Sun God Marvel

Chapter 737

One sun, one moon. This existence has almost become the most conspicuous existence over Washington. And because of the confrontation between these two existences, the whole of Washington immediately felt the worst disaster.

Fortunately, Yuehua, under Serena’s intentional control, the scattered moonlight did not at all cause any harm to the city. But the scarlet gold’s big fireball like the sun is different. The fire and high temperature that he spilled almost made the entire city surrounded by the fire sea.

Anything exposed on the ground, whether it is a building or anything else, is like a match struck, completely lit up from the inside to In addition, there is no trace of residue.

This is a disaster, no doubt. If this situation is allowed to continue, the whole of Washington will become a pile of ashes. Therefore, Tony, who was lucky enough to keep oneself from being lit in this situation, immediately yelled at Serena on his head.

“Selina, solve him. Solve him as soon as possible. We can’t let him destroy it like this. This will make our city all ruined.”

Selina did not Answered him verbally, but she answered with own action. As soon as Yuehua twisted it, it immediately looked like a flying blade, hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing towards the big fireball of scarlet gold. Although the raging flames covered almost everything around the fireball, the moonlight that was still being swept by this flying was like peeling an onion, deepening in layer by layer.

This allowed the person controlling the golden fireball to immediately stop oneself’s destruction of the city. At the same time, he desperately increased the outer power of own, so that the raging fire would protect oneself from any Harm from Yuehua. This action is naturally effective, but at the same time it also makes the burning city lose the probability of continuing to improve. And when Serena controlled more moonlight to spread to the ground with one hand, the raging flames burning across the city were immediately extinguished by the cold radiance.

There are surprises and no dangers, for many people it looks like this. But as the person involved, Tony could feel clearly, it was just a short pause. As long as the person who caused the damage is still here, then they are impossible as safe. And such a guy… thinking of the ability of this guy who appeared suddenly to almost burn a city, Tony muttered in his heart immediately.

“It’s hell, where did this kind of power guy come from.”

And when he muttered like this, the guy from the huge fireball Yes, she opened her mouth and said to Serena who stood opposite oneself.

“Woman, leave here, I am not, and you, an enemy.”

“Who are you?” Serena hadn’t said anything, Tony was already impatient Questioned loudly. He desperately wants to know the identity of this enemy, and then find a way to deal with him from this identity. This may not seem feasible, but it is the only thing he can do now.

However, this trick obviously has no effect on Shiro Yoshida. Since he dares to appear in this way, it means that he is not afraid to expose his own identity. His power is enough to make him ignore these. So he directly replied with oneself’s rigid Japanese English.

“I am, too Yang Fire. Mutant! American, I am here for revenge!”

Vengeance? This is really a ridiculous topic. As soon as Tony heard such words, Tony immediately burst into laughter.

“Vengeance? Ha, this is really the funniest joke I’ve heard in this century. What qualifications do you have to say revenge to us? Or, do you reverse our position? until now it’s you, you damn terrorist organizations that hurt others. Even if it’s revenge, it’s our revenge.”

“I’m not, Hydra. At least, I haven’t, I’ve been involved, anything Regarding your business.” Shiro Yoshida’s voice is still stiff, but a lot of anger has appeared in his words. That was the anger he accumulated for a long time, and now, it is time for him to vent it. “My revenge began many years ago. On August 6, 1945, you still remember, what did you do to my country?”

August 6th, 1945, for most ordinary persons, this is not a special day. But for Tony, a former arms dealer, this day is extremely memorable. That was the day when the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It was also the day when the history of World War II sounded the end of the bell. Its symbolic significance is great, but in any case, it is unlikely that Shiro Yoshida specifically mentioned this to commemorate this day when justice defeated evil. Obviously, this day also means something else to him.

“An atomic bomb? This is what you call revenge? It’s ridiculous, it’s your act of having only oneself to blame. You are the Axis powers, and the war you waged made countless people in this world Suffered from pain and injury, so you deserve it. You are not qualified to avenge this!”

