Sun God Marvel

Chapter 690

“You won!” Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Clarice’s first reaction was unbelievable. At the next moment, she was like a koala, and she hugged Zhou Yi hard.

No one can imagine how excited her heart is, the feeling of being recognized by the big brother of oneself, brother and father, the feeling of being recognized and supported, for the current Clarice It is too important to say, and it is too rare and unexpected.

She originally thought that her own big brother had actually made oneself go back with some other idea, back under his wings. Those so-called reasons and opportunities are just excuses for covering oneself’s purpose. She was even ready to fight a long-term guerrilla war with him. But she really didn’t expect that he would actually choose to support oneself, after oneself confided part of his heart.

This made her hug Zhou Yi involuntarily, while entangled him with the own slender ****, she also pressed his head and kissed his face forcefully a bit.

“Very good, Yi. You are really very good, I know, you will support me, you will be on my side.”

“I promise, You must not have thought that before.”

With no difficulty, after debunking Clarice’s little lie, Zhou Yi smiled and sat on the sofa. Then he said to the younger sister who was still entangled in oneself.

“Okay, get off me quickly. You are an adult, how can you still pester me in this way like before. If you are seen, you have to gossip. “

“What are you afraid of, you are my big brother. Isn’t it just natural for a younger sister to entangle the big brother?”

As soon as he curled his lips, Clarice stared at oneself Green Big eyes said to Zhou Yi so confidently. It made her look like a rooster fighting intent. However, even if her imposing manner is so ferocious and high, for Zhou Yi, this reason is obviously not enough.

“Which kind of justice are you. I don’t know what younger sister would pester the big brother like this. Come down. If this is seen by your little nieces, they will definitely laugh at you. “

“Don’t.” Clarice shook his head like a rattle, and the huge wine red braid was like a murder weapon at this time, constantly beating Zhou Yi on the face. Although his face is thick enough to defend against nuclear bombs, he has been provoked by such a thing, which really makes him feel a little uncomfortable. So he immediately threatened Clarice.

“Hey, listen. If you don’t get off me again, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

“Don’t let go, just don’t let go. I want to see How can you be kind to me?”

Clarice is still stubborn, but at this time Zhou Yi has already raised his own finger and grinned at her.

“I think you have been free for too long. For a long time, I have forgotten the tragic history of being ruled by the Great Demon King by my creak nest.”

Look at that Familiar movements, a familiar tone. Clarice’s face changed subconsciously. She screamed quickly, trying to stop Zhou Yi’s movements. But for Zhou Yi, everything is a bit too late.

next moment, he has stretched the clutches of oneself’s sin to his own younger sister, and then wanders freely on her body. And this immediately caused Clarice to make a tragic voice, she began to beg for mercy, began to laugh and roll in pain, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t stop the cruel heart of the Great Demon King.

For a while, the whole apartment was reverberating “I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare anymore!” Such words, accompanied by it, also made people scalp Ma’s hoarse laughter. It sounds like this room is haunted.

And this weird situation naturally makes the people living next door feel strange. As a neighbor who was forcibly arrested by Clarice, Kitty immediately became bold after hearing such a sound. While holding his own gun with one hand, he came to Clarice’s door and knocked on her door.

“Clarice, Clarice. Are you there? What did you post? I really want to hear you screaming. Open the door? At least you have to let me know what you are doing?”

The sound of the door being knocked seemed unusually abrupt at this moment, and what made Kitty more frightened was that apart from this sound, there was no more sound. Everything is silent, and the silence makes people feel scared.

Not every Mutant is not afraid of ghosts this thing. And Kitty is precisely the guy who is most allergic to this kind of existence. Even watching a horror movie will shiveringly hug Clarice. At this moment, just a little thought makes the whole body of the owner quietly stand up.

At exactly this time, the lights in the hallway suddenly went out. Everything was plunged into darkness, and it looked like a shadow world of ghosts and ghosts. And this made Kitty’s legs start to tremble even more.

She hesitated and made a trembling sound from her throat, and said to the back of the door.

