Sun God Marvel

Chapter 766

The lobbying envoys fled, leaving only one Tony sitting in the corner with embarrassment and surprise.

“Buddy, I really didn’t expect that you would reject them in this way.”

“This is normal.” Slowly close your eyes and let the invisible The power has converged. Zhou Yi replied to Tony. “These people always like to use their thoughts to guess all other existences, but some existences are not something they can guess, nor can they negotiate.”

“Like you?”

“Yes, I don’t want to deal with them. I don’t want to do it now, and I don’t want to do it anymore. Since I am a person from two worlds, then stay in different worlds obediently and honestly. I don’t want mine. Tranquility was destroyed.”

In the face of his friend, Zhou Yi had nothing to conceal, so he told the owner directly. Tony grinned at his words and gave a wry smile.

“Swipe, seriously. I don’t want to disturb you either, but maybe you really have to do this thing?”

“You and them are a group Yes?”

“No, no, no! What I represent is just myself.” He quickly raised his hand and signaled his innocence. Tony complained loudly to Zhou Yi. “Although I am the president, I don’t think of myself as a dirty politician. I and them are completely two kinds of people, otherwise I will speak for them just now.”

“I thought you just wanted to speak for them when you brought them in!” Rolled the eyes, Zhou Yi poured two glasses of wine and placed one in front of Tony. “Let’s talk about it, what the hell is it that can make you an uncomfortable fellow come to me with such a group of people whom you don’t like?”

“Very serious problem, Buddy. “He picked up the glass and drank the spirits in it in one breath. Tony’s face immediately showed a strange redness. “I don’t know what’s wrong with Earth, but it always breaks down, just like an old machine. At first patching, I think I should be able to keep this guy running. But now, I don’t have this confidence anymore.”

“A monster is killing from the stars. This is a monster with the purpose of devouring planets. And his target is Earth under our feet. If the Shandar If there is no exaggeration, I think they shouldn’t be exaggerated. Then such a guy is absolutely invincible for us. The problem is that in order to defend Earth and our only home, we must fight him. What happened? So, I don’t know, I can’t even guess. But I think it should be a pessimistic topic.”

“Even now, we have reached an agreement to keep that guy out of Earth. But Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be just an impractical idea. The probability of success is too low. In contrast, our fire plan to preserve human civilization is the most likely to be realized.”

A depressed expression appeared on Tony’s face, but this made Zhou Yi sigh.

“This is the reason why you are looking for me. I hope I will deal with the monster that devours the planet?”

“Someone put forward this suggestion, and many people, even among them In my opinion, this is indeed the most hopeful idea. But as a friend, I cannot force you to accept our point of view. I just hope you can think about it. After all, this is our planet. If it is destroyed Now. Maybe you can be safe, but what about your relatives, your friends? Buddy, not for the damn politicians, but for this planet and everything on this planet. It needs you to save!”

Tony’s expression is sincere and sincere, as if he was thinking about Zhou Yi. When he heard such words, Zhou Yi slowly narrowed his eyes.

“Do you want me to take action?”

“Yes, I hope you can take action. I hope you can save this World.”

Without the slightest hesitation Nodding, Tony expressed his own attitude in this way. However, Zhou Yi fell silent. He seemed to be thinking, thinking about oneself’s next move. Tony, on the other hand, looked at him silently, waiting for him to give oneself answer.

After a while, Zhou Yi finally raised his head and looked towards the friend in front of oneself.

“I can promise you that I will take action.”

“Thank you, Buddy. Thank you for everything you have done for this World.” This answer made Tony ecstatic , But before he completely expressed his excitement, Zhou Yi had interrupted him directly.

“Don’t be happy too early, I have conditions for this kind of thing. I will help you, but it must be that you have made enough efforts, and all the efforts are gone After the effect. If you can solve it by yourself, I won’t take action. If you don’t work hard enough, I won’t take action. Everything depends on you and your own efforts. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Buddy, you…” Faced with such bizarre conditions, Tony obviously didn’t know what to say. And haven’t waited for him to say anything. Zhou Yi directly stretched out his hand and gestured to him.

“I have made enough compromises, Tony. So, I don’t want to hear any more excuses and reasons.”

“Okay, okay. I Understand, I understand. Buddy.”

Feeling the toughness of Zhou Yi’s attitude, Tony immediately stopped Own’s conversation and did not continue. For him, his goal today has been achieved, so naturally there is no more reason to continue here. So soon, he found a reason and retired.

And Zhou Yi didn’t mean to stop him. He just let Tony leave here, just like when he came. But not long after he left, a figure quietly walked out of the shadow.

“You shouldn’t agree to him, my dear. Or, shouldn’t you agree to him so easily?”

“In any case, he is one of my few Friend. Lilith, I don’t want to disappoint my friend.”

Closed his eyes and concealed his mood, Zhou Yi replied to the woman who walked behind oneself like this. And listening to his words, Lilith quietly pressed her hand on his shoulder, kneading for him, and talking to him.

“You treat him as a friend, but he is using you. Although he looks like you are completely thinking about him on the surface, in fact, he is the same as those people . He is plotting against you, dear.”

“I know. But forget it, Lilith. That’s it. After all, he has his problems, I can understand.”


“Well, since you said that. However, I have no intention of letting them go easily. I will let my night monsters watch them to see if they follow You said to make corresponding efforts. If not, then I don’t mind doing something to them in the name of a human owner?”

Zhou Yi’s not at all let Lilith choose Gave up. She relentlessly followed all this in the own way, and used the night demon that belonged directly to own. This obviously means that she was already angry in her heart, but she did not show it to Zhou Yi.

As for this, Zhou Yi said nothing. He just acquiesced, acquiescing to Lilith’s next move.

The shadows began to spread, and prying eyes appeared in every corner around those influential figures. And all this, they don’t know. All they know is oneself’s failed plan.

“So, that being rejected you?”

In the face of the envoy sent by oneself, someone made such a voice. And when he got an affirmative answer, most of them looked ugly.

Rejection is one aspect, and more importantly, they lose face because of this rejection. For them, the envoys represent not only oneself, but their leaders, most of the countries in this world. Now that these envoys have been rejected by Danger Land so thoroughly, it is tantamount to saying that the existence has rejected the entire world and does not put them in the eyes of the country they represent.

This is naturally angry, and even some grumpy guys yelled.

“Who does he think he is? It’s just a monster under the banner of God. What qualifications does he have to reject us?”

No one answered him, but from them The ugly faces can be seen, most of them have the same idea. But at this time, some of the sane people opened their mouths and suddenly asked Tony.

“President Stark, you are the last person to leave. May I know, between you and the existence, what answer is in our favor?”

“Not at all, sir.” shook the head, Tony’s face was completely bitter. “You should know that this is a very serious issue. Even if we have a very personal relationship, I am also impossible to influence his thoughts on this issue. So unfortunately, I didn’t at all let his decision happen. What a change.”

“It’s a pity. But forget it, at least there is one thing that the existence is right. Humans, really can only rely on us oneself.”

The questioner sighed, and then all the leaders discussed the issue of establishing a space defense line again. This meeting was a bit long, and Tony felt uncomfortable as a whole. However, he gritted his teeth and persisted until he reached a general conclusion before he left there and returned to oneself’s residence in White House.

As soon as he returned there, a light and shadow suddenly emerged from him. Then Ultron’s voice echoed in his ears.

“I have some questions, father?”

“Questions? Are there any questions you can’t get the answer to?”

For the ability to connect to the world For Ultron, almost all questions can be answered. So Tony is very curious, what also needs him to ask oneself.

“My question is, father. Why are you lying to them?”

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