Sun God Marvel

Chapter 741

Victory! Yes, from the current United States, Tony is fully qualified to use this term. His heroic behavior has given him countless followers, and his heroic resistance to the enemy and his ability to coordinate the overall situation have also made people see his ability.

Courage, will, and strength are equally indispensable. In most Americans, he is the best candidate for a leader. Although there was a slight twist in the middle, it was completely harmless to the overall situation. In fact, in their opinion, choosing Tony is far better than choosing those guys who can only speak for nothing.

until now, the governors of United States are all empty-mouthed guys. He promised everything before the election, and forgot everything after he took office. This is no longer a special case of two. It can be said that for the so-called sashimi election, most Americans actually have an attitude of playing with them. And everyone knows what the so-called candidates are.

And now, finally, there is a seemingly wise choice, and smart people naturally know what to do.

Tony’s coming to power is the general trend, and even the least optimistic about him will not deny this. In this regard, Nick Fury, who has always supported him, shows the joy of victory.

“The situation is much better than we thought, and the loss is controlled to a minimum. To be honest, when I saw Hydra’s methods, I almost thought that our layout It was in vain! But your reinforcements are really awesome. If there is no last guy, it would be great!”

Nick’s complaint cannot be heard in his words. Obviously, for King Ming He was not very pleased with the appearance of. In his view, the situation has been controlled by them, and the last accident is not likely to cause much trouble. Moreover, compared to the effects of Ming Wang’s appearance on Tony’s reputation, he would rather hope for more losses.

I don’t understand how powerful Yang Fire finally burst out of life. He only treated it as an ordinary high-energy explosion, so he simply didn’t understand the meaning of King Ming.

Of course, Tony didn’t want to explain too much to him. At least, now he doesn’t want to explain anything on this issue.

“In a while, I will provide you with a piece of information about this. I need you to send this information to the leaders of other countries. Now, we need to explore the current issue even more. How about our sacrifice?”

“The number of deaths was 470, and the number of minor and serious injuries exceeded 3,000. Fortunately, the number is much less than I previously estimated.”

Shrugged boy, Nick Fury expressed oneself’s happiness in this way. But when he heard such words, Tony’s heart was still a little heavy.

Almost five hundred heroic patriots have stayed on this land forever. Such a figure is simply a pair of heavy shackles, torturing Tony’s heart little by little. Although he knew very well in his heart that their sacrifice was necessary and necessary for the awakening and recovery of this country. But when he thought that they had killed own because of his decision, he felt a sense of indescribable guilt.

Looking at Tony’s face, Nick Fury immediately patted his shoulder and said in the tone of an elder.

“Don’t take it too seriously, Tony. This is war, and war must have sacrifices. They all sacrificed their lives for this country. There is nothing to regret. You should be proud of them. “

“Proud? Me?” Letting go of Nick Fury’s hand, Tony removed his own armor and became a mortal again, a mortal of flesh and blood. “I personally sent them into the battlefield, and I pushed them to death. You actually made me proud of them. Why, should I be proud of my Bushwacker identity?”

“This is what a leader must do.” Not mindful of Tony’s rebellious psychology, Nick Fury truly substituted oneself into an elder, a teacher, and taught him carefully. . “Choose, Tony, choose! This is something that a superior must learn. I know that doing this kind of thing is very difficult for you, but since you have chosen this path, you can only learn to get used to this kind of thing for so long. Because of the future, our future will inevitably be very bumpy, and such sacrifices will always only be more, not less!”

“I know, I know!” The tone changed from angry publicity to He was helplessly low, which showed that Tony had accepted this somewhat cruel fact. As Nick Fury said, this is the path he himself chose, and on this path, he has no room to turn around.

So he can only reluctantly suppress this complicated and painful psychology, and reinvest his thoughts into the things in front of him.

“Apart from personnel, are other losses serious?”

“It’s just a Washington! For us, it is a matter of great debt. Rest assured, the USD system will remain unchanged. Someone will pay for us.”

