“Different, yes. I mean your ability. This is the biggest difference between you and normal human beings. But for people like us, in addition to the extreme In addition to individual existence, other people do not at all affect us. Maybe some of you can fly, but we also have own airplanes. Some of you can flash around in a small area and let You are omnipotent in a small stadium. But, we also have a whole team for us. Maybe some of you can pass through obstacles and protect them as nothing. But really, if you don’t take me away The things that do not affect me at all.”

“However, these abilities of yours have an impact on the ordinary persons who depend on these for food. And this is the root cause.”

“Look, we are always only a few people. We need those ordinary persons with a large base to work for us, not you to work for us. If we need to choose, most of us will choose the positions of those ordinary persons instead of yours. Position. As for why, it’s very simple. Benefits, the benefits they create are greater than the benefits you create. Therefore, the key to your problem is not our Leaders, but the ordinary persons.”

“Humans It is a very narrow-minded race, they have original sin. This is not what I said, this is what the Bible says. And one of the original sins is jealousy. Your difference makes the ordinary person around you jealous, there is no doubt about it .Just like my younger sister’s abilities, if I have her abilities, maybe I’m a baseball player now, not a businessman.”

“Look, even I’m jealous. even more How those ordinary persons, once they think of what you have but they don’t have, they will definitely not feel very comfortable. At this time, someone will provoke a little bit. Resentment will inevitably arise.”

“Sir, I can ask Why?” A young man stood up. “Did we interfere with them? Why are we jealous? Are they unreasonable?”

“young man, can I ask your name?” Zhou Yi asked. , While smiling, let the young man sit down.

“Bobby, I am Bobby!”

After getting the youngster’s name, Zhou Yi continued to explain.

“Okay, Bobby. Let me make an analogy. If you have never been sick in the hospital because you are Mutant, in fact, Ororo told me that you really don’t get sick. But This is not the case with your brother sister. They suffer from various diseases. Do you think they will be jealous of you?”

“Sir, I don’t know. I have a younger brother, although we The relationship is not very good, but it shouldn’t be to such a degree.” Bobby showed a troubled expression, obviously he didn’t know what the oneself brother thought.

“Then, let us extend this hypothesis. We must know that although we have the support of the medical insurance system, we still need a portion of the money for being sick and hospitalized and so on. This may be for a family It’s not a problem. But what if there is a comparison?”

“Your brother is not as healthy as yours. When you are alive and kicking, he also takes medicine and listens to your parents endlessly. Do you think he will be comfortable? Would you not be jealous of you?”

“When your parents treat healthy people, you are responsive, and when your parents are not very healthy, he keeps nagging and watching. When he’s like a baby. Do you think he can?”

Looking at Bobby’s expression of not knowing how to answer, Zhou Yi waved his hand and changed the subject.

“Sorry, this may be a bit heavy for you, so to put it another way, you are a porter who relies on physical work to eat, because of your health, you do more than others. And the requirements for your Boss are the same. When the economy is down, most of the workers are laid off, and you are retained. What do you think they will think?”

“It should not be everyone You will be jealous of me, after all, others have stayed.” Bobby asked suspiciously. There are obvious loopholes in such topics.

“Yes, yes. But what if your identity is revealed?” Zhou Yi has a weird expression on his face. He has seen the door opened. Ororo and Jean Grey are also The Logan he had just taught stood there. They are also listening to Zhou Yi’s lecture.

But Zhou Yi not at all stopped, but continued to talk.

“Those workers will put the reason for oneself being retrenched on you. Even without you, they can only vacate one spot, but believe me, youngster. All those who are retrenched will think that it is You occupy their place. Wouldn’t they be jealous of you?”

“You, strictly speaking is your ethnic group, and your differences have become an excuse for many people. They will use oneself to fail. Blame it on you. When this kind of jealousy forms a prejudice and someone takes the lead and starts protesting against us people, think about what it will be like. That’s right, it’s like this. You’re on TV. Most of the very terrifying things that I saw in the processions and demonstrations came from here. What I said is different.”

“Don’t look at the clamor of the politicians, most of them even I have no impression of you at all. The reason they are called so happy is mainly to win the support of the ordinary person at the bottom, which is their political achievements. And the ordinary person is the main reason for your status quo.”

