Sun God Marvel

Chapter 721

Almost flying to Selana’s bedroom, Zhou Yi was excited, shaking his own hands, finally opened the door and walked into the bedroom. .

At this moment, he has a thousand questions, ten thousand ideas, and wants to ask this girl who has brought him a surprise. However, when he saw Serana lying on the bed and sleeping extremely sweetly, he resisted this impulse again and quietly let go of all the actions of oneself. Turn to look closely at the girl who was a mother at first.

Like a sleeping Princess, Selana has a smile on her face and buried oneself deeply in a piece of bedding. A faint glow flowed on her body, wrapping her whole body like a rushing river. It makes her look dreamlike, full of unreal feelings.

This abnormal situation makes Zhou Yi a little worried. He is not sure whether this change is normal. Therefore, he could only squint his eyes and observe everything in front of him from God’s special perspective. But as he observed, he discovered that everything was just a false alarm.

Although it looks a bit weird, these lights are absolutely harmless. That overflowing Life Strength is enough for anyone to get the most perfect repairs and supplies. Even God can benefit from these strengths. Of course, Serana doesn’t need these, but the child who has just been conceived in her belly needs this kind of power very much. Although it is only a small embryo now, he has already begun to learn to breathe, using his mother’s body to absorb this power and make oneself stronger.

This situation is not normal, at least for any ordinary person. However, Zhou Yi doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this. This is his child, and his child should be very special. Just like Xiao Zhoushang, if nothing special happens to them, is it weird? It’s just that this Little Brat’s action was a little too early, to the point where even his father had not thought of it.

I have never had experience in this area. It can be said that Zhou Yi, who has witnessed the incubation process of oneself child for the first time, is not clear. Selana and his child have shown this ability so early. Good or bad, and this question quickly got the answer from Lilith who followed.

“Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with this. In fact, it will be a good thing!”

“Good thing, are you sure? Lilith?”

“Of course. This situation may be an incredible thing to appear on a mortal. But it is normal to appear on God’s heirs. It’s like Athena broke open at birth. The head of Zeus, Hercules was able to strangle Viper when he was a baby. Every child of God has the power of own as it should be. This power comes from their father and mother, flowing in their bloodline And in the body, it’s a real innate thing.”

“Just, don’t you think it’s too early?”

Almost everyone who has just become a father is worried Zhou Yi is no exception. Although Lilith has clarified, it is normal for such things to happen to them. But Zhou Yi couldn’t help dialecting the details just in case.

This kind of almost excessive concern made Lilith’s eyes show obvious envy, but she explained it seriously.

“It’s very early, but the earlier it is, the stronger the child talent. I said, this is a good thing. This proves that Little Brat has inherited your strength perfectly and has begun Manifest the attitude God should have. Maybe when he is born, he can directly show the attitude God should have. Isn’t that bad?”

In this regard, obviously Lily Silk is the professional one. Although not at all, the experience of several thousand years is enough to let her know a lot of things that oneself should know. Especially when her Divine Spark was originally linked to the birth of life, her judgment is more trustworthy.

So Zhou Yi also gradually let go of unnecessary worry. Said with a smile to her instead.

“If you say that, I am relieved. However, Selana slept for so long, can this be considered normal?”

“Of course, even human Of women will also have a certain degree of lethargy after pregnancy. This is not surprising!”

“That’s good, that’s good. Should I prepare something? For example, eat Yes, I think I should get something nutritious, but what should I do?”

“Yi, you are not mortals. Mortal food can only satisfy the appetite but not provide any nutrition Give it to us. If it’s nutrition, these flowing Life Strength are enough.”

Zhou Yi is trying his best to toss and vent the emotions in oneself. Lilith sighed and stopped him helplessly. To prevent him from overly impulsive, even the house was demolished. However, in any case, no matter how chaotic the scene is. This is a happy story, a story full of happiness.

And when such a family comedy happened, on the other side, Tony also took his own plan and came to the Avengers’ west coast base.

