Sun God Marvel

Chapter 752

For the second time, I talked to Captain about cooperation, and this time, Tony’s identity has changed dramatically. If he was just a teammate before. Talking about cooperation as a special patriot, now he is speaking about it as the president. And this as it should be by rights made Captain feel the pressure.

After all, there are still a small number of Superhero that can ignore worldly authority, and Captain is obviously not among the few. Therefore, when Tony set out his cart and talked about the alliance with him again, he had to seriously consider what kind of answer he should give him.

He doesn’t want to have a relationship with Tony too stale. Whether as a friend or as a tough president, he doesn’t want to take things that way. So he can only speak to Tony very gently.

“Tony, regarding cooperation, I think we all have this willingness, but to be honest, we still can’t accept your previous thoughts.”

“Can’t accept that Kind of thought? Which kind of thought?” Tony said to Captain with an impatient expression, tapping the surface of the desk. “Before this, you thought that I was unable to control all this and made the Avengers lose the so-called correctness. Then, now that I am the president, I can turn the Avengers into an organization directly owned by me. Even so, Are you unwilling to accept it?”

“Tony, even you will make mistakes. You must admit it.” Frowning, Captain still expressed oneself’s objection. “It is good for the Avengers to maintain their own independence. We can really fight crime, and even monitor the government from a certain aspect, so that it is no longer replaced by others in that way as before. This is one A good thing for mutual benefit, if you think far enough, you should be able to see this clearly.”

“Yes, I admit, you always have your reasons. But Captain, Have you ever thought about it? How much trouble will this society cause to your so-called freedom?”

“I think no one can have a better say than me. Germany. New York also In those small cities, every time the Avengers are dispatched, I have to fill up the Shanghai bill. Do you know how much money I spent on you? Tell you, 4 billion USD is just for those battles Post-damage compensation, financial compensation. As for casualties, no matter how much money you have, do you think there is any useful comfort for families who have lost their relatives and friends?”

” This is an expensive game, and now, I can no longer play with you. I don’t want to use money to solve the problems you committed. Therefore, as the president, I have to submit the final to you Notice.”

Speaking of this, Tony took out a document from his own desk and threw it in front of Captain.

“Cooperate and accept my previous conditions. Or, you can choose to refuse. But as a price, you must join the alliance against Hydra, and you must sign a special agreement with United States. Security protocol.”

“Security protocol, what security protocol?”

Without the time to look at the content of the agreement in hand, Captain directly held down the document and faced Tony asked directly. Looking at his performance, Tony put on a cigar slowly, and then he explained it.

“The so-called security agreement is actually an adaptation of the Superhero Registration Act left by the previous government. The conditions are no longer as harsh as the original, but there is one thing that requires you to comply. If If you choose to give up cooperation, then you must accept the requirements of the agreement. According to the agreement, the actions of the Avengers must be reported in advance. The timing of the dispatch, the purpose of the dispatch, and even whether the dispatch is permitted, Both require the consent of the government department. If you move out without the government’s permission, everything you cause will be regarded as a crime. If I explain it this way, can you understand?”

“Tony, you can’t do this!”

Just after listening to a general idea, Captain immediately yelled to Tony. Obviously, he is completely unacceptable to the content of this agreement. In the face of Tony with a tough attitude, he can only hope that the owner will fight for reasons to change his mind.

“Have you forgotten? The Superhero registration bill was originally Hydra’s conspiracy. If you continue this kind of thing, wouldn’t it be equivalent to allowing Hydra’s conspiracy to succeed?”

“Conspiracy? Is this what you think?” Hearing Captain’s rebuttal, Tony’s eyes shrouded in a cloud of smoke immediately showed a bit of disdain. “Should I say that you are naive, or that you are stupid? Steve, your reason for opposing only for the sake of opposition makes me laugh.”

“Why do you think Hydra wants to propose This kind of scheme. Yes, they want to get the real information of Superhero, in order to achieve the meaning of threatening to control them. But apart from this, they are more for stability. When this country is controlled by them in the hands of oneself At the time, they will inevitably think about how to maintain it in a stable and easy-to-control state. The registration bill is the most effective way they agree.”

“You can The guys who are hostile to Hydra, but you can’t underestimate them. They can cause such a big wave in the world, and even almost subvert this World. There is an inevitable reason. In terms of brain and strength, they are not bad at all. .So, this plan is not just a conspiracy that can explain it.”

“What do you mean, Tony.”

Captain, who had exceeded oneself’s imagination, began to breed inexplicable irritability in oneself’s heart, and this suddenly made his tone worse. Tony just explained with a smile.

“Just like the offenders, the so-called Superhero are actually saboteurs. Even if their intention is not to sabotage, they will inevitably cause such a fact in the process of carrying out the so-called justice. Their powerful power is itself an unstable factor, like a bomb. Therefore, controlling them and monitoring them is the most stable way to maintain public order in this country.”

” So you plan to use this method to control us and put us in front of one’s eyes for so-called surveillance?”

“Isn’t this as it should be by rights? Now , I am the president of this country, and in order to maintain the stability of this country, shouldn’t it be normal for me to make such a choice?”

“This is not normal at all!” snapped The table stood up, and Captain’s emotions finally inevitably rioted. “What caused you to have such dangerous thoughts. Did you forget that you were also a Superhero? Don’t you know how this behavior will make your former teammates react to those Superheros? You are provoking them, and you are adding fuel to the situation in this country!”

“Hehe, ridiculous.” Tony’s tone looked at Captain who was almost angry and surprisingly. It was unexpectedly calm. “Do you think this idea is dangerous? But do you know that when I was sitting in this position, I realized that the so-called Superhero is equally dangerous. You can ask, how many people are in the hands of us? I’m not infected with the blood of innocent people.”

“If it was before, I could ignore the innocent people who were victimized because of me for justice, but now, when I am the country’s President, as the defender of all the people, I can never ignore such things anymore. For United States, Superhero must be monitored. I repeat, and if you are unwilling to accept management, then you must accept the agreement This is something that will not change.”

Tony’s answer made Captain realize that own is powerless, not because of Tony’s attitude. It’s because he has some ideas to understand him at this moment. He knew why Tony made such a decision, and he also knew what Tony did not at all do wrong in this matter. His position forced him to make such a decision. After all, he is the president and the protector of hundreds of millions of people in this country.

So, after a long time of silence, he finally remained nodded and said.

“I understand, I will discuss this matter with you.”

“Then your answer?”

“I will accept Your agreement, but I cannot guarantee that everyone else is willing to accept this agreement. You should know that I can’t force them.”

“Very well, you just need to accept it. As for others, I will I want to solve this with other methods.”

Tony’s answer made Captain breathless, but soon, he suppressed the uncomfortable feeling and stood up. , Said to Tony.

“If you have nothing else, then I will retire first.”

“Wait a minute, Captain. I also need to discuss another matter with you. “

To stop Captain’s movement, Tony put down the cigar in his hand and said to him.

“Now Bruce is working for me, and so is the little spider. So, I am very worried about your manpower issues. After all, there are already a lot of opponents in Cerberus. You can’t rule out that they will have more Lots of manpower. So, you need to find a way to gather some new people to join.”

“I know, I will find a way.”

“No, Captain. I It means that if you don’t have any suitable candidates, I can introduce a few for you.”

It seems that I intend to re-establish a good relationship with Captain in this way. Tony appears to be in this matter. Very enthusiastic. But for this, Captain has an own idea.

“No, I don’t think I need to trouble you. I should have a suitable candidate!”

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