Sun God Marvel

Chapter 674

Walking out of SHIELD, Tony and Dr. Banner got in the car they came. In the car, Bruce asked Tony strangely.

“Do you really think that guy is not in Huiyao City now? It’s weird, I can guarantee that I saw her in the news a week ago.”

“Don’t forget There is a woman named Mystique under Magneto. If you want to, she can even become anyone you have ever met. And I promise that even every hair will be exactly the same. So, I think what he said is true, that The guy really may not be there now.”

“Oh roar, that’s really bad. If my judgment is not wrong, the government’s meaning is obvious, they just want to attack Huiyao City, taking advantage of him Take this city down when you are away.”

“They can’t take it down.” shook the head, Tony’s tone became strange, as if his mood was very anxious. “Except for that guy, there are also more people in that city who cannot afford to offend. Especially his women are the biggest trouble. I really doubt that if they annoy them, they can turn the whole Washington over. “

“You are not the only one who has this kind of worry, Buddy. Those women who have met him will have this idea. But you never know what the government is thinking about? I really thought that when they took out the gun, they would scare the ladies?”

“Hey!” Upon hearing this, Tony was so scared that he immediately stepped on the brake. He looked at the surprised Dr. Banner next to oneself, and asked guardedly. “Who the hell are you, how could Bruce come up with this kind of nasty joke?”

“Hey, stop making trouble.” Seeing your reaction, Dr. Banner also became a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh get up. “I just talked to Peter a few times when I was out. You know, after putting on the headgear, Peter is not as good as usual.”

“You want to say you learned badly from him. That’s it!”

“I want to say that he and I were both broken by you!”

“Forget it, we won’t mention this.” Hearing this, Tony Immediately laughed. Speaking of this kind of thing, he is more serious than Peter’s problem. So before Bruce has not accused him, it is better not to invite humiliation to oneself.

When Tony heard this change of topic, Bruce sighed first, then said.

“Remember the purpose of our coming, what? Did you find any problems? Who is the black hand hiding behind and manipulating all this?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s General Ross. He’s too easy to see through. I don’t think he will be the main messenger behind this scene.”

“Of course he is not!” shook the head, Bruce removed I took my own glasses and wiped them carefully. “I know him too well. A person like him will only be a tool in the hands of others.”

“Nor can it be a tool, only that he is an unknowing accomplice. For him Said that their goals are consistent with him. So he doesn’t care about their goals. As long as he can achieve his own goals and complete his own goals. He will not think about what kind of inside information is there.”

“A pure soldier. This kind of person is really a headache. However, somehow figured out a problem. It seems that their target is Huiyao City. Mutant is just an excuse for them. But I don’t understand. In that case, why did you make that many things before?”

Fucking his eyebrows, Tony said to himself like this. And in his communication, such a voice soon came.

“Perhaps, this is just one of their purposes. The robot army made with that many money is just to deal with a city, don’t you think it’s weird?”

“Why, did you find something weird? Natasha?”

“A lot of bills! Jarvis helped me find a lot of information on the flow of funds from the Ministry of Defense. You would not believe that for these sentinel robots , How much money did the Ministry of National Defense spend! Fifty percent of the military expenditures, I can’t believe how they persuade the other troops.”

“Dirty profit trade, this is still used Do you want to find something useful, Natasha. I spent that much effort to send you in and lent you Jarvis, but not to listen to these things.”

In one sentence, Tony said that oneself wanted to listen to something more nutritious. In this case, Natasha immediately sent a message.

“This is a laboratory where funds flowed to. It is hosted under the name of the Ministry of Defense. But what is interesting is that it is only hosted, and all security and personnel have nothing to do with the Ministry of Defense. Any of them I can’t find anyone’s information, except for one person, Trask Court Academecian!”

“Can’t find the information, how is this possible? Jarvis can directly connect to the civil affairs department of any country. Even special personnel within the government can be found. Unless…”

“Unless they are a very special kind of guy, such as me.” Communication Natasha at one end added his words. And hearing her say that, Tony asked immediately.