“Clarice, Clarice, are you there? Tell me soon, I’m so scared, this is not cracking a joke, I’m really scared. Please, please, can you tell me back?”

Clarice is of course impossible to reply to her. In fact, this girl with a brain full of pranks is now busy creating various terrifying environments. She just pulled the switch on this floor, and now she is busy creating terrifying sound effects all around. So, in Kitty’s eyes, one after another hideous shadows began to flick, like water plants swaying in the water, and like the gloomy reflections that often appear on the walls in some horror movies, one after another, simply fast Scared the timid girl out of her senses.

It can be said that under normal circumstances, girls who are a little bit timid will seize the way and run away to a place where they think they are safe. But Kitty didn’t. She was still knocking on Clarice’s door, trying to call the best friend inside. After repeatedly calling to no avail, she gritted her teeth and ran into Clarice’s room door.

Of course, that is not a collision. The title of Shadowcat is not illusory. With the ability to incarnate as a phantom, she can cross over any solid body anytime and anywhere. Everything is actually illusory to her, or in other words, she itself is illusory. So, just suddenly, she walked through the door and came to Clarice’s room.

As soon as she entered this room, she immediately saw Clarice lying in front of the sofa, also the tall and hideous black shadow that was very conspicuous in the darkness.

This made her scream at once, and then no matter what, she pulled out the own gun and pulled the trigger frantically at the shadow.

The fire from the muzzle briefly reflected the situation in the room, but Kitty couldn’t see anything, because at this time she had closed her eyes and was too scared to look at anything. And when she emptied the magazine in oneself’s hand, a soft and slightly warm body suddenly hugged her from behind her, and then whispered to her in her ear. .

“Ha, little Kitty. See what you did? You actually shot a normal resident with a gun. I think this behavior should be enough for you to write a long review and then suspend your job I have been resting for a while.”

“Huh? Clarice?” Hearing the familiar voice in my ear, I felt the radiance appear before my eyes. Kitty reluctantly opened her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, she immediately saw the good girlfriend who was sitting on oneself’s shoulder and facing oneself with a smirk, and also the one sitting on the sofa with a face The big brother who looked at her girlfriend with a wry smile.

“What the hell is going on?”

Kitty, whose brain is still crashing, hasn’t even figured out what happened. At this time, Zhou Yi couldn’t bear her pitiful appearance, and explained to her.

“It’s actually like this. I’ll take a look at Clarice’s current situation. Then I had a fight with her. You just heard this kind of thing, and then Clarice proposed to scare you, Exercise your guts.”

“Exercise my guts?” Upon hearing this, Kitty was subconsciously frowned, and then she immediately shook the head again. “But I just saw that there is a shadow there, and I shot that many shots at him?”

“You shot me twenty shots, dear.” Zhou Yi He smiled and said to her, and opened his palm to her. And looking along his open palm, Kitty immediately saw a bunch of flat, distorted, unsightly yellow warheads. Twenty shots, a lot.

This made her angry at the same time as she took a breath, and stared fiercely at her good girlfriend.

“Clarice, you are plotting against me again!”

“Sorry, dear. You are so funny. I couldn’t help but came up with this idea, I don’t think you can blame me.”

Still stuck on Kitty’s body, Clarice smiled breathlessly and asked her forgiveness. As far as her attitude is concerned, most people would certainly not forgive her. But I don’t know how many times Kitty has been tossed by Clarice like this. It seems that they have been used to tossing. So she just sighed and said to her.

“Okay, okay. Just this once, although I know you will definitely have another one.”

“Thank you, dear. I knew that you were It’s the best.”

When Clarice heard Kitty say this, he immediately leaned into her face and kissed her fiercely. Kitty pushed her face away with a grievance, and then said to Zhou Yi.

“But, Mr. Zhou Yi, I can ask you not to play pranks with Clarice, okay? There is a Clarice that has caused me a headache. If you siblings come to prank me together, I can’t stand this stimulation.”

“Of course, there won’t be another time.”

Looking at the frivolous younger sister and her helpless good friend, Zhou Yi laughed, so assured.

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