Sun God Marvel

Chapter 701

The densely packed C-124 reduced its own height to less than 10,000 feet after the mission started. This was their expected airdrop height, and when they confirmed that they were ready for each other, they immediately shouted a countdown, and then at the same time loosened the rigid cable on the plane.

Sixteen Titan machines are like falling meteors, descending straight from the clouds to the ground. Among them, some Titan machines landed very smoothly, while others were very dangerous. Of course, this danger is for those C-124 pilots.

Because of this high-altitude deployment method, it is inevitable that there will be some accidents in the implementation process. And any accident, at this time, is a fatal factor. Once the Titan machine, which can be afforded by ten large transport planes, puts all its own weight on one or two of the transport planes, the only result will be the plane crash.

One hundred and sixty C-124 impossibles are said to be all safe and sound. In fact, at the moment of the airdrop, more than 20 strategic transport aircraft were directly dragged down, and they became one in midair. Big fireball. This kind of loss is almost unacceptable even for the rich and imposing United States Government. However, in Pierce’s eyes, this is completely acceptable.

As long as the Titan machine is safe and sound, even if all of these strategic transport planes crash, he will not frown. But of course, after paying such a large price, he was paid in return.

Sixteen Titan machines landed on the ground unscathed. Although most of the transport aircraft pilots think that these damn machines will be damaged when they land, but this situation does not occur at all. And this is mainly because of the incredible flexibility of the Titan machine.

Like a well-trained parkour athlete, these Titan machines have made technical movements of rolling over and unloading the moment they land. Their huge size and tonnage have hardly any influence on their actions, and their movements are far more flexible than humans imagine.

It is even said that you don’t even need to do regular rest on the spot. The moment these giant machines get up, they ran all the way towards the direction of Huiyao City.

While looking at these movements agile, but obviously possessing terrifying destructive power war weapons, the pilot code-named Metal quietly drew a cross on the owner’s chest, and then muttered to himself.

“It’s a terrifying monster, this kind of killing weapon really shouldn’t appear on this World.”

The idea of ​​a trifling pilot is naturally not within Pierce’s consideration. , He only cares about his ultimate machines now. And when he saw from the eye camera of the Titan machine those Mutant who lost one’s head out of fear because of seeing such a huge machine, his face became even more crazy and happy.

“Yes, that’s it. Run, scream, scream. Then let me die. My War Machine is unmatched, you damn Mutants should all The ground was swept away in the dust of history.”

Like his crazy whispers, the moment he saw those Titan machines, the Mutants who were originally arranged in order, ready to face the war and defend oneself home I couldn’t help but commotion. The huge and terrifying Titan machine, even for these Mutants, is a huge impact. In other words, when any creature sees such a huge existence, it can’t help but tremble. The contrast between the small and the great and humble Yu Haoran is enough to make fear and panic grow in their hearts.

And when they strode to destroy everything in front of oneself, even a few combined efforts to remove the road roller created by Magneto, this kind of mental panic and shock became more and more intense. It’s huge.

Most of the Mutants can’t help but step back. Although their abilities themselves are impossible to play an effective role in dealing with such giant machines, it is excusable to retreat. However, their retreat made this unconstrained unit increasingly lose confidence in resistance.

This situation is obviously not feasible. If you let it go, then the huge machines that appear on the battlefield can take down the entire city as easy as blowing off dust. At that time, Mutant’s demise was only a matter of time.

The smarter Mutant is aware of the seriousness of the problem, so when many people started to shrink back, they chose to stand up. Among them, especially those school teachers under the backbone of Brotherhood of Mutants also Professor Charles.

Ororo is the first to take off, in the sky summon there is a howling blizzard and a flashing thunderbolt, wanting to use this natural force to stop the advance of those giant machines. Logan and wild beast also followed the Mutant of the physical mutation system and launched a charge towards the huge machines.

In any case, this bravery is commendable. However, in the final analysis, this simple counterattack cannot change the current situation in any way. Because of a huge monster of the size of the Titan machine, the role of natural forces has become extremely limited. They can ignore the violent and cold blizzard, and despise the terrifying power of in the sky thunderbolt, just stride towards their own goal.

