Sun God Marvel

Chapter 696

When sentinel robots appeared in groups outside of Huiyao City, they had already received the news, and the large troops waiting for them were ready to welcome them. . It was not others who faced these sentinel robots first, but the Avengers who spontaneously came to help.

Of course, they don’t have the courage and determination of at first press forward. Because now, everything has become a farce for them. Their appearance is no longer a necessary thing, but merely a performance, a comical performance that is completely unnecessary. For them who have always been proud and arrogant, it is really an unbearable thing.

But, even if it is, they have to stand here. On the one hand, since they are already involved, it is not so easy to withdraw. On the other hand, it is because they must stand here. Since you want to change all of this, you must be involved. And to participate in it, then it is necessary to have access to all of this before anyone else.

He doesn’t know whether he can succeed or not, but Captain knows very well that if oneself is unwilling to try this kind of attempt, then he may really not have any chance at all.

So, he must show up on the front line with the owner. However, when they saw the robots, they found that it is really impossible to communicate with these guys. Especially when those robots immediately attacked when they saw them.

“Maybe I should call Tony, it’s really not my specialty to deal with this thing.”

Holding the Vibranium shield, blocking the warheads poured by the sentry robots, Captain struggling forward, while speaking to his companions around him.

“Same sympathy!” Quicksilver, who was much more relaxed than him, stopped behind him after avoiding a barrage, and issued an agreeing opinion. “I don’t know how I should deal with these guys, what they are made of, this kind of resilience is simply cheating.”

The reason why Quicksilver would say this is because he has just tried to use it. High-energy cutting weapons perform cutting operations on these sentinel robots. But this method doesn’t seem to be too effective at all, because he has tried very hard to cut their bodies. However, the high resistance of sentinel robots makes them almost difficult to be damaged by this high-energy weapon. Even if it is damaged, it will be repaired again in a short time. In other words, everything Quicksilver has done is simply in vain.

This is really hurting Quicksilver’s self-esteem. You must know that since he arrived in Huiyao City, nothing good has happened to him. Especially the fight against Clarice, it was a blow to him. Even doubted the value of own life. And now, he can’t even solve it with a robot, which really makes him feel an inexplicable sadness.

In fact, not only him, but most of the Mutants who played with these sentry robots felt this way. They were proud of their abilities when they dealt with these Mutants. When dealing with these Mutants, the sentry robots showed an overwhelming advantage. If it weren’t for group operations and there was mutual care and support among companions, there might have been a lot of casualties among them when they first came into contact.

Furthermore, I believe that in a short time, the number of casualties will be uncontrollable. Because with the consumption of fighting will and mental and physical strength, Mutant will inevitably fall into a more serious decline under the offensive of these sentinel robots, and at that time, there will be no mental fatigue and physical fatigue robots will do How terrifying things come, it is something that no one wants to imagine.

Captain is reluctant to imagine such a thing, because he knows what kind of terrifying things will happen if such a thing happens. The greater the Mutant’s casualties, the more serious the consequences. In this war where the outcome has been determined, the expanded results of the sentry robots will only make the United States Government face even more brutal retaliation. From Mutant, from Huiyao City behind Mutant. He doubted that the United States, which had experienced a tragic failure, did not have the ability to afford this serious consequence. What happens if you cannot afford the consequences? These are all problems.

If he wants to prevent these problems from happening again, then he can only make efforts here to stop all of this. But after all, it is far from being as easy as imagined. At least for now, Captain and the others just have a general idea.

Although they are not sure, but at this time, they can only use dead horses as living horse doctors.

“Jennifer, have you contacted Hill yet? We must speed up, and if this continues, we really have no way to stop them.”

Captain, who used a shield to resist the impact, was struggling to contact the own team members. At this time, Jennifer, who had transformed into a giantess, had already rushed into the air with a sentry robot like a flying rocket.

Her big hands are like steel shovel or some kind of mechanical arm. With no difficulty, she disassembled the limbs of the sentry robot in front of oneself. Then she stepped on the chest of the sentry robot and landed in the sky like surfing, and blasted a large pit on the ground.

