Sun God Marvel

Chapter 729

Harada Kenichi, a Japanese, a very bizarre Japanese. Strictly speaking, Harada Kenichi is his current name, and his real name should be Yashida Kenichi, and he is also a member of the Yashida family, Japan’s largest military industrial group.

Even saying that his identity is not the ordinary Yashida clansman, but the offspring of the illegal child of Yashida’s Sect Master. He was born in Upright Sect, so he should have an inexhaustible high position and great wealth. But in fact this is not the case.

His father is an illegal child, an existence not recognized by his grandfather. And he is the same, so he doesn’t at all get what he should get. Even at first, his last name is not allowed to be named Yashida. He has been called Harada Kenichi since he was a child, Harada is actually his mother’s last name.

The surname is not Yashida, which has little influence on Harada Kenichi. Although he is an illegal child, his life as a child is still happy. Father’s tolerance and mother’s love made him enjoy a wonderful time. However, until one day came, all his life had changed.

Yashida since ancient times are all Japanese Upright Sect generations, and the power they hold allows them to always be above the ruling class. The reason why Yashida can maintain such a situation that has not changed for hundreds of years is because there is a special secret hidden in this ancient family.

That is, behind this family’s glamour, it is quietly operating an unknown dark force. The black samurai, the largest ninja group in Japan, was secretly controlled by this family. Using the black samurai, the Yashida family has always maintained a detached social status. Even today, these elite killers are the foundation of the world-famous Yashida Group.

But how can a killer group be controlled by Yashida forever without any change? This involves another secret of the Yashida family.

Yashida family, until now has a tradition, a special tradition. And this tradition is a problem related to their bloodline. According to legend, every few generations, a baby boy in the Yashida family will be born with a magical and incredible power. This baby boy will be treated as a god-given child, the leader of the black samurai, and the silver samurai guarding the Yashida family.

Although it sounds weird, this tradition does exist. For hundreds of years, until today, this tradition has not undergone any changes. However, it happened that the Yashida family had a small problem with this generation.

Although the tradition has not changed, this special case does not appear in Yashida’s family. Because of this generation, Yashida orthodox not at all boys are born, only the third generation is a girl. Originally, the patriarch of Yashida had pinned their hopes on the next generation. However, the last thing he wanted to see happened happened.

Harada Kenichi, the son of the illegal child, inherited this tradition and awakened an incredible power from him. When Yashida found out about this, he immediately sent someone to take the grandson away and gave him the name Yashida. At the same time, he sent him to the black samurai base to accept the practice of ninjas and samurai sword dao. This is absolutely cruel to a child. In order to train qualified silver warriors, the black warriors never show mercy. So such a day can be said to be a hellish memory for Harada Kenichi.

But he inherited it and really inherited the name of the Silver Samurai. At the same time, he inherited the organization of the Black Samurai and became the contemporary Guardian of Yashida.

This experience can be said to be a very inspirational story. If you don’t watch his ending!

In the end, Kenichi Harada inherited the traditional position of Yashida and became the master of the black samurai, the Guardian of the family. However, his father and mother had already died more than ten years ago, on the night he was picked up. The Silver Samurai is Guardian, and Guardian cannot have any fetters other than the family. So, at that time, his grandfather made a choice for him.

If Kenichi Harada is a protagonist of a story, then maybe he will choose to give to this family Penalty, and use their blood to pay tribute to oneself’s dead parents and oneself’s lost future. However, he is not a protagonist of a story. He is just a poor creature struggling in reality. He can only accept this fate and such an arrangement, like a doll, accepting the arrangement of oneself’s only relative, his grandfather.

Even saying that even joining Hydra and coming here to be enemies with guys like Tony Stark is because of his grandfather’s arrangement. Yashida is also one of the heads of Hydra, and is the first group of heads who acknowledge allegiance to Baron. Therefore, the Silver Warrior must also be loyal to Hydra and must be loyal to Baron. This is why he came here.