Some shameless bragging about this problem, Nick Fury relied on United States’ previous operations to let Tony relieved on this matter. After paying attention to the loss issue, he had to put more important issues on the table.

“So, how many prisoners did we catch?”

“Only a dozen soldiers, and they were caught alive with the help of those Witch. Hydra’s will is better than We imagined to be stronger, even if they die, they are not willing to surrender to us. Even these dozen people, I don’t think we can get what we want from their mouths. And I have to arrange a lot The people of the people looked at them, otherwise I doubted that they would cut off themselves!”

“A group of monsters!” Fiercely cursed, Tony immediately asked oneself who cared about most. “What about Mandarin, did you catch him?”

“Although I don’t want to admit it, we did let him run away. Tony, you should know that with the power in our hands, it is very It’s difficult to catch an enemy of this level, especially when he is all about running away.”

Tony also thought about this situation, and he also knew that it was not realistic to expect ordinary soldiers to catch Mandarin. Unless they are guys with super powers taking action, no one can deal with him. And he originally had this opportunity, but under the crazy behavior of Yoshida Shiro, he simply didn’t have time to worry about this guy. So, Mandarin escaped from their in front of one’s eyes. Clean and relaxed. To make Tony hate directly is to slap oneself.

“Damn! This bastard!”

Looking at Tony’s anger to this level, Nick Fury smiled slightly, but said to him at this moment.

“Don’t rush to blame oneself, Tony. We are not that absolutely does not have the harvest.”

“What do you mean?”

Looking at Nick Fury, who was suddenly sold off, Tony immediately twitched his face and asked angrily at him. This was Tony’s dissatisfaction. After all, the slap just now was not light, and his face is still numb now. If this guy doesn’t sell this barrier, he won’t suffer this crime.

As a human spirit, Nick Fury can naturally see Tony’s dissatisfaction, but he doesn’t feel any worries about it. Because he was confident, Tony would be satisfied with that so-called harvest. So he just put Tony on the shoulders, pushing him around, thinking of a large military truck passing by. At the same time, he also solemnly vowed to Tony assuring.

“Trust me, Tony. This gain will never disappoint you.”

“You better guarantee this, Director Fury!”

Following the strength of Nick Fury, Tony boarded the truck directly and walked into the thick container. And as the lights inside the car were turned on, he immediately saw the two things in the car.

A huge ice cube, inside the ice cube is Ivan enclosed by ice. The ultra-low temperature caused a thick layer of frost to form in the entire compartment, and just standing here, Tony felt a burst of immersion. Fortunately, the ultra-thin nano coat protected his body so that he would not suffer any harm due to this low temperature. So he can even walk directly to the edge of the ice cube and carefully look at Ivan inside.

“It was really an unexpected surprise. I thought this guy was also taken away by that Mandarin?”

“They want!” Wearing thick warm clothes , Nick Fury also came to Tony’s side. “But this kind of low temperature, which is almost close to absolute zero, leaves them no way. After all, this is our home court. They are not capable of transporting him away in such a short time.”

” Very good, I finally got something. I handed him over to you, and I tried everything possible to take out what we want to know from his mouth, understand?”

“Understand, this is My profession!”

Nick .Fury nodded, and then he saw Tony walk up to something else in the car. And he said to Tony immediately.

“Unfortunately, we only recycled this thing. The person inside has disappeared, but instead of being taken away by our enemy, I would rather believe that he was taken away by the lady Clean it up for the wiped out.”

“He is impossible and still alive!” Tony emphasized, and Tony looked carefully at the thick silver armor in front of Oneself for a while, and then said to Nick Fury. “This thing belongs to me. In addition, hand in all your information about Adamantium. I need to use them.”

“Of course, this is what you deserve.” There is no objection to Nick. Fury is naturally nodded. At this time, they immediately heard cheers from the outside world. This made him laugh immediately.

“Let’s go, Tony. Go and welcome your people. A new era has begun, an era dominated by you!”

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