Sun God Marvel

Chapter 798

Faced with the angry Jean Grey, in this world there really is no who can have the courage to bear her anger head-on. The scene of New York before is still vivid, and a woman who can fight Thanos is not something they can provoke. You know, the fire star in space was destroyed by the battle with monsters of this level. If she was offended at this time, let alone the Mediterranean, it is a question of whether Europe can exist.

So soon, all the agents received a flustered letter from oneself’s boss, asking them to leave there as soon as possible, even if they were to use the roll.

This order was supported by many agents who knew the inside story, and they ran away in this terrifying imposing manner. Even with those who didn’t understand, the young agents gave them a chance to survive.

Soon, the defenders present are only Ultron omnics. And looking at these indifferent omnipotents, Jean immediately seemed to wave his hand, causing the power of crimson’s Phoenix to flood them like a tide.

Under this power, the omnipotents want to resist, or they want to rely on the ability inherited from the sentry robot from oneself to escape from the package of the power of Phoenix. But this attempt was not at all successful, because in the blink of an eye they were out of the influence of Earth’s gravity, and they were completely destroyed into an indistinguishable shape in the air.

Smaller than molecules, even smaller than atoms. The power of Phoenix is ​​even far more powerful than Apocalypse. Under this power, Apocalypse is nothing, and Ultron is nothing. Even most of the existence on Earth is nothing. Saying they are ants, they may not be a bit more advanced by ants. This is reality and the world in Jean’s eyes.

Seeing that most of the omnipotents have been destroyed under this power, the handful of them immediately held up their own weapons and pointed them in Jean’s direction.

“Madam, please stop your violent actions. If you continue like this, I will take a violent counterattack.”

“He must be cracking a joke . This is the first time I know that robots will crack a joke.”

As soon as Ultron spoke, Pietro couldn’t help but interject. As soon as he spoke, Ultron immediately retorted.

“I am an intelligent life, not a robot. Also, I never crack a joke. Madam, I am serious.”

“Enough, Ultron. Ours This set doesn’t work in front of her.”

Ultron wanted to say something, but Tony suddenly stepped in at this time, preventing what he wanted to say. Although, Tony immediately questioned Jean.

“Jean, what do you want to do?”

“You have seen it too, I want to take my son back. And these things of you are blocking my way. “

For ordinary people, Jean is too lazy to reply to them. But for Tony, who was a special fellow in their family, she had to reply. Hearing her reply, Tony said immediately flustered and exasperated.

“If you want to take away your child, no one will stop you. I don’t care who he is, whether it is Zhou Yi or not. If you want to leave, just go. I want only them , It’s just this guy.”

The hand of the omnic pointed to Winter Soldier. And glanced at this guy, Jean immediately nodded and gestured.

“Please feel free! This guy is not in the scope of my protection.”

When she showed that oneself did not intervene in this grudge, the remaining wisdom Xi immediately gave up surrounding other people in Tony’s situation and focused all his attention on Winter Soldier. They just wanted to go forward and arrest this guy. But when they had just moved, before all the Avengers moved, there were already someone who moved ahead of them.

A piece of steel stood in front of them, and the omnipotent had to stop owning. Then, Ultron and Tony heard the voice from Magneto.

“I’m sorry, Mr. President. Now he is protected by our Mutant.”

“Damn!” He cursed fiercely, and Tony ordered the omnipotent to forcefully destroy it. The metal in front of me. But in any case, the remaining omnipotents are too few. So that with their limited power, they can’t destroy this layer of metal that can be regenerated by Infinity. They were always blocked out of this metal, between this very close.

“Do you want to intervene in our grudges so much. You want to fight me so much.”

Tony’s angry roar made Charles a wry smile. But he still insisted on own opinion and replied.

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency. If I can, I don’t want to fight you like this. But anyway, Captain is now our companions, our comrades in arms. Mutant has not yet been at this time Abandon the habit of oneself companion. So unfortunately, we can only make this kind of decision that you don’t want to see.”

