Sun God Marvel

Chapter 727

A common problem with smart people is that they can’t help but think too much. In this regard, Timur, who claims to be a wise man, is no exception. He was educated by aristocrats since he was a child, and he understood the so-called conspiracy. It’s a kind of attack like him, and Tony’s waiting for work with ease is also a kind.

However, what worries Timur the most is not Tony’s waiting for work, but his plan. No one can guarantee that this will happen to Tony Stark’s all means. If after these circumstances, Tony also failed to use tactics, then it is undoubtedly bad news for him.

In this level of struggle, a little negligence can be fatal. Therefore, he had to play with the spirit of twelve points to deal with Tony’s statement.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Tony is bluffing him. It was like singing an empty city strategy, which made him suspicious and didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking. And once he slows down the pace of owning, then it is likely to provoke unpredictable consequences.

Timur will never forget how terrifying existence is in this country. Not to mention the arrogant God, even Hulk is not a guy who can easily deal with it.

But, what if not? If all this is true, does Tony Stark really have other plans?

Some undecided Timur could not help but hesitate in the heart. But, soon he made a judgment and smiled low at Tony.

“Do you want to lie to me? Stark. Seriously, you were almost able to succeed. However, it was still a little bit worse.”

As if debunking Following Stark’s conspiracy, it seemed to affirm oneself’s thoughts. Timur did not wait for Tony to make any rebuttals, and immediately said with a smile.

“Unfortunately you forgot one very important thing, that is to cover up the situation in front of you. This is your home ground, your site. When it is completely destroyed by us, all you have Everything will vanish. Therefore, the real smart person will not watch the owner’s foundation suffer such harm, nor will he bet on the most important thing of oneself. So, Stark. The real situation is that you have already You are so poor and helpless!”

“What you said seems to make sense, but it is just your guess.”

A glance has almost spread to half of Washington. The wars of Binfei in the SAR, and the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers can be seen everywhere. Tony gritted his teeth, with anger in his eyes, lowered his voice and spoke word by word to Timur.

“A person like you will never understand the meaning of oneself sacrifice. I know that this will happen, and I must also make it happen. American needs to see the most real thing in order to produce the most Powerful motivation. The motivation to destroy you, and this is what I am doing now. I want to make your evil deeds public. At the same time, I want the world to witness your failure together!”

Tony’s words made Timur immediately realize something, and he turned his head and looked towards the trial bench in the distance. The cameras standing in great numbers on both sides made him understand what Tony meant in an instant. This made him suddenly angry and shouted at the communicator next to his own ear.

“Destroy the cameras, destroy them immediately!”

His order was executed almost immediately. A team of Iron Man Armor turned a corner in the air and rushed towards the cameras. And seeing them rush to the trial bench and destroy these things. At this moment, a violent roar resounded sharply.

A soldier who had been stationed at the edge of the trial seat violently pulled his own clothes and immediately turned into a terrifying Hulk in the unbelievable eyes of a group of people. Then he rushed towards the Iron Man Armor.

Trifling’s mass-produced Iron Man Armor is simply not a problem for a powerful guy like Hulk. As long as he is hit by him, and there will be no chance to resist, those bad luck guys will be crushed to pieces in Hulk’s big hands. These Iron Man Soldiers who have just been ordered are a typical example, and they will not be the only examples.

Seeing that Wang Haoke of Destruction appeared in front of oneself, Timur’s eyes suddenly showed deep fear. For such a powerful and terrifying guy, he has never let go of his guard. Originally, he thought that this guy should be with the Captain America group who still didn’t move. But now it seems that the situation is not as smooth as he expected.

However, it’s just a Hulk. Timur did not think that the current situation could be reversed with a Hulk alone. Moreover, the most critical issue is that Tony is still in his hands. This made him confident, and even turned back to Tony maliciously, and said grimly at him.

“Do you think that a trifling Hulk can save you and everything here? Don’t crack a joke, Stark. Even if these Iron Man Soldiers are wiped out, you are still with me As long as you kill you in front of so many people, the victory in this battle will still belong to me!”

“It depends on whether you can do it!”


Tony, who was held in the hands of the rock, gave a low growl, and then immediately issued such an order to the own smart steward.