However, Tony doesn’t know about these corners. He only knew that the silver samurai’s sword, like an unrolled bolt of white silk, had unimaginable formidable power.

After the active nano armor is fully activated, not only this explosive formidable power will be produced, but also a special force field will be produced to deal with impact damage and energy damage. This is also the reason why Mandarin’s cutting light has failed several times. In the face of this kind of force field, his magic tricks really don’t play a big role.

It is such a magical invisible armor, but in front of the blade light of this unrolled bolt of white silk, it instantly resembles a piece of paper that has been forcibly torn apart. In half. Even said that even the nano armor on his body did not play any protective role. Under the blade light, he was torn into an unusually distinct cut.

This is the reason why Tony saw something wrong and pulled back in time. Otherwise, let alone a piece of nano armor, I am afraid that his whole person will be completely divided into two under this blade dao light.

This kind of survivorship made Tony a chill from in the bones instantly. It’s not that he has never encountered such a powerful enemy that cannot be resisted. But it was the first time he encountered such a sharp attack, making him feel that he was about to be killed in an instant.

Like a steel wire walking between tall buildings, the feeling that he would fall to the bones if he was careless, made him involuntarily blow up his hairs and knocked him crazy in his heart It’s a wake-up call.

What is going on here? What the hell is going on with the blade light? This is Tony’s most sincere thought at this moment. When encountering such a dangerous enemy, he really has to force oneself to learn as much as possible about the secrets of the opponent’s attack. After all, a little carelessness, he really only has a dead end.

“Jarvis, what’s the matter? Have you checked out why the blade dao light just now has such terrifying formidable power?”

While holding his chest, let Nanominium repairs the wound above as quickly as possible. Tony retired quickly, and at the same time called his own intelligent steward, trying to use his power to analyze the attack mode of the silver samurai on the opposite side.

And at his order, Jarvis moved quickly. He used various methods to reshape the scene at the time, and scanned the silver samurai’s this time attack time and time again. However, from beginning to end, he did not get any conclusions. This is an unimaginable power, and this power is obviously beyond the scope of science and technology.

“Sorry, sir. I cannot draw valid conclusions from the data just now. This ability seems to have exceeded my detection range!”

” Let’s start? Can we get a valid guess from other aspects?”

While continuing to ask, Tony dodges the attack from the Silver Samurai with his own Superspeed.

I saw the tall body of the silver samurai galloping towards Tony like a silver white sports car. While moving, he also wielded the weapon in oneself’s hand wanton at Tony. With every swing, a red blade light swayed out, spreading out like an unrolled bolt of white silk, extending a distance of ten meters. And as long as it is blocked in front of this blade dao light, no matter what. Whether it is tall buildings or thick concrete floors, they all look like paper cut by a sharp paper knife, leaving only a wide, neat, smooth and deep cut without any gaps.

If it is a horizontal incision, some objects can barely maintain their original shape. But those sloping incisions can only make the cut item slide down silently along the neat incision. Small objects such as cars and telephone booths are fine, but when Tony watched an entire office building slide down along the slits, the shock really exceeded his bottom line.

This ability is really too terrifying. He doesn’t even know what way to defend against this terrifying ability. He could only run away, and then flee desperately on the premise of preserving oneself’s life.

However, he was impossible to flee forever, and he was impossible to ignore everything that happened in the trial ground. He must figure out a way to deal with this guy, otherwise, all his arrangements are likely to fall short.

This difficult problem made his thinking brain a little bit painful, and it was when he was unable to do anything. The report from Jarvis’ came in suddenly.

“Sir, this is a Mutant. I checked the existence of Mutant X-Gene from him.”

Yes, Harada Kenichi is a Mutant. The so-called Yashida tradition is nothing but the Mutant gene passed down from generation to generation in their paternal line. Through the so-called legends and myths, in fact, everything is such a reality. The reality may break the imagination of many people.

In the final analysis, Kenichi Harada is just a victim of this cruel reality.

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