“So, where are the most people like you? Kleber?”

“What are you thinking, Kleber has been disbanded, and now there are the most people like you The place is SHIELD of course!”

Natasha rolled his eyes and said this, but when he said that, Tony sighed.

“In this way, the problem has gone back again? SHIELD! Don’t forget that we just determined that General Ross is not the main messenger behind the scenes.”

“But , Who told you, General Ross must know all about SHIELD. He is not Nick Fury. About SHIELD, he is not in charge.”

“Who is that?”

Tony was not surprised by what Natasha said. After all, General Ross only took advantage of Nick Fury’s accident to become the director of SHIELD. In terms of strength control, he is also impossible to have Nick Fury’s more than ten years of management. Even more how, even Nick Fury didn’t completely hold SHIELD in his palm.

“Alexander Pierce. SHIELD’s previous director and now the highest chairman of the World Security Council. At the same time, he is also the president’s special adviser, and he has a very different friendship with the current president. I have to. Say, this is a big guy. So I asked the little spider to find a way to follow him to see if I could find any useful news.”

“Good job, Natasha. I think I should Please go out for a meal and I will comfort you.”

Finally, a deeper clue was dug up, and Tony immediately became a little excited. And what he will do when he gets excited is really well known.

As for Tony like this, Natasha just disdains curl one’s lip and replied.

“My friend and I had an appointment to go shopping on the weekend, so I’m really sorry. However, I think you should leave this opportunity to Peter and invite him to have a meal. After all, the most dangerous jobs are He did it.”

“Inviting a man to dinner is something I can’t do. In contrast, I would rather give him a sum of cash and let him take his own girlfriend for a while. Sweet years.”

“I can’t assume that I didn’t hear this, Buddy!”

As he said, the voice of the little spider suddenly rang from the communication. When he heard his sudden voice, Tony asked immediately.

“How about, Peter. Did you find any useful clues.”

“Clues, of course. And they are still big clues!” The little spider responded as he responded. Tell in detail. “I lurked outside Alexander Pierce’s office for a long time, and found him talking on the phone with a guy named Baron. Through lips, I found that they said a lot of strange things, such as the 2nd Stage plan and the past. It’s ceremony, and also some weird things. Many of them are in German, and I can’t tell them very clearly. So I plan to keep watching this guy and see if I can get some useful information from him. “

“Be careful, child. If you find something or something unexpected happens, don’t try your best, contact us immediately. Don’t forget, your little girlfriend Gwen is still waiting for you. !”

“I know, don’t worry. I will protect myself. Although this is big news, I don’t want future big reporters to be damaged by this. And Don’t forget, I’m Spider-Man. There is no who can stop me here.”

Little Spider answered confidently and witty. Facing such a vigorous youngster, Tony couldn’t help saying with a smile to him.

“Go hard, young man. If you find any big clues for me, then I will personally sponsor you and your little girlfriend to spend a nice weekend on my private beach in Hawaii. Three hundred Sixty-degree panoramic ocean view room, a fully intelligent sailing boat, and also a white beach that will never be disturbed. Believe me, this will definitely make Gwen unforgettable a holiday trip.”

“Just That’s for sure, Mr. Stark!”

With a quick reply, the little spider turned off the communication and entered the latent state again. At this time, Tony realized that Bruce Banner was looking at him with a very special look beside him.

“Hey, Bruce. What do you mean by that look!”

The stared Tony asked with a weird face. In response, Dr. Banner coughed twice, so replied.

“In general, I am very worried, because your generous conditions will make Parker a little irrational. The job he is doing is dangerous, so it is not good for him to give him a lot of benefit.”


“Please speak English, I don’t understand what you mean.” Rolled the eyes, Tony believes Bruce is definitely not trying to express this, but just as he thought. Because soon, Bruce twitched to him.

“Well, Buddy. What I want to ask is, can you make a place for Betty and me on weekends and holidays in Hawaii?”

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