“You, you can drop that damn atomic bomb on Tokyo and on those , Damn it, the soldier. Drop it on, the damn Emperor. But, you can’t, drop it on Hiroshima.”

Yoshida Shiro said almost word by word, you can feel that he is in How deep is the anger in this statement.

“It’s really an interesting statement. If I could be born in that era, I would find a way to make them change their minds, as you said. But now, I can only say sorry. You It’s bullshit!”

It’s obvious that Shiro Yoshida is not the only one angry, and Tony is no less angry than him now. So he has hidden meaning, and the meaning of mockery is completely obvious.

This naturally angered Yoshida Shiro’s heart, and he roared out almost immediately.

“You guys killed my mother. I don’t understand at all, why, you guys, put atomic bombs on civilians. Damn, Bushwacker!”

” That’s because you have done something like this before. Ha, killed your mother? I’m really sorry, but if you are looking for a murderer, go to your emperor and cabinet. They have done this too. Things. What we have done is just to return the sufferings that the people of the world have endured as they are!”

“So, now, I will also return these to you.”

Lost the verbal meaning of entangled with Tony, Yoshida Shiro immediately made the flames on his body rise again. The scorching flame even surpassed its original form and turned into a glued plasma. And this made the temperature rise like never before.

Despite the support of moonlight, the temperature still makes it difficult for people in Washington to breathe. Even the oil roads on the ground began to melt due to the high temperature. And this was just a foreshadowing before the outbreak of Yoshida Shiro, he was brewing a stronger power, and at the same time he issued a final message to Serena.

“Your answer, woman. Here, die with them. Or, leave?”

Selena did not reply, but directly turned Yuehua into a weapon , Attacked Yoshida Shiro again. As for the increasingly fierce moonlight, Shiro Yoshida immediately understood her answer. This made him immediately shut his mouth, condensed the ion flame around him into a ball, then turned into a hot streamer, and rushed towards Serena.

For this, Serena raised her hands up and turned the moonlight directly into a silvery existence like a substance, and then shot like a huge sharp blade against the galloping ion. Up. The moonlight and the ionic flame collided in an instant. Then the violent energy fluctuations shattered countless moonlights into dots of brilliance, and also made the blossoming ion flames fall from the sky to the entire city like cherry blossoms.

Fortunately, the moonlight, after losing Selena’s control, this kind of radiance quickly spilled into the air. But those ionic flames caused huge trouble to Tony and the others. They can easily burn through steel and rocks, and just like melting cheese, everything is melted into a crimson lava.

This is dangerous, no matter who it is for. Therefore, Tony could only be forced to leave this dangerous area, and evacuated all the friendly forces as he could, and evacuated from here. And just when he did this, in the sky suddenly changed.

In this short instant, the impact of Yuehua completely shattered the ion flame of Yoshida Shiro’s body into countless fragments. This made the scattered ion flames more numerous, but it also made Yoshida Shiro completely lose the barrier of body protection. At the next moment, Serena was like a silver light that pierced the sky, tearing the sky directly, and rushed to Yoshida Shiro’s position.

The confrontation between them got rid of this meaningless way of fighting energy, but directly entered a state of close hand-to-hand combat. In this state, Yoshida Shiro is obviously inferior to Serena, who has been tempered through hundreds of years of battle. Especially when she still has the advantage in strength.

So soon, the body of Yoshida Shiro standing in the sky was thrown fiercely from the sky by Selena, and directly smashed through an office building, embedded fiercely Into the thick concrete.

For this powerful Mutant, this is naturally a heavy blow. After all, his ability is only the kind of external manifestation, not the physical enhancement system like wild beast and Juggernaut. Therefore, it can be said that he is lucky to survive. Naturally, he now simply has no resistance.

In this case, Serena had come to him in a hurry and whispered disdain to him.

“It’s just a rubbish, where’s the self-confidence, behaved so rampantly!”

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