Sun God Marvel

Chapter 723

July 4th, United States National Day. This was originally to commemorate the “Declaration of Independence” officially passed by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, which represented the day of America’s independence and founding, but now it has a special meaning.

There has never been a major incident that has caused the entire government class to collapse. In order to deal with this serious incident, I will give all United States citizens an explanation. The temporary defense organization headed by Tony Stark chose today to conduct a frank and honest trial for the entire United States, the entire world.

The trial was headed by the previous president, including more than 500 people including the vice president, the secretary of state, members of Congress, and senior officials of the Ministry of Defense. The charges are treason and ***. Criminal evidence can only be described in one sentence, that is, iron evidence is like a mountain.

Almost all people in the United States and even the entire world know their behavior and their identity. This gives them almost no opportunity to argue. Even if there were, no lawyer would dare to defend them at the risk of being torn to pieces by angry people. Although the benefits here are absolutely huge, smart people will never use their own lives to crack a joke.

So, the weirdest and most grand trial in United States history began. The trial party is more than 500 people who are designated to be linked to the terrorist organization Hydra. The trial Magistrate is Tony Stark’s temporary regime representative, as well as Nick Fury and a spokesperson from the military. There is no lawyer, no formal jury. Some have only hundreds of millions of eyes, staring at this place.

Such a trial can be said to have broken many similar records. It may become the trial with the highest position of trial, the most people on trial, the greatest impact, and the most viewers in the history of United States. To put it bluntly, such a trial can even determine the fate of United States. And this, Tony Stark, as the presiding judge, is the one who has the most experience.

He knows very well what it means to return when this day comes and ends. It will mean that United States will go in a completely different direction on this day. By successfully completing this trial, they will be able to rescue United States from this chaotic situation and return it to the right path. If it fails, then the United States will be completely devastated and can only seek new hope in the chaos.

That is not what Tony wants to see, so he must ensure that today’s trial of the century must be able to proceed safely.

I looked at my own watch and made eye contact with the two people around me. Tony was nodded and sent a signal to Rhodey, who was in charge of the situation.

Rhodey got the signal and immediately began to move. Under his order, a series of jeeps from the military escorted a long queue of police escort vehicles, at the focal point of ten thousands. Next, he drove little by little into the green grass where the Washington Monument was erected.

To judge this group of ******s that almost destroyed the United States in front of this iconic building. This is what Tony wants to achieve and what he wants all Americans to see. Therefore, when these dejected guys were escorted by fully armed soldiers to the trial seat under the monument. Tony immediately spoke out the draft of oneself to the cameras that had already been set up and broadcast live all over the world in front of him.

“Good day, everyone who is watching this trial. I am Tony Stark, Chief-In-Charge and the presiding judge of this trial. And now I want to watch this on TV, the Internet and other media. The people of the trial live broadcast are saying that today, everything will change.”

“Until now, our government is doing things that puzzle us. They attack heroes and kill civilians. , And even used large-scale strategic weapons to carry out an unknown aggression. They took our country’s future as a bet and failed.”

“This is undoubtedly something we need to blame. But , Before accusing me, I hope that every reasonable American can do one thing first. That is to think, why? Why is our government so stupid, our government so crazy. Why is it just us? Encountered this kind of hell and damn situation.”

Even if you can only see Tony’s speech on the screen, most Americans can still feel her anger when she says this. And severe mood swings. This made them resonate, and began to stop oneself’s work, looking at Tony earnestly, waiting for him to say own answer.

And Tony obviously has to continue.

“Please think back, one day last year, what happened in our Supreme Court. I know that many people were confused by the advent of God, but ignored The existence of that God, have you forgotten the scandal that occurred at the time?”