This was originally his territory, it was his territory. But now, he has returned here as a guest. This made both of them, both Tony oneself and Captain who received him, felt an indescribable weirdness. However, after all, someone had to break this deadlock, and Tony, who was clearly in a hurry, couldn’t be more appropriate.

“In short, the situation is what I said to you. I need to sign an agreement with you on behalf of the government. You will be temporarily attributed to SHIELD and have most of the information and resource mobilization rights. And all you have to do is to help us deal with the so-called Hellhound. Do you understand what I mean? Captain!”

“I roughly understand what you mean. You need us to provide manpower to deal with Hydra. Super criminal. There is nothing wrong with this. But, Tony. I don’t understand why you should talk to us in such a formal way. This kind of thing obviously requires a hello to us.”

Dealing with Hydra, that is the duty of the Avengers. From the day it was established, Avengers has been committed to combating such evil existence. Not to mention, many of them have had such and other feasts with Hydra. And Tony was once a member of this organization anyway. Although he has now voluntarily withdrawn from this organization, the friendship between them is still there. So as long as he asks for help, Captain, as teammates, will definitely have no hesitation.

So, what Tony is doing now is really unnecessary. This kind of official business attitude has filled them with a sense of estrangement, making Captain a little bit open to talk about the past.

This is obviously not what Captain wanted. Of course, the so-called temporary attribution issue was not what he wanted, so he almost immediately issued an own question to Tony.

Faced with such a question, Tony twisted his neck first, and then seriously replied.

“Of course, I can invite you to take action to help me in the name of myself, but that part of the role that can be played is missing, a very important part. You know, our country can It hasn’t calmed down yet, even though we’ve put in enough effort. However, some chaos is caused by the dirty ambitions of some people, so it takes a lot of effort and careful consideration to extinguish them. We don’t have time to waste. These people, therefore, we must create enough momentum to deter them, so that they dare not to act blindly without thinking.”

“Inviting you by official means is a kind of expansion. The means. Although I have reached a preliminary agreement with the military, and basically grasp the power of SHIELD and the Ministry of Defense. But for most citizens of this country, we still need to be suspicious. And your joining is obviously OK. Help us dispel this suspicion, and even increase our momentum. Seriously, I personally think that this effect is more important than dealing with those Hydra.”

“Maybe!” Listen To Tony’s plan, Captain, who felt that oneself had almost become an entertainment star, shook the head with a wry smile, and continued to ask questions. “If this is the case, can we unilaterally announce the establishment of a cooperative relationship with you? Why must we take over and put us under the management of SHIELD?”

“Because the organization itself is from SHIELD Isn’t it normal to return the split from inside, isn’t it normal?”

Speaking like this in the right tone, Tony looked at Captain with a look of astonishment and laughed.

“This is also part of our plan. You know, Hydra’s power has gradually been exposed, and we are also doing our best to eliminate Hydra’s moths. SHIELD is undoubtedly the cleanest at present The exposure of Pierce made all Hydra agents show their heads, and these moths were all caught by us to catch everything in one net. This means that SHIELD is now completely under our control and has become We have established a backbone that can specifically fight Hydra.”

“And our plan is to use SHIELD as the core to build a strong enough alliance that can deal with Hydra and defend world peace. Therefore, you It’s right to join in. To deal with Hydra, both of us may be a little weaker no matter who we leave. So, I just did what I should do in advance.”

Tony’s The explanation is like this. But Captain feels, he also didn’t explain many things. For example, the future of the Avengers. If they are under Hydra’s management, does it mean that they are equivalent to working for the government and becoming a special agent? In the same way, should their behavior be controlled by SHIELD, and cannot maintain the original intention of the Avengers? These all are problems, and these all require careful consideration and consideration.

However, Tony not at all gave him too much time to think about it, he just looked at him with a smile and asked forcefully.

“How about, Captain. What is your answer?”

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