Sun God Marvel

Chapter 804

Tony Stark has been very busy recently.

On the one hand, it is because of the Tianhammer game. Old Osborn’s methods almost ruined his right to speak in the Sky Hammer, but even so, Tony had to help him stabilize the situation and regain his footing in the Sky Hammer.

There is no other way. On the one hand, Tony really needs an owner to control the Skyhammer game. On the other hand, he also needs financial support from the old Osborn.

Don’t look at him once having a lot of wealth, but in the face of the bottomless pit that the country can’t fill, even if he is the world’s richest man, he can’t stand much toss. All he can do is to unite those who are rich and jointly pay for the entire United States. But because he has now unilaterally dismissed the Congress, and the government departments dominate the previous Congress channels, many large consortiums that have been accustomed to the previous collusion between politics and business in United States have developed a hostile psychology against him. This makes many of his decrees stuck in this link of the economy.

Old Osborn was the first person to stand up and support him, even though he was not pure in motivation. But in order to attract more people to come in, Tony must also put on the appearance of buying horse bones and try to keep his position.

This process was not easy, but with his prestige and American inserted in the Skyhammer, he finally did it. And after achieving this goal, his work has not at all become easier.

There are also two serious questions before him. One is the establishment of a pan-space defense circle. This large-scale defense plan that brings together the Peak scientific and technological forces of all Allied governments in the world is proceeding in an orderly manner. Behind this methodicality, it is national leaders like Tony desperately sending a large amount of manpower and material resources into space.

This plan has already put the world’s launching stations with space launch capabilities fully operational. The United States Manhattan Space Agency, the Chinese Space Administration, the Ross Space Agency of Russia, the European Space Agency, and other space agencies capable of operating full-time and high-load operations have all done their best to launch rockets into the sky, uninterruptedly for the space under construction. The defense station provides more personnel and resources. This almost uninterrupted behavior can be said to put any country under tremendous economic pressure. Because the rockets launched one after another are totally equivalent to throwing countless money into the water, and it is still thrown by the ton.

General countries really can’t afford such consumption, but now they have to eat and cover such consumption. Otherwise it is a real disaster.

This kind of costly payment made many people miserable, and even such voices began to appear in the Allies. That is to transform the current economic system into a wartime economic system, and implement this huge-scale space program under national coercion.

But this statement was quickly denied. It is true that this idea is very good. The coerciveness of the economic system in wartime can greatly ease the economic pressure that countries are bearing. But there is also a very serious problem, that is, they have to announce to the people why they are doing this.

It’s not the time of World War II. If the Americans had almost sunk the Japanese naval fleet, Japanese nationals naively thought they could win the Pacific Ocean. A degree of message blocking is completely impossible. The Internet has made all news circulated and global.

The government impossible to take out a virtual imaginary enemy and deceive the people that this is the goal of the own war. They can only tell the truth, and once the truth is told, with the consistent nature of humans, it is most likely that there will be huge chaos and riots. And that will obviously give some unpredictable guys an opportunity.

Almost every country has one or two anti-government organizations under the family property. And not to mention, in this world also this damn *** organization like Hydra.

You all in the Allied Powers don’t believe that after they publicize the threats to Earth, Hydra will revolutionize and join the human family to contribute to the peace and future of Earth. They are most likely to take advantage of the chaos to make the world more chaotic, and then use their own terrorist methods at this time to build a stronger military force.

No one wants oneself to be desperate in the front, a guy comes out behind to stabbing oneself. So even if they tighten their belts and pull money out of their teeth, they would rather carry out the big plan in front of them in a more concealed way.

This is very difficult for the United States that has just experienced the turmoil, but it is still supportive. And his other plan was not as smooth as expected.

The Human Tinder Project utilises the largest ecosphere gene bank storage of mankind. At the same time, it secretly mobilized the entire elite class of mankind, selected the best individuals from among them, and entrusted them with the mission of human rebirth and reproduction in the future. For the entire mankind, this is the last measure in case and the ultimate plan for the sake of all mankind.