Such violent actions are unbearable even for sentry robots, so as it should be by rights, this sentry machine is already on the verge of scrapping. Looking at the masterpiece of own, Jennifer nodded with satisfaction, and then began to answer Captain’s question.

“Hill has borrowed the right to use Jarvis’. However, Captain, are you really sure that we can contact the operator behind the scenes through these machines? Also, you are so sure, that The behind-the-scenes operator will listen to you and stop him from carrying out the current plan?”

“How can I know the result without trying, and do you think we also have other methods now?”


Speaking like this, Captain immediately threw away the own shield, making this sharp weapon made by Vibranium cut off the head of the robot in front of oneself like a hot knife cutting butter. But he took the own shield and ran towards Jennifer.

“Wanda, cover us. Quicksilver, find a way to save people and try your best to reduce Mutant’s casualties. Before we end all this, every time you save someone, you will be able to face the whole country The crisis has reduced by one point, so everything depends on you.”

“Don’t worry, Captain. Although I don’t like this kind of wiping, but I will try my best , I promise that as long as I am still alive, there will be no casualties. Of course, you must not delay the time for too long.”

Quicksilver answered this while turning into one Silver’s phantom lightning swam wildly across the battlefield. Although this guy is usually unreliable, but at critical times, he is a person who can be trusted. So Captain has no doubts about all this he promised.

He asked everything to his teammate, and at the same time he immediately rushed to Jennifer’s side, and forcibly inserted something like a USB interface into the body of the sentry robot.

As the switch on this interface, which symbolizes the start of work, lights up, Tony’s personal smart steward Jarvis’ voice immediately appeared in Captain’s ear.

“Is there anything I can help you? Mr. Rogers?”

“Jarvis, I need your help to help me invade the command system of this robot, I want to fight them The commanders behind have a face-to-face contact.”

“This is not a problem, Mr. Rogers, please give me one minute.”

As a cross-age product, it may also be Tony’s most outstanding work. Jarvis’ ability is beyond imagination. He said it was one minute. In fact, one minute was not used. He had already invaded the entire sentinel robot’s system network, and followed their network to the terminal and got in touch. The man behind it all.

“Sir, the sentry system found the intruder, and he is asking us to communicate.”

Sitting on the podium, General Ross, who was watching the battle with Pierce Hearing this news, he immediately frowned. He glanced at Pierce next to him, then nodded after making eye contact with him.

“Come in, let’s see who also wants to talk to us at this time.”

With his command, a huge projection screen appeared In front of him, he immediately saw a serious Captain America-Steve Rogers. This made him sneer.

“Who do I think it is? Isn’t this our American pride? Mr. Captain, may I know what you are doing there? Why, are you with those traitors?”


“Listen, General Ross. I don’t have time to explain to you in detail who is the traitor, but at this time you must listen to me. Stop everything, if you really love this country If you do, stop all these invasions immediately. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it.”

Captain eagerly told General Ross, and when he said that, General Ross’s face The sneer became deeper and deeper. It was no longer a smile, but a twisted anger and a deep mockery.

“It’s so funny, why do we regret it? Captain, I want to ask you, as a soldier, do you regret when you defend the country? Everything you see today is ours The war carefully planned for the future and stability of this country is even more important to the United States than the world war you experienced before. Now, you actually want to let us stop this with only a few words of own. Everything, don’t you find it funny? Or, don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Damn it, General Ross. I said, I don’t want to argue with you. I can only tell you if You don’t want to bring United States into the abyss, you have to stop all of this.”

Facing the accusation from an orthodox soldier, Captain suddenly felt a deep anger in his heart. He is not for this country, but these guys simply don’t know how stupid oneself is. And the most ridiculous thing is that oneself has to work hard for all of what they have done. If I were to be another person, I’m afraid I would stop doing it long ago. But he couldn’t, so he could only suppress his own anger desperately, explaining to them word by word.

“The person you fear the most has returned, and he is in this city. If you don’t want to see his power, stop everything stupid, understand?”


Hearing this, General Ross and Pierce immediately looked at each other, and then the two fell silent. Is he back? Or is it just a scam? At this moment, it was their turn to hesitate.

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