Sun God Marvel

Chapter 733

until now, human confrontation methods have become more conventional. The confrontation between tactics, equipment and elite forces, even this battle between Hydra and United States is no exception. Although there are many of them like Superhero, biochemical monsters, etc., but in general they have not broken away from this framework, from a framework of basic human cognition. In other words, they are always on this board, playing the game step by step in accordance with the rules of chess.

But now, the situation is different. Because Tony borrowed external power and completely broke this rule. And this power is precisely something that humans cannot recognize.

Witch, Werewolf, and Vampire, this is the myth of the Western world, they are creatures that should only exist in fantasy. And since it is an illusion, then it is doomed that these things cannot appear in the sight of human beings alive. Although many people in high positions are aware of their existence, no one has ever wanted to show these existences to the public.

Humans can accept the existence of gods, but they may not be able to accept the existence of these monsters in the dark. Not just them, even the dark race as the party concerned, did not expose own ideas. This can be said to be an established rule. But now, with the tacit cooperation of Tony and the dark race, this rule was easily torn to pieces.

This is not a good thing, because the impact and turbulence it causes are all world-class. It is conceivable that when the entire world sees these dark races active in Washington through the cameras that are still in operation, what a terrifying reaction will there be. Human beings will even doubt the own worldview and outlook on life, and those people who are not rational enough will inevitably create some troubles in society.

It can be said that this will change the entire world, not only on the pattern, but also on the level of human society. But now, even when Nick Fury has started to feel a headache for these problems. He also had to admit that Tony’s move was indeed a good move.

The power of United States is sometimes not at all as powerful as others imagine. Although they have the most powerful military force in the world, they have already reached a level of malaise in the attack this time. This is true in that respect.

Hydra is different. It is unceremonious to say that Hydra’s soldiers are definitely the elite of the elite, whether it is combat power or fighting will, they are comparable to the special soldiers of the cream of the crop. Coupled with their own technological strength, and the kind of battle method that counts everything. The US military is simply not their opponent.

Like the situation in front of us, if we only rely on the United States army and a few Superhero to fight Hydra. Even if it can win, it is just a miserable victory. And such a victory, for United States, is actually just another miserable defeat.

Today they have sacrificed enough, enough for every American to feel the pain. Therefore, they should also make changes now, and use these extraordinary powers to end all this as soon as possible. And I have to say that these extraordinary powers are doing very well.

Those undead driven by Witch congenitally restrain all Iron Man Soldiers. As long as they are there, those Iron Man Soldiers will begin to wear out in large numbers. Even in such a short period of time, the damage they have caused to Iron Man Soldiers has far exceeded the efforts of United States soldiers for so long.

They made those Iron Man Soldiers who were very arrogant just now look like mice seeing a cat, just seeing the movements of the ghosts, they began to flee desperately. But no matter where they flee, they are still in the claws of those undead.

Almost without who reports, Timur could see with his own eyes, one after another Iron Man Soldiers fell to the ground in the attack of ghosts. Needless to think, he knew that these soldiers were completely hopeless, and it was very possible to send important equipment to those Americans.

This made him almost bit his teeth with hatred. But even so, he did not make any extra moves. In other words, he didn’t even have the courage to show up.

He hasn’t figured out the origin of those undead, but anyway, he can realize that it is the handwriting of a powerful wizard. The power possessed by this kind of wizard is very terrifying, if it is not for a deep understanding of him, he would not dare to expose oneself to the wizard casually.

So he can only watch, watching oneself’s elite troops being wiped out by these supernatural ghost charms.

However, it was just a few Iron Man Soldiers, and it was not enough to make him completely defeated. Especially under the premise that he has already made double preparations.

The biochemical monsters put down are his real killing move. Their super hunting, adaptability and evolutionary nature make them enough to become the core force to destroy the United States. Just born, they can slaughter an entire special force in the shortest time, and as they prey and grow, they will only become more powerful and terrifying. even more how, this time he started to drop more than two hundred such biochemical monsters around Washington in one go. If they are not controlled, then these monsters will soon spread throughout the United States.

And want to control this kind of monster, and easier said than done.

It is almost difficult for the United States army to effectively damage them. And those supernatural powers such as the undead were not within Timur’s worries at all. Whether this transformed biochemical monster has a soul or not is a question. Even if it does, their chaotic mind and brain waves are enough to make those ghosts unable to start.

It can be said that as long as you drag enough time, these monsters can cause the entire United States to produce Infinity turmoil and panic. But can he delay enough time? I am afraid that he himself has no bottom in his heart. Because at this time, those more Vampire and Werewolves have also found their own goals. And their goal is exactly the monsters he puts.

Werewolves and Vampire fight against these biochemical monsters. This is a result that no one can guess the answer. Even if it is the leader of Hydra, Timur can not be sure that these biochemical monsters like own can defeat these legendary Demons. Therefore, when he saw that the own monster and the Demons began to confront each other, his heart was inevitably upset.

In fact, not only him, but even the US Military who monitors the entire Washington with surveillance methods have already noticed this situation, and their mood is far more nervous than Timur. many.

The failure of Timur was, at best, a failure in action. As long as he can keep the key person, there is a chance to return in a swirl of dust. And if they fail, then it actually means that the entire United States is gone. Aside from social chaos and panic, just a wild monster can become a scourge that destroys this country. Therefore, they are not nervous about it, nor can they have to prepare in advance.

In fact, when the SEAL team, code-named Sandman, was destroyed, the military and SHIELD had secretly mobilized several bombers and were ready to set off at any time. That is their last resort, and the only means to prevent the situation from expanding. Of course, everything is just in case, for the most undesirable scene.

No one wants to kill this kind of owner person, so their spirits are almost all concentrated on the most critical place in front of them. But what they saw made them feel a cold sweat quickly in their hearts.

Because in the battle against the biochemical monsters, these dark races are far from doing well against the Iron Man Soldiers. In other words, they are the side of surrounded by perils.

Neither Werewolf nor Vampire can take advantage of those monsters when fighting. It even said that even if they bullied the less, three or four cooperated to attack a target, they would end up in the same way.

The sharp claw of the werewolf simply can’t hurt the monster’s body. The mucus that covers the monster can always easily block the attack of their claws, making them unable to cause any damage to the monster’s interior. As for the mouth, there is no other way.

It’s not that there are no werewolves who have tried biting, but before they bite the monster’s body, the disgusting slime is already like a living thing, and it has to start a counterattack first. Some bad luck guys were directly pierced by the tentacles stretched out by these mucus, and then dragged into the big mouth of the monster’s abdomen.

This makes monsters even bigger. In just one minute, they have gained evolutionary power from the food swallowed by oneself, resulting in terrifying and weird changes.

The heads that were originally similar to humans began to change towards canines. Their huge and prominent mouths gave them more and more powerful attack methods. Such changes make the evolved monsters more difficult to deal with. And such monsters are definitely not one or two.

Some swallowed werewolves, while others swallowed Vampire. When humans saw some of these monsters grow huge bat wings from both sides of the own back, and really fly into the sky. They immediately reported the bad news eagerly. After hearing this report, Nick Fury looked towards Witch next to oneself with an ugly expression, and asked her.

“The people you brought seem to have lost. When dealing with the monsters. If you have no other way to deal with these monsters, then let your people leave here as soon as possible. We will Use the last resort to clean everything here.”

“The last resort, you mean nuclear weapons?” At this, Anvina made a slight mockery on her face. “It’s a crude method, Mr. Fury. I don’t think we have reached this level yet. Especially when our also trump card is not used.”

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