Sun God Marvel

Chapter 680

Captain’s words are really sensational for Magneto. At least until now, they have not found such a problem. The reason why sentry robots are terrifying for Mutant is that they are specially made butchery weapons. Most Mutants will be torn to pieces in an instant when facing such terrorist weapons.

There are not many Mutants that can confront these robots head-on, and there are not many Mutants that can show these robots oneself to imitate evolution. And the one who can show them this ability and return to Mutant alive, telling all Mutant this news, simply doesn’t exist. Therefore, Magneto doesn’t really understand what Captain said.

But Magneto does not doubt what Captain said. On the one hand, Captain has absolutely no reason to do this. There is no benefit to him or to the Avengers to say such big talk. On the other hand, it was the response from the United States Government that made him suspicious.

Be aware that in the past, those guys from US Military just turned around and ran when they saw him. Because no matter what kind of weapon, it is as small as the individual armed in their hands, as large as the aircraft carrier battleship cruising in the Pacific Ocean, when facing this magnetic king, they are all just toys in his hands.

If it is trifling some bullets, firearms, and military jeeps, then the Ministry of Defense will not say anything. But if even the heavy weapon such as the aircraft carrier battleship is damaged in the hands of Magneto, then even the Ministry of Defense may not be able to withstand this loss even if it is rich and imposing.

So until now, the Ministry of National Defense treats Mutant in a small way. Apart from authorizing a guy like Stryker, basically no other actions have been taken. It can be said that it was forced out of Magneto’s magical ability.

But now, they have suddenly made such a big move. If it were not for the means to deal with him, then I am afraid that he himself would not even believe it.

Closed his eyes and thought for a while, Magneto opened his mouth suddenly and asked.

“If this is the case, then why do you still go to the front line? According to your statement, the danger of those sentinel robots has reached a new height. The more you are on the front line, the danger you face It’s higher. Seriously, I don’t understand why you did this, because from my point of view, it doesn’t seem to benefit you at all.”

“End as much as possible It is my interest for this kind of unnecessary dispute to restore peace in this country as soon as possible.” Slightly laughed, Captain was still trying to convince the old man in front of him. “As for why we ask to go to the front line, it is because it will help you win. Before that, you must admit the fact that no matter how our ability compares with yours, we will be the best able to persist in fighting. It is also the most durable force. We who have experienced the test of alien invasion know how to let the enemy fall into a dilemma. And this is enough to buy you enough time.”

“The more time you have, the more you can see the weaknesses of those robots. When you grasp the weaknesses of these robots in your hands, then your losses will be reduced accordingly. War is attrition. The fewer casualties, the more likely you are to win. Isn’t this the most reasonable explanation?”

“Do you really think so?” Still watching In front of Captain America, the incredible in Magneto’s eyes became more apparent. He questioned this way, and his words were full of unreal feelings.

“Of course, if you don’t believe me, I can ask Professor Charles to come and help me and interpret my inner thoughts.”

Captain’s answer is very magnanimous, and Magneto immediately dismissed it. The doubt in oneself’s heart. He has to admit that the man in front of him is indeed different from many people, and he does have a special personality charm. In the face of his previous request, he naturally couldn’t find any reason to shirk.

“I will arrange this. Before that, please go to rest first. Do you need me to arrange accommodation and rest for you?”

“No, we There is an own place to go!” Rejecting Magneto’s kindness suddenly revealed, Captain replied clearly.

Listening to his reply, Magneto was just nodded and left right away. He also has a lot of things to do, wasting time on the Avengers, it is really unnecessary for him. Seeing his departure, Jennifer, who had been holding his breath, suddenly sighed and said.

“It’s really hard, facing such a dangerous guy. I’m really afraid that I will be unable to control oneself, and rushed to give him a punch.”

“You still hate the last time Did he deal with Hulk? Jennifer?” Pietro laughed, and stretched. “Seriously, I’m so glad you didn’t do such an impulsive thing. You know that this city is all made of steel. If you are impulsive, then I can guarantee that you will be treated better than the last Hulk encounter. It’s more miserable. But rest assured, this time I will prepare the spacesuit and oxygen cylinder for you in advance.”