“Please pay attention, young men, girls. It’s the main reason. There is always no lack of hatred and paranoid guys in the world. The tragedy caused by Mutant’s ability may have deeply hurt some people. They are against you. It’s purely because of hatred. These people are no longer within the scope of what I said.”

“Sir, if this is the reason you said that the difference is causing us, then there is no solution. We are again I don’t want to be like this. These abilities are innate and we cannot control. If I can, I really don’t want to live the life I am now.” A girl stood up and said with some excitement. Zhou Yi paid attention to the girl’s appearance. He wrapped oneself very tightly. Even when the indoor heating was turned on, he still wore a coat and gloves. Only showing a cute little face. However, this little face is full of sadness.

“Child, there will always be ways. But I hope you will think about how to choose after listening to what I said.”

The girl is nodded seriously, Zhou Yi could see that she really used the own words as a beacon. This made him feel a little pressure, and after a little sorting out his own thoughts, he continued the topic of own.

“Before this, I said. You have two questions. One is different and the other is reputation. Now let’s talk about this issue of reputation. I want to ask, what you know Yes, I’ve heard that, who is the most famous Mutant?”

“I tell you my answer. It’s Professor Charles and a gentleman called Magneto. I know them because I am an arms dealer, and these two were once the fuse of a possible outbreak, the biggest war after World War II. And who do you know?”

The students were clamoring, but what they said It’s totally unconvincing. The most famous among them became Clarice, which is simply cracking a joke.

Pressing down, Zhou Yi suppressed the voice from the student. Continue to explain.

“I believe you also know how unreliable your answer is. That’s right, that’s it. You oneself don’t know who is famous in your ethnic group, let alone those ordinary persons. And we Knowing some people, they won’t come out to represent you. This leads to a problem that you don’t have a spokesperson. The only one of you who can speak for you is a gentleman named Hank. McCoy, trust me, except Some government officials, most people don’t even know his existence. Maybe he is regarded as an actor wearing a plush toy jacket.”

“I didn’t mean to insult Mr. Hank, I was just talking A truth. But I still have to say sorry to him, because I know the existence of this man, he is a respectable and wise gentleman. And you, does anyone know your existence? Someone knows the good or bad things you have done Is it?”

“No one appears to the public on your behalf, and your reputation is not protected. Do you know why some politicians attack you as their own achievements? It’s very simple. Because no one will go. Because of this trouble with him, ordinary person won’t, we won’t. And you are oneself, neither will you. Your reputation is trampled on, but you don’t protect it. Some Mutants even use extreme methods, maybe you seem to be very Quiet, but what is the actual effect? ​​It’s just to make ordinary persons who pay attention here look down on you again, which is harmful to your reputation.”

“Do you know why I want to talk about this question? .Because there is a solution. Compared with ordinary persons, you have the ability to maintain the reputation of oneself.”

“It’s like Robert Jr. Downey, he has taken drugs for so many years, and after he successfully detoxified It’s not that you are re-accepted by the public with a superman. In fact, you can do the same.”

“You have the ability to do something to reverse your image problem and improve your reputation. Although your reputation is now It’s not good. You can blame your Senior for this. They left you a mess. But it hasn’t reached the point where you can’t manage it.”

“So, should I do this?” asked It’s Ororo, if you talk about Mutant’s future problems, she is definitely one of the most worried people. Without being in Mutant’s environment, it is impossible to understand how difficult their situation is.

“The method is very simple, do it, use your abilities to help people. The reality proves that human beings are willing to accept those who can help them, just like the one flying over New York all day long The black guy who went there, didn’t he just accumulate his reputation as a hero by this means? You know, I recently participated in a fundraiser for an orphanage, and what children want most is no longer candy and toys. It’s that guy’s little doll. I think I might not be as popular as him when I make a doll. So, here is the problem. He is like you, both super-powerful guys, why can he do it? Not?”

“You mean, let us be a Superhero? You must be cracking a joke.” Ororo’s face was covered with unbelievable expression. But Zhou Yi is very serious.

“Why not? This is the multiple-choice question I gave you. You want to be a Mutant hidden in an ordinary person, living in panic all day long, trying to hide the difference in owning. As a Superhero with an extraordinary reputation, he maintains justice, enjoys people’s cheering and maintenance, and is proud of his own differences. How about making ordinary persons proud of your differences?”

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