As for the small insects that charge at them, they are even more impossible. To touch these Titan machines, they must first rush through the barriers of those sentinel robots. In terms of the number of them, it is almost impossible to achieve this kind of thing in which the Armies can directly take the first level of the enemy generals.

Even if they succeeded, they had broken through the defense of those sentinel robots, but in the face of a steel giant more than a hundred meters tall, what kind of actions could they make to make him effective? Hurt? This is something that makes people feel desperate just thinking about it, but these brave attackers don’t even have the chance to think about it.

Because at this time, a piercing whistling sound suddenly came from above their heads. When they heard this voice and looked up, they could only see the vague black shadows, and the bombs that became clearer and closer and approached them.

The military bombers rushed over at this time, and ruthlessly began to tilt oneself’s full ammunition toward the ground. And with the loud roar of the first blockbuster, lethal fire spewed out. All the bombs that were thrown began to bloom like flowers of flame, one by one blooming on the ground.

The sky was roaring in the explosion that almost never stopped, and the earth was trembling under the terrifying formidable power. Under the powerful destruction that humans can create, there is almost nothing that can stand there for long. The fortresses built of earth and stones and the flesh and blood of the creatures are all like shredded newspapers, which are scattered in every corner of the surroundings in a gust of wind. The lucky ones, even if they weren’t blown away by the impact of the explosion, were mostly huddled in the corner obediently and honestly, shivering and praying that everything would pass earlier.

There are only a few who can stand strong there, and even these few brave men are probably not stronger than those huge monsters. For the Titan machine, this level of bombing is simply nothing, even though it is already hellish Penalty for most Mutants.

Things really get really bad, especially when it all enters the war mode. The insignificance of the individual is clearly manifested in front of this cruel reality. Under the war trampling of the huge monster of the United States, these Mutants who have lost their backbone are really not much different from a group of ants.

Although they are fighting hard, this kind of resistance really does not help.

When Ororo watched the bombers coming down like a dark cloud and caused this level of casualties in just one sortie, she immediately stopped harassing the Titan machines, and instead used the own ability on these bombers. Above.

The weather became weird in her hands. The terrifying Extreme Cold also one after another tornado erected in the air suddenly made the actions of these bombers dangerous. With just a small oversight, several B-52s were involved in the hurricane, and then turned into a huge, bright fireball.

Compared with dealing with Titan machines, Ororo’s ability is obviously more effective in dealing with these aircraft. But she can only play a small role. Because at this time, the escorting fighter group also rushed over.

These supersonic fighter jets cut into the dense dark clouds almost like scalpels, and approached the Ororo floating in the air. Although the Ororo has noticed that their Ororo has begun to desperately control the weather around oneself, trying to prevent these fighters from approaching, but in the face of the ultra-high speed maneuverability of these fighters, she said that all the arrangements are not effective at all. effect.

For those fighters, she floating in the air is almost a target. Apart from being a little smaller, she is basically a threat. The target was locked, and the launch button was lightly pressed, and the missile mounted on the fighter jet shot directly at Ororo. And seeing that oneself has become the target of the attack, Ororo can only grit his teeth and roll up a huge tornado around oneself.

The huge tornado scrolls the flying missiles, causing them to explode directly under tremendous pressure. Such a situation certainly freed Ororo from the danger, but the impact of the explosion made her fall from the clouds like a kite with a broken string.

And when she swayed to the ground, she found that in a scorched earth raged by flames, the huge Titan machine is just like the terrifying monster in is legend. Step into their steel city, wantonly destroying everything in front of it.

Beside this huge monster, the sentry robots are more like cold murderous intention machines, slaughtering every Mutant in front of oneself frantically.

In the sky, the fleet is still suppressed like dark clouds. In the distance, also tanks are coming over like a tide. When missiles with blazing tail flames began to appear in the clouds, the Mutants realized that their line of defense had been torn apart by these steel war weapons, and their doomsday seemed to be in sight. .

Desperate, began to rush like a tide.

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