“Then I really want to thank you, shooter!”

Giving Pietro a grimace, Jennifer exploded with a nickname that embarrassed him. And hearing her suddenly say such a terrible thing, Pietro immediately jumped up like a blown hair.

“Hey, muscular girl. Who are you talking about?”

“It’s you, quick shooter. Why, is there anything you are not convinced? If we are not convinced, we You can try again, I hope you don’t ask for mercy when the time comes!”

A defiant glance at Pietro, the disdain in Jennifer’s eyes is visible to everyone. If this were normal, Pietro would have been tempted to do it. But now, he could only mutter, and sat down obediently and honestly. It was as if he was afraid of something.

While watching these two men flirting, and the younger brother is obviously the weaker side of tracheitis, Wanda is sighed, rubbing his brows and said.

“Everyone, our mission is not over yet? So, can you keep this flirting and swearing thing for later!”

“But not yet At first, don’t you?” With such a smile, Quicksilver unconsciously got to Jennifer’s side and whispered in her ear. It could be seen that they seemed to be talking about something interesting, because both of them began to smile with excitement.

But this is not the focus of Wanda’s concern. She was just sighed, so she put her gaze on Captain and asked him.

“Captain, what should we do next?”

“Next? Let’s find a place to live before talking. Let’s book a hotel in Huiyao City. By the way, Peter’s Uncle and Auntie are also here. We need to change our identities and visit them.”

“Are you sure?” Hearing these jokes, Wanda immediately felt a very strange feeling. . It seems that everything they talked about before is simply not an important matter, but a trivial matter like studying where they should go on vacation. This feeling of disobedience made her mind become a piece of paste.

However, despite seeing Wanda’s strangeness and doubts, Captain still confirmed what oneself had just thought.

“I’m pretty sure, Wanda. Let’s set off later, don’t forget to prepare a gift for Mr. Parker. It is worth visiting and communicating with you to educate youngsters like Peter.”

“But what’s the point of what we do?” Looking at Captain, it seemed to come true, Wanda quickly opened his mouth and asked. “I mean, can’t we just find free time to do this kind of thing in the future? Why should we hurry up now. Don’t forget, we are now preparing for a war. Use this casual attitude to deal with war, Is there really no problem?”

“Relax, Wanda!” Scarlet Witch laughed at all eagerness, and Captain’s face had a confident smile. “It won’t do anything to be like you in a hurry. So believe me, will you do what I said?”

“But you have to give me a convincing reason? Captain.” Rolled the eyes unhappily, Wanda’s face was completely incomprehensible and angry. Faced with her performance, Captain could only shook the head and explained it.

“Don’t forget, Peter’s Uncle also has another level of identity. He is the apartment security of the Mutant Special Police Force. He has been working for them since New York, and this is even more so now. It can be said that he They are the most harmonious human beings with the young Mutant Special Police. I have heard Peter talk about his Uncle. He said that those youngsters like to chat with his Uncle so that he can help oneself solve some of life and thoughts. Difficult problem. So, from a certain angle, we can also learn about the problems of the young Mutant special police from this Mr. Parker, can’t we?”

“Let’s see the leopard in your eyes, let’s do everything. I think that by understanding those youngsters with special identities, can help us to better see what kind of secrets are hidden in this city?”

“Why, what do you think is in this city? Is it a secret to telling people?”

When he heard Captain’s words, Wanda frowned immediately and asked him. And Captain is just laughed.

“If such a city has no secrets, it is absolutely impossible. However, I always feel that we seem to have overlooked some very important issues. Didn’t you find out? When Mr. Lanschel talked to us about this war, he had great confidence. Don’t you think this is strange?”

“Is it strange? He was so arrogant. And supercilious guys, this is not surprising!”

“I don’t think so. You know, a person’s eyes can reflect many things. I can see that he must be dependent on it. So, what we have to do is take a look, find out, what are the secrets they can rely on!”

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