Sun God Marvel

Chapter 747

Huiyao City is a nursing home under the personal name of Zhou Yi. With a little excitement, Susan told Zhou Yi this news.

“We succeeded. Reid has worked out a way to save the money. He has been rescued and he has become a human again.”

“This is good , Isn’t it?” Holding down the shoulders of Susan who was a little excited, Zhou Yi said to her with a smile. “You should be happy for your friend!”

“Yes, I am very happy for him.” After rubbing oneself’s cheeks that became a little red from excitement, Susan continued excitedly Said to Zhou Yi. “But I also want to tell you two other things!”

“The first thing is, besides Reed and Ben, I also and my younger brother have chosen to keep this ability.”

If the previous news made Zhou Yi also happy for Susan, then this news will leave Zhou Yi only astonished. At the moment she heard her say this, Zhou Yi suddenly stared wide-eyed, grabbed her shoulders, and asked her.

“Susan, do you know what you did? This is not a joke!”

“I know, of course I know what I’m doing!” I caught On Zhou Yi’s arm, Susan’s smiling face showed firmness that could not be ignored. “I want to keep my ability for you, Zhou Yi. I want to help you, I want a chance to stay with you?”

“Susan, what are you talking about! “

This is really a wayward statement that can no longer be wayward, so that Zhou Yi immediately shook his head and vetoed her.

“Even if you want to stay with me, you don’t need to make this decision. Susan, you are just a normal person, there is no need to carry this thing on your back. Is it a normal person? Isn’t it good?”

“Of course it’s good to be a normal person, but I have lost the qualification to compete with others. This is not what I want.”

As soon as the conversation was blocked, Zhou Yi immediately had some feelings of not knowing what to say. Of course he knew what Susan meant by competition, and because of this, he couldn’t handle such things. His feelings are already in a mess, and he wants to solve this troublesome relationship problem, unless he is willing to cut it off with a knife, otherwise it is simply impossible to solve it completely. And can he do such a thing? The answer is obviously no.

So he can only smile wryly, accepting Susan’s statement. At the same time, he couldn’t help but said to Susan.

“Susan, although I’m glad you can do this for me. But I think you should know something.”

“For example?” I heard Zhou Yi like that Said, Susan straightened his hair straight away, looked at him with a faint smile, and asked him.

“For example, about the fact that I had a child.”

“I thought you wouldn’t tell me about this?”

Upon hearing this, Susan’s expression immediately became a bit resentful. But obviously, this news is not very surprising to her. In other words, she already knew about it.

This reaction made Zhou Yi a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he quickly thought of the reason. So he immediately asked Susan.

“Do you know the news? Who told you the news? Ada, or Jean.”

“It’s Ada, I really didn’t expect that you would It was after her that this kind of thing was told to me. Sure enough, as Ida said, you men are just some people who can’t believe it!”

“Ada? When did you and The relationship between her has become so close, it’s time to call her names directly. But I remember that the last time you had trouble with each other was very unpleasant.”

“It was me and The reason Ida is not yet familiar with.” curl one’s lip, Susan gave Zhou Yi a white glance. Obviously, she was not very satisfied with Zhou Yi’s behavior of provoking discord. “Moreover, the last time was just an accident. After all, we didn’t know each other very well at that time.”


“So now, our relationship is pretty good. The most At least for now, we have reached a certain consensus on the same bastard man.”

“Then you really have to thank me. Because I have provided the establishment for the friendly relationship between you Condition, isn’t it?”

Touching his nose, Zhou Yi could only smile bitterly, and said so self-deprecatingly. Seeing his reaction, Susan smiled brighter and brighter.

“Maybe we really want to thank you. Especially after I met your women.”

“In short, this is my resolution. I need This power, and only this power can give me the qualification to stand by your side. I don’t want to be compared to others. Do you understand what I mean?”

“I understand, I Understand. Is the ambition between women? Of course I understand!” When whispering said this, Zhou Yi cheered up and turned the subject away.

“You just said that you have two news to tell me, also what is one news?”

“It’s really cunning, do you want to change the subject? I still I’m going to tell you what my younger brother wants to join in the Avengers?”