“Jarvis, the power furnace is loaded to the maximum load output, the active nano safety valve is opened, and the full power is supplied to the nano armor. Now open for me!”

“Yes, sir The power furnace has reached the highest power, and the active Nanominium saturation has begun to increase, 17%, 20%, 10% 25…100%. Into the overload state!”

Following Jarvis’ report, the Mark Six on Tony’s body immediately began to change form. With the so-called energy output, the original golden red painting immediately began to become fiery-red as dazzling as a real flame. Almost every metal particle began to release its own radiance individually, which made the entire armor of Tony appear dazzling and powerful.

Active Nanominium, this technology is a new technology developed by Tony, who almost caused a catastrophe due to Nanominium’s runaway in the last German incident, after painstaking research. And the most important key is to use Jarvis’ super computing power to forcibly intervene in each Nanominium structure, and input a digital language that has been written for it, so that it can be received by the terminal system like a sub-machine, which is Jarvis ‘Control.

It sounds simple, but in fact it is extremely complicated to operate. It can be said that in order to make such a new type of nano armor, Tony has invested more manpower and material resources on it than the sum of all his armors in the past. However, it is precisely because of such a huge contribution that he can achieve an upgrade that is almost impossible for Iron Man Armor. That is to copy the previous runaway ability and make it artificially controllable.

Think about the fighting power displayed by Iron Man Armor in the runaway state at that time that can almost compete with Hulk in a short time. Now, after completing this technology, Tony can do the same as before, and can do better and more powerful than it was then.

The new active nano armor is not comparable to the original old nano armor. Almost achieved the power of independent control of every nano factor, and it is not the original Nanominium can mention on equal terms. So, in just an instant, Tony turned into a limit red light that was completely invisible to human vision. After destroying the giant rock man who controlled his own in the blink of an eye, he shot over at Timur.

Timur’s ability comes from his own father, the real Mandarin’s ten magic rings. In terms of his physical fitness, he can only be regarded as the Peak among human beings. And humans, even Peak humans, are impossible to capture Tony’s current actions with naked eyes in this situation.

When the fiery red stream appeared in the retina, Tamerlane, who had already sensed the error subconsciously, immediately opened his own hand, frantically stimulating the magic of the oneself ring.

The ring on his left thumb suddenly exploded with a burst of white light, which enveloped him in an inverted circle like a light mask. In this circle, they were all affected by a special force, and their own gravity was superimposed hundreds of times in an instant. This allowed everything except Timur to sink frantically towards the ground. Even Tony, who had just rushed into this range, had to stop.

While seeing Tony, who once again transformed into a human form from a stream of light, like a monster like a raging steel lava, Timur, who was extremely shocked in his heart, still suppressed all the fluctuations in oneself’s heart. , Raised his hands and shouted at Tony.

“Tony Stark, you will not be my opponent. In front of my alchemy, your struggle is meaningless!”

“Then try it, Mandarin !”

Replied faintly, Tony once again rushed towards Timur with the fully powered nano armor. Although his speed has not been able to return to the point where it was almost like a streamer, it is still as fast as a full-powered car. Moreover, because of the gravity buff, the kinetic energy he carries is also soaring. This made him just run, like a heavy tank in a crazy Mercedes. Not to mention, when he uses oneself’s lava-like fist to attack, what a heavy force will be.

Timuri could not imagine, and did not dare to try it easily. He can only stretch out the take action, and once again activate the power on the oneself ring.

The golden gem radiance on the ring finger of the right hand flashed, and a sword-like radiance flew past. And this theoretically no stronghold one cannot overcome the radiance when it touched Tony’s body, it violently shot out a huge shock wave.

It’s like something is protecting Tony. This powerful beam of formidable power does not at all play its due role, but is instantly offset to disappear without a trace. This made Timur’s face even more drastically changed. In order to stop Tony, he had to use the ring again and place a thick ice wall between them.

The ice that is almost absolute zero has incredible strength, and he is full of confidence in this defense. But with a loud bang, the entire ice was instantly broken into countless fragments by strikes, and it was smashed down like a sudden hail burst against Timur.

And then, Tony also appeared in front of him, and let out a low and angry roar at him.

“Mandarin, Go to hell!”

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