“The president of our country was assassinated, and the vice president was accused of being a member of a terrorist organization. They are all related The tragedy that took place in New York is completely related. And all of this points to an evil and terrifying organization. This organization is manipulating our government and completely controlling the rights of this country in a way we don’t know. The use of nuclear bombs to attack one of the most prosperous cities in the world is something that any country and any government will not do. But our government has done it, and it has done dignified right, and the ending is scribbled. This It is abnormal in itself, but none of us cares about this abnormality.”

Impossible and the others answered Tony immediately resolutely and decisively said the own answer, and his answer made countless people His face sank and fell into contemplation.

“Our indulgence allowed this abnormality to continue. To this day, this country has caused the biggest scandal and the biggest farce. United States, can it be called United States? Oneself is the most powerful country on this planet. Since that day, it has become a question mark. Chaos, questioning, and distrust have already feared the future, and this country has almost fallen.”

“This is our mistake and our regret. As a child of United States, at this time, I must stand up and stop all of this. Not just me, I think everyone here, every one is American, who is watching this live broadcast, has the responsibility to stand up, stop all this, and redeem all this. America is our mother, we must save her, even if we try our best. Today, what we have to do is just the beginning .”

With a big wave, all the cameras turned to the policemen under the monument who were escorted by the soldiers with live ammunition as planned. Each of these former influential figures has a very prominent past, and the upper-class society they live in is even more admired by countless people. But now, they are like guinea pigs fixed on the Dissection stage, shivering, completely without the prestige and imposing manner of the past.

When the camera turned to Tony, Tony had stood up from his seat and pointed at the sinners in front of oneself. At the same time, speaking loudly to every American behind the camera.

“Look, this is why we have fallen here. This is what we have found, the culprit who needs to pay for the United States today.”

Here, he stopped abruptly. She frowned and added in the harshest tone again.

“No, they cannot be regarded as the culprits. They can only be regarded as accomplices at best. From the president, and every member of Parliament, they are responsible for the status quo of this country because of their identity! With these prominent identities, they are members of the evil terrorist organization Hydra. This is really ridiculous and sad to us. I know that many of you hate these guys because of them, you may have lost your loved ones. , Lost friends. But, I want to tell you that you can hate them, but you can’t put all your sins on these guys. Because, as I said, they are just an accomplice. And the mastermind is someone else.”

“And before I say the identity of the mastermind. I still need to tell everyone who is watching the live broadcast. That is, this time **** The important figure in **, Alexander Pierce, the chairman of the World Security Council, has been attacked by Hydra two days ago and died unfortunately. The reason why I mention him is not because of how respectable this is. The existence of. In fact, if he is still alive, then this guy’s position now is one point higher than our former Mr. President. He is a proven existence as the leader of HYDRA, and it is the terrifying existence of our country. The driver of change. To be more blunt, that is, the criminals you see now, the bureaucrats in these governments, most of them are pushed to the top by this guy named Pierce. It can be said that this The guy controlled our government, and even the war was initiated by him.”

“Such a guy is the guy who should be tried today. Unfortunately, we don’t have the ability. Stop Hydra’s persecution of him. At this point, I need to confess that I was there at the time, but my ability was not able to deal with Hydra’s assassins. It is true that I am Superhero in your eyes. However, Hydra’s people also own it. A super criminal with powerful ability. I can hardly win, let alone stop his actions. Moreover, the most important thing is that there is more than one such guy in Hydra.”

“I said these, it is not I hope you can forgive me for not being able to stop this killer. But I hope you can realize the strength of our enemies. The United States was once played by them, but now the United States also does not have the ability to compete with them. Right, it’s all a problem.”

“But!” At this point, Tony’s voice suddenly rose. He walked to the front of the stage like a leader and said the most firm words with the most solemn expression. “This is not a reason for us to admit defeat. We must not admit defeat, especially for such a terrorist organization. Whether it is for our country or the future of this World, we must continue to fight with them. And today, this one The trial is a turning point. It will be the past of United States, and it will also be the beginning of our declaration of war on Hydra. We will never compromise or yield. This is my declaration as an American. And I want to ask. Yes, you guys, have you also made this determination?”

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