“That kind of thing, you can put it all right, after all, he is an adult. If he wants to do something What, you can’t stop him, can’t you? It’s the same as my younger sister.”

Emphasizing the problem of owning a child when he is too old, Zhou Yi asked again.

“There is also one thing you just said, what is it?”

“This is the situation. In the past few days, I and the aviation department of your company We had a certain exchange. In addition to confirming the data we collected in space, we also studied the reasons for the abnormal situation at that time. Then we determined the target on the silver shadow man!”

“Silver Shadowman? What the hell is that?”

As soon as he heard this strange name, Zhou Yi immediately showed a dazed expression on his face. He was very sure that oneself had never heard the name of such a guy, and he also believed that there was no such a guy among the people he knew. So he really didn’t know anything about the name Susan said.

Seeing Zhou Yi’s reaction, Susan naturally understood his doubts. So she explained immediately.

“Silver Shadowman is a name for a strange alien creature by me and your men. According to our understanding, this is an alien with a magical ability. He seems to be able to cause the sun to riot , And it is precisely because of him that made our last experiment unexpected.”

“at first we thought it might be a coincidence. But as we found his traces on Venus and Mercury After that, we all agreed that it had a purpose. Especially recently, we also found traces of this guy on Earth.”

“On Earth?”

Listening to this, Zhou Yi suddenly became interested. If before, he just took the news as a pleasure. So now, he felt a little weird in it.

An alien will actually have been in such a small place in the solar system for so long, and he has also become interested in the little planet Earth. This is something that is not justified in any way. After all, for an alien who can cross the universe, Earth is really a small place, which is just like the 15th century European countryside for modern urbanites. That kind of thing shouldn’t have any attraction, unless he has something to get in this place.

But what will it be? This is obviously a question that needs to be considered. Regarding this, Zhou Yi focused on Susan.

In this regard, Susan understood that it was time for oneself to continue, so she immediately explained.

“We have also done a lot of research on this. For example, we scanned the wavelengths of fire star and Venus by using electric telescope and ray monitoring equipment. At the same time, we also checked the place where he appeared on Earth. After investigating, we found something special.”

“That guy seems to be looking for something, and he seems to have found what oneself wants. It’s on Earth! Then , We discovered that he started to launch a signal wave into the universe, a special signal wave. Although we cannot decipher the content of the signal, we can imagine that such a thing is definitely not a good thing for this planet.”

“Do you mean that there will be aliens thinking about hitting this planet?”

After hearing Susan’s explanation, Zhou Yi immediately asked her like this. Regarding this, Susan nodded immediately, confirming Zhou Yi’s guess.

“Yes, the guy we call the Silver Shadow Man is obviously the Pathfinder of a certain advanced civilization in the universe. Although we are not sure what kind of thought he has. But we must take the worst He intends to speculate on his thoughts. I think he may be an intruder’s scout. The signal he sends to the depths of the universe is obviously for the army later. To verify my idea, I used the city of Huiyao The relationship with the Sundars on Jupiter borrowed their cosmic exploration technology. Then I discovered this.”

Speaking of this, Susan took out a small piece from the pocket of oneself white coat The machine, through this machine, put an image in front of Zhou Yi.

I saw in the vast universe, a black fog that could not be visited, almost bigger than the planet, was moving towards it little by little. Everything he passed was completely clean, as if completely swallowed. And if this is what Susan is referring to, then obviously, he is coming for Earth.

This is a dangerous sign for Earth. But when Zhou Yi lowered his head and saw Susan’s face, he found that Susan’s face didn’t mean the slightest worry. This is very abnormal, because according to the process in the movie, as a person who knows everything, Susan should be anxious now.

This made him immediately ask Susan curiously.

“Why can’t I see any worry from you? You are not fooling me.”

“Why should I worry!” Shrugged, Susan laughed as it should be by rights. “You are here, do I need to worry about anything?”

“What you said makes sense!”

rolled the eyes, Zhou Yi and Susan looked at each other, then He laughed involuntarily. Obviously, he is very confident, just like Susan. If any aliens dare to invade the own territory, then he will be very happy to tell them that you made a wrong decision. And it was the last wrong decision!

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