual.”

“Don’t spoil him too much, Zhou Yi.” Although he said that, Jill’s eyes were full of smiles. To this, Zhou Yi’s answer is yes.

“Why not, don’t forget! This is my son, my own flesh and blood.”

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