“Damn! Steve, listen! You think you can Has it run away from me forever? I tell you, this is absolutely impossible. Maybe this time, you can rely on their shelter to escape forever. But I don’t believe these Mutants can shelter you forever. Sooner or later. , They will choose to abandon you under pressure. Sooner or later, you will all fall into my hands. And at that time, I promise you. You all person, each of you will regret it. I promise !”

Tony’s words were full of furious madness. For this performance, the Avengers and even Mutant felt heavy psychological pressure. They didn’t doubt whether Tony’s words were true. They just wondered to what extent he could do this kind of thing. Based on his past performance, he seems to be the kind of person who will do the worst.

This is definitely not good news. However, no matter how bad the news is, they can only accept it. Because they are very clear that there is no retreat for this kind of thing.

Looking at Tony howling like a mad dog, and the cold, but full of strange feeling machines. Jean frowned, waved his arm to show a red radiance, and left here with oneself and three children in an instant. And watching Jean’s departure, the Mutants naturally did not dare to stay. Under Magneto’s control, they followed suit.

For a while, Tony no longer had any targets for him to vent. So he can only disconnect angrily and return his own consciousness to where oneself should be. And when he returned to the meeting that represented the Allies. He immediately greeted some questions.

“President Stark, are you too excited about your performance. Faced with that level of existence, even if you don’t think about oneself, you have to think about Europe as a whole. Once you get angered She, how do you explain it to the European countries. How do we explain it to the people of the world?”

Seriously, the moment Jean started it, the leaders in the conference room raised their hearts. . If this is a cruel attack on Lu Chen, then they really have no place to cry.

But fortunately, the bad situation they envisioned not at all happened. This also made it possible for someone to condemn Tony at this time.

And Tony, who had already accumulated a lot of anger, didn’t have such a big measure to tolerate these guys’ autumn aftermath. He immediately sneered.

“I think when we dropped the nuclear bomb, we were ready to give the European people an explanation. Why, now you don’t say anything, and for such a small matter, you plan to find me Is it troublesome?”

This sentence made many excited people’s minds wake up instantly. They were just scared. Since the worst hasn’t happened, there is no need to entangle Tony with it. Especially now, Tony’s mood is a little abnormal no matter what.

So this question was quickly put aside, and immediately, someone coughed and brought up the second topic.

“Your Excellency Stark, we just talked a little bit. Then we came to this conclusion. I think we don’t need to provoke Mutant at this critical time, right? Hydra’s question. It has always been our scourge, and now we have to deal with the monster from the universe and the weird shadow that just appeared. To be honest, we have a lot of trouble. So at this time, we really don’t want to add anything unnecessary to the alliance. Is in trouble!”

“So, what do you mean?”

“We know that you have a deep grudge against someone in the Avengers. If it is normal, we I am also willing to help you solve this person who violated the law and international practice. But now, we can’t support you in doing so. They have the protection of Mutant, and Mutant is not the target we should deal with. Or, in that God Under the protection of, they should be our target! So unfortunately, we have decided to withdraw the wanted for the Avengers temporarily. At the same time, we also hope that you can consider more interests and make more informed choices. “

Tony got the answer from the speaker immediately with impatient questions, and listening to his words, Tony’s whole face became ugly.

“Do you want me to let them go?”

“Only temporarily, Lord Stark.” The speaker advised. “As long as we get through the current difficulties, even if we just solve either of these two deadly problems. We can all take action and continue what you want to do. It won’t be long, Your Excellency Stark. You need Be patient!”

“Patience, I have waited for more than 20 years, now you tell me to have patience?” A crazy smile appeared on his face, but immediately, this smile was tightened by Tony again The ground converged. “I understand what you are doing, and I will not stop you. However, I want to take revenge on my own. Even without you, Ultron will cooperate with me. His eyes never allow sand.”

“This is your freedom, Lord Stark. How does American do what you say!”

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