Sun God Marvel

Chapter 764

Unfortunate news, this is the opinion of the alien girl. For this view, Tony felt completely unacceptable.

They have experienced a lot of things, the conspiracy of Hydra, the invasion of aliens, and also monsters like Thanos. Now you say this to them suddenly, a terrifying monster that can devour planets has already made their planet a target. Such a thing can be accepted by them, it is simply hell.

“Is there any way to defeat this monster? I mean, destroy him before it arrives on Earth?”

With a mouth, Tony just said it directly The ultimate goal of own. He was obviously impossible to let this kind of monster really swallow Earth, so being able to destroy him before it touched Earth was the wisest choice he thought.

As for this statement, the alien girl changed her tone and said to him in a gentle but sorry manner.

“I’m sorry, sir. Maybe your idea is good, but I can only tell you that the probability Infinity of your idea is approaching zero. Galactus is the superb of the universe. Monster, some people think he is the monster with the mission of Destruction Universe, and some people think he is the ultimate god of the universe. No matter which point of view, he is the ultimate existence in this universe. In other words, the power of mortals cannot resist Existence. Many people have tried these things you think, but the end result always ends in tragedy. No one can fight Galactus, just like no one can fight the entire universe.”

“Then what do you want us to do, sit and wait?”

With a frown, Tony stood up. He yelled angrily and uncomfortably, apparently horrified by this fate arrangement. In response, the alien girl spoke to him quite calmly.

“I don’t know, but your idea is definitely the most wrong idea, President Stark. If I were you, maybe I would want to run away and so on. After all, Galactus’s purpose is just yours planet, not your race. If you escape into the universe, I don’t think he will fight because of these food residues.”

“Sorry, I have no plans to abandon the oneself planet yet. .”

With a reply like this, Tony directly hung up the contact with the Xanders. When he calmed down his own mood, he immediately picked up the phone again and contacted Nick Fury.

“I have a bad news, Nick. A very bad news.”

I told Nick Fury all the information I got from the Sandal Stars, Nick. .Fury, a veteran fellow from the city government can’t sit still.

“Are you true, Tony? Everything about Galactus?”

“I don’t want him to be true, but now, even if he is false . We must also treat this matter as true. You should know that if you don’t prepare in advance, then when everything comes, it will be too late.”

“You can say Yes.” After pondering for a while, Nick Fury agreed with Tony’s statement. “Then what are you going to make me do?”

Hearing such an answer, Tony immediately spoke out what was in oneself’s heart.

“I want you to speed up the hunt for that silver shadow man. Must try to catch him and pry out all the information about Galactus from his mouth. At the same time, I want you to come forward and contact all the others The supreme leader of the country, we must plan ahead and build a line of defense that can resist and eliminate the kind of guys in outer space.”

“Yes, I will find a way to contact them. But Tony, Are you sure of this plan?”

In a decisive manner, Nick Fury agreed to Tony’s plan. But he is not too sure about the feasibility of this plan. He needs something powerful to convince others, but also to convince oneself. But for this demand, Tony’s answer is like this.

“Sorry, we are not sure about this kind of existence. But this is the only thing we can do now, apart from this, do you think we can do something What is it?”

In response to Tony’s rhetorical question with silence, Nick Fury immediately acted for this matter. Soon, the top leaders of each country knew what kind of existence oneself would face, and to deal with this one existence. An unknown but the highest standard conference was quietly launched on SHIELD’s Helicarrier.

“First of all, we need to confirm whether such a guy exists. We are impossible because of a fictional existence. Your Excellency President Stark, you should know how much investment is required for such a plan. For For every country, this is a heavy burden.”

The simplest question when the Prime Minister of United Kingdom speaks-money! Just maintaining the existence of the alliance is already a considerable expense for every country. Now, United States has actually pulled out such a terrifying-sounding plan, which makes many countries that are embarrassed about their own wallets immediately.

For this, Tony said with a gloomy expression.

“Of course I know how huge the cost of this plan is. And in terms of pressure, the pressure on our United States is greater than that of any of your countries. However, this is a matter of life and death. Question. Do you think that financial pressure is more important than the existence of the entire human race or even the entire Earth?”

“If this is true, of course we don’t care about those financial pressures . After all, it’s something that can pass through gritted teeth. But, I’m worried, if this kind of thing is just a hoax, it’s a joke. What should I do? I don’t want to be fooled, and I don’t want to be accused of being a fool in the future. “

“The source of the Shandar is still trusted. But the question is, who can guarantee that the so-called Galactus is really directed at Earth. What if this is just a coincidence?”


“Maybe we should wait until the guy named Silver Shadowman is caught before we talk about the next plan. Maybe the situation also turns around?”

One by one, each one Countries have their own opinions. But the general content is still the same, that is, they don’t want to join this plan rashly, and it is not as easy to pay for Tony’s plan.

As for the performance of these people, Tony stood up as soon as he patted the table.

“Enough, I know what you are thinking. But now, do you really think this is the time to play with politics? Coincidence, how can there be so many coincidences in the world. Caught the Silver Shadowman? Besides? Let’s not talk about whether we can catch him, even if we catch it. Can we keep Galactus from coming here? This is an urgent matter, not a ball that can be kicked around. You can think about it for me. Now, if things really get to that point, will you get a chance to survive? Stop dreaming of me and be more lucid.”

The ruthless reprimands made many people face It all became ugly, and they couldn’t help complaining in their hearts that Tony didn’t know how to behave like people. But for his performance, some sober countries have expressed the meaning of identification.

“I agree with President Stark. After all, this is our Earth. Even if it is to defend the entire Earth, we should also be together instead of infighting and carrying the burden at this time. So I am in principle Agree to this plan, and be willing to provide the corresponding human and material resources for this plan, this is also considered our country as a part of the entire humanity, should make a contribution.”

“Yes, this kind of nonsense It’s better to do something. It’s said that it’s an unprecedented enemy. Are you guys also talking about other, irrelevant things here?”

A big country approved Tony’s plan, which immediately gave Tony a lot of confidence. Then, more and more countries joined in.

“I also think it’s right to take precautions. However, I think we should do a little bit more preparation. On the one hand, we should fight against other monsters of this Universe level. On the other hand, we should try our best Leave fire for mankind. After all, we are not sure whether we can win the final victory. If we fail, how can we make final arrangements?”

“Yes, It is a two-handed preparation. It is about human civilization and we must be cautious.” Heavily nodded, Tony must also admit the probability of this kind of thing happening, so he immediately added in detail. “We should find a way to get a little help from the Shandars. Although it is impossible for them to help us fight Galactus, it should still be possible for them to help us transfer part of the population. I suggest that countries try to select so-called elites as much as possible. , Forming the last fire team of mankind, together with all the data copies of all human civilizations and all the natural genes of Earth’s ecological environment, temporarily transferred to Jupiter. In this way, even if the worst happens, we can guarantee human fire Proud to pass on.”

Tony’s statement is a bit pessimistic, but it is a possible thing that many people have to admit. If the enemy is really terrifying, then the continuation of mankind is a problem that must be considered. As the rulers of mankind, they must ensure the continuation of human race and civilization. Therefore, even if the worst happens, they must come up with corresponding plans. And this human fire project is the most feasible plan they can discuss.

No one is playing against the tune at this time, because of the various problems that have appeared on Earth, more and more people have realized the existence of danger. Even if there is no such thing as Galactus, the Tinder plan has already been budding. This just advances it.

Just when these people reached a preliminary consensus on the issue of fire, some people suddenly said so.

“Did we forget something? I mean, we forgot the most critical existence that can deal with this danger?”

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