Sun God Marvel

Chapter 699

“Don’t be too anxious, Mr. Pierce. This war has just started, right?”

Different from Pierce’s flustered and exasperated, it’s passing through his communicator The person who responded to him was completely relaxed and careless. Although the situation in front of him and the others greatly exceeded the expectations of Pierce and the others, the speaker seemed to completely ignore the situation, as if he and Pierce were simply not in the same camp.

This kind of answer as it should be by rights made Pierce furious. He even forgot the existence of Ross next to oneself, and yelled at this guy.

“Don’t forget your identity. You are just a soldier under Baron. What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this. I figured it out clearly. If all this fails because of you, then I I promise that waiting for you will be the cruelest punishment. You can’t even whine, because in his hands you will only become puppets without any consciousness. Don’t blame me for not warning you.”

“Okay, okay. Since you are in such a hurry, then we will be dispatched. But, Mr. Pierce, don’t blame me for not warning you. If even we did it for you, you have not done what Baron did. If you promised those, then your fate will probably not be better than what you just warned us about.”

“You don’t need to tell me this, do what you oneself should do. I will do it now. If you want to see your actions, do you understand?”

After gnashing teeth said this sentence, Pierce fiercely turned off the communicator in his hand. Only then did he realize that General Ross next to Oneself was looking at Oneself with a strange look. This made him pull his tie somewhat uncomfortably, and then asked.

“What is your look, is there any problem?”

“May I ask, who were you talking to just now?”

General Ross’s eyes were a little strange, but Pierce, who was upset, simply didn’t notice the change in his expression. He just waved his hand and said perfunctorily.

“It’s just a group of war dogs that can help us solve the problems in front of us. Don’t pay too much attention to them. Although these guys are very disgusting, they are still worthy of trust.”

“A group of mercenaries who can deal with Mutant? I don’t know if there is such a guy in this world?”

I took a cigar and exhaled smoke. General Ross said to Pierce in the smoke. And hearing him say that, Pierce patted his shoulder and replied.

“I said, this is not the focus we need to care about. The current battle that we need to care about now is more important than this kind of trivial matter? I think, you don’t want to Seeing that the army that represents the United States is so defeated, let’s slide into the abyss completely.”

“What you said makes sense, but these things in front of you, can you also do anything else?”

Pointing to the roller that was still rolling continuously, General Ross frowned deeply. He doesn’t even dare to mobilize the army into this area now, because he knows very well that once those aircraft and tanks appear in Magneto’s eyes, they will immediately become a weapon of others. Therefore, he must hold back oneself and dare not act blindly without thinking.

But this is of no use to the current situation. At least for now, he can only put hope on the war hyenas that Pierce said.

But can these guys really make a difference? He doubted it, and he was even more skeptical, would such a war hyena really exist?

While he was still watching the battle situation on the field with doubts, a guy covered in black had silently approached the front line of the Mutant camp, and approached it more and more. The position of the old man who is performing oneself power.

It stands to reason that such a strange guy itself deserves considerable attention. But the fact is not the case. Although he is wrapped tightly, the weird growth of arthropod shells that look a bit like Insect from him are enough to make most Mutants here treat him as the same.

Mutant has always been more friendly to Mutant. Especially when this requires their unity, they will not easily doubt an own compatriot. And this created an opportunity for this strange strange guy.

He looked at the surrounding situation again and again, and after making sure that no one had noticed Own, he quietly stretched out Own’s finger to Magneto who was controlling the road roller not far away. Then, just as if a sniper rifle with a silencer fired a bullet, a special stinger flew out from his fingertips, and silently nailed it to Magneto’s neck.

In nature, almost most Insects with stinging thorns are partly deadly toxins, and this particular guy is no exception. Not only is he close to Insect in appearance, but also in ability. There is no difference. His claws also carry Venom, and they are also a very special poison.

So just for an instant, Magneto, who had just returned to the great divine prestige, stopped the own movement, and the whole person maintained a rigid expression and fixed there motionlessly.

This sudden situation not at all made the Mutants who were excited by the spectacular sight of the battlefield before them notice that they were still staring at everything on the battlefield, and there was a burst from time to time. There was a loud cheer. And until that huge press started to stop working and stopped there like a hill, these people felt something was wrong.

Among these people, the first to notice that something was wrong was Magneto’s long-time friend, the spiritual controller Professor Charles.

He noticed Magneto’s stiff movements and the meridians spreading out like vines on his face. He noticed that his old friend was panting heavily, his muscles twitching uncontrollably. And all this shows that he has suffered a conspiracy.

“Something went wrong, Erik was murdered. He was poisoned and the situation became very dangerous.”

Immediately confirming that Magneto was murdered, Charles was not excessive He said, but through the own Divine Chain, he told the women who were stationed on the front line. While receiving this message, Lilith had already appeared quietly beside Magneto with a gloomy shadow.

“What happened? How was he conspired?”

A scarlet divine force with a vigorous life force was shed, and Lilith was stabilizing At the same time Magneto’s situation, he asked Charles. And listening to her question, Charles shook the head.

“I was already like this when I found him. Sorry, I don’t know how this happened.”

“Aren’t you a mentality user? Use you Ability, do you need me to teach you this kind of thing? Looking through their thoughts and finding suspects from them, shouldn’t it be easy for you?”

With a wave of her hand, Lilith said to Charles as if she was ordering the owner. And hearing her order, Charles just showed a helpless wry smile.

“Sorry, I can’t do this, it’s unethical behavior. Whether it’s my compatriots or those innocent ordinary persons, I can’t use this method to pry into their privacy and secrets . So please forgive me, I’m afraid I won’t be of much help with this kind of thing.”

“Petious!” commented coldly, and Lilith said to Charles in a queen-like tone. “Listen to me, Mr. Professor. You are on the battlefield now, and the last thing you need to mention on the battlefield is morality. This has been proven thousands of years ago in the era when I said I lived. Thing, so you don’t have any reason to use this as an excuse.”

“Think about it, if you don’t use this ability. Now it’s your friend who is being tricked by them, then it might be Those of your students, or even yourself. Although the lives and lives of you people have nothing to do with me, don’t forget, they have a close and deep relationship with your compatriots and your race.”

“This is obviously the enemy’s method, and the meaning of this method is to disintegrate your power. When you lose the power to resist the enemy because of some secret calculations, I hope you will not regret making the current choice.”

Such cold words, every word and every sentence like a file, penetrated deeply into Charles’ heart. Listening to these words, his wry smile became deeper and deeper, and the luster in his eyes became darker and darker.

The most important thing for people is their own persistence and principles. People who can stick to these are enough to be a spiritual powerhouse anyway. But sometimes, the cruel reality makes you have to give up the own principle and persistence.

Like most things in the world, on a balance, many things have weight. And having weight itself means that it can be replaced and crushed by other things. It’s like Charles now.

He wanted to continue to adhere to the original intent of owning, but in the face of the rise and fall of his compatriots and race, he could not continue this meaningless insistence. Which one should be chosen between an individual or a race, a person’s reputation and the survival of the race, is a question that becomes clear once peace is put. After thinking about this problem clearly, what choice Charles will make is already a very clear thing.

“I know what I should do, madam.”

With the helpless words of the old man, a huge mental fluctuation centered on him, covering the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye , And even more distant places.

It is not only the Assassin hidden in it, but also the hearts of all enemies and their every intention. When the war is here, it has already become fierce.

Mutant, the military, was pushed a step further into the abyss. Apart from life and death, I am afraid that there is no other possibility.

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