It even said that in this plan, the Allies also adopted a unified policy to prohibit politicians from being included in the list of the Tinder Plan. This makes the list of elites really selected. Peak talents in culture, technology, industry, and agriculture.

But the idea is good, but it may not be bought. Just like Tony’s current dilemma, the answers he sent back to the agents who had contact with the elite talents selected for the plan were almost no. Their reasons are also very good.

Unwilling to abandon the own family, unwilling to abandon everything oneself in human society. Even some extreme people think that this is a lie of the government and an excuse for them to kidnap scientific research talents.

In short, this plan has not been carried out smoothly, so far, United States has not even reached the basic plan base. Not just United States, it is estimated that the world is not much different.

This makes Tony feel very embarrassed, because he is impossible to force these people to participate in the Tinder project. Because once these people have a rebellious heart, then the entire Tinder plan may fall short because of them. And if the worst happens, then he becomes the sinner of the entire human race.

No one can afford such a burden. Tony is no exception, so he can only move forward with this plan slowly, arranging as much professional people as possible to persuade the elites on the list. And while he was still working on this matter, Ultron suddenly appeared in his office and brought him a special message.

“Father, according to the report of the omnibus that we arranged outside of Huiyao City. Five minutes ago, Winter Soldier had left the area of ​​Huiyao City and surrendered to us.”

The news came very suddenly, and after that, it also ignited Tony’s angry Pyro, which made him stand up and let out a roar-like whisper.

“Where is he now?”

“The omnipotent has contacted the nearest military base and boarded a plane to escort him to Washington. According to estimates, also Twenty minutes. The omnic will show him in front of you.”

“Okay, very good, very good!”

Speaking of this, Tony’s face But there is an expression of no joy at all. All you can see from his face is anger, also hatred.

“Notice the Supreme Court to open a special prison. I want to meet this damn guy in that place.”

“Yes, father!” facing Ultron will not object to Tony’s request as long as it is reasonable. And his request was naturally within a reasonable range, so Ultron immediately accepted it.

However, after the promise was over, Ultron didn’t leave at all, but continued to stay here and said to Tony.

“Father, I have a request.”

Ultron rarely makes a request. Because for him, he has almost no special needs. Unlike the ordinary person, which has material cravings, Ultron, as an intelligent being, has no such needs at all. What he wants can be obtained on the Internet, and those that are not available on the Internet, I am afraid that others will find it difficult to satisfy him.

Of course, the more critical reason is that he is an artificial intelligent life. Intelligent beings are not humans, and naturally they will not make demands like humans do.

But now, the situation is different. Because Ultron is more and more like a human being, more and more self-conscious. This caused many people to worry. In particular, Dr. Banner and the others, which he created, required a re-examination of Ultron’s core programs and added new logical principles to him.

Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, this is the way they think of limiting Ultron’s self-development beyond human control. In fact, it is not just these three laws, they even want to add the zeroth law to complete the self-binding of Ultron.

The three laws of robotics are, the first law, that robots must not harm individual humans, or witness that individual humans will be in danger and ignore it, unless this violates the zeroth law of robotics. The second law, the robot must obey the order given to it by the human, except when the order conflicts with the zeroth law or the first law. The third law, robots should protect their own survival as much as possible without violating the zeroth, first and second laws.

In addition to the zeroth law added at the end, robots must protect the overall interests of humans from harm. It can be said that Ultron was put on the hardest curse.

This is a solution provided by scientists for the worst case oneself has foreseen. But Tony didn’t want to follow this plan at all.

The more logic is added, the easier it is for Ultron to confuse the logic. And this is definitely an unnecessary trouble for the allies that have promoted omnibus all over the world.

Moreover, Tony was unwilling to let Ultron change anything. Ultron has now become his most trusted existence, and the only existence he firmly believes that he will not betray own. This oneself-created life has always maintained respect for own. He is loyal and firm, far more than anyone Tony knows. Based on this alone, he would not allow others to tamper with Ultron.

But it is precisely because of this special trust that Tony has some interest in Ultron’s requirements. So even though he was impatient, he couldn’t help asking Ultron.

“Do you have a request? What request. Speak and listen!”

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