Sun God Marvel

Chapter 814

Tony rarely does not work in the office of own White House. In the past two days, he began to return to his old profession and devoted himself almost entirely to the emergency reconstruction of the court.

And the reason why he would do this, he can even say that he is not doing his job properly. The main reason is his insufficient manpower.

The omnipotent may be able to help him a little, but the ability of the omnipotent is limited. In addition to relying on the number to help, it is actually not as useful as imagined. Even more how, the omnipotent will not completely obey his orders. If his order involved something that harmed others or violated his logic, those omnipotents would definitely ignore his order directly.

So for the omnic, he can hardly have too much expectations. But apart from the omnic, he hardly has any assistance to rely on. Although Banner was on his side, he didn’t want to fight against oneself’s previous companions for this matter.

Of course, the main reason for this is actually because his cousin is still on Captain’s side, so he naturally impossible against his own cousin. And to put it another way, even if he wanted to, Tony would not dare to let Hulk appear here casually. Last time the Lord was because there was really no other way. In order to deal with Hydra, a little sacrifice must be made. And now, he is already the president of the United States, and naturally he has to be more cautious when he has more resources, and he must also be more considerate for his own citizens.

After removing Hulk, the only people who can help him are Little Spiders. But Little Spider and Natasha both mean the same with Banner, and neither of them wants to intervene in this kind of personal grievances. At this time, the only person willing to stand with him was Rhodey, the Superhero who represented the military.

There are only two of them, and they are lonely. Even if you add a bunch of omnipotents and soldiers, it may not be useful. Tony knew this very well, and because he was so sober, he thought of using other methods to fill the gap between the two sides, so that oneself could gain the upper hand in this kind of contest. And arranging the court is the method he thought of.

As someone who became a Superhero through the power of technology, Tony can only take action and rely on technology. With the development of current technology, especially for the analysis of some Hydra and SHIELD secret technologies, Tony has mastered a set of effective special technologies, that is, biological field suppression technology.

This technology has already been deployed in the isolated island prison and has achieved good results. It can be said that as long as this biological energy suppression field starts to take effect, most Mutants will lose their own ability. With this move, one of the two biggest problems in the Avengers can be solved directly.

For Tony, there are only two real threats to the current Avengers. One is the Mutant siblings. Whether it is Quicksilver’s slow overspeed or Wanda’s Primal Chaos Demon method, they are almost impossible to restrain. It would definitely be a terrible thing to let their full strength come into play. So restraining them is the first priority. At this point, the force field of biological inhibition can play a key role.

And another threat-female Hulk Jennifer. Tony had already thought of a way to deal with her.

He will personally fight against this giantess. If Jennifer really wants to spread this muddy water desperately, then he can only use his own secret weapon.

Mark armor has been developed for five or six generations, and now is the time to launch a new style. You know, until now Tony is preparing for a rainy day, and one of the most important preparations is for Hulk.

Hulk is very powerful, there is no doubt about it, but because of this power, he has to exercise restraint carefully. Just like Zhou Yi, from a long time ago, he was reluctant to fight in the city. Either an empty wilderness, or an endless sea. Later, only the vast starry sky could become his arena for battle.

Although Hulk is not comparable to Zhou Yi, it is also as different as heaven and earth compared to others. As long as you let go of your hands and feet, a city is simply not a problem for him now. Therefore, people with such power must learn to exercise restraint.

But unfortunately, Hulk is a Berserker controlled by anger. Once the anger burns, the fighting intent is full, and he is simply impossible to control oneself. Therefore, in order to prevent Hulk from getting out of control and causing extensive damage, Tony had already begun to develop a way to deal with Hulk with his consent.

At first, Tony’s progress is very limited. Because that is Hulk after all, if someone is dealt with casually, then there is no need to be so jealous of him. So in order to be able to achieve the effect that oneself expected, Tony kept delaying this matter until Hydra invaded Washington and gave him an opportunity to restart the plan and complete it.

The armor of the silver warrior, or the pile of Adamantium on the silver warrior, has become Tony’s best means of restraining Hulk.

After all, although Hulk’s power is strong, it is not yet strong enough to completely destroy the artificially made, hardest metal such as Anderman Alloy. And under this premise, Tony assisted the active nano power furnace system developed by oneself, which can completely form a force to compete with Hulk.

Of course, this setting is just a guess and has not been tested in actual combat. But Tony was confident that if Jennifer couldn’t tell good from bad to intervene, then the Hulkbuster armor he developed would definitely make her suffer.

With this arrangement, the biggest trouble in the Avengers has been solved. For Tony, the remaining people are nothing more than clay chickens and pottery dogs. It is entirely possible to delay them with omnibus and the army. Of course, nothing is perfect, so he has to make more arrangements.

This is not easy. In fact, being able to take so many precautions in these three days is equivalent to squeezing the vitality out of his hands. It’s not that he can’t make more preparations, but in these three days, he really can only do so much.

Time is limited, energy is limited, and supplies are limited. He was impossible and military, smashing the background of an entire country on such a small plan. That’s unrealistic, and he won’t want to. And while he was still thinking about how to make the layout of the owner perfect and more effective, his secretary suddenly came over and reported to him.

“Your Excellency, Serena Young Lady wants to see you!”

“What? Serena?” This news surprised Tony, but after the accident , He immediately nodded and said to the secretary. “Please come in, also don’t let others disturb us for the time being.”

This sentence made the secretary couldn’t help showing Tony with an expression of envy and resentment, but she quickly stopped this. An expression and acted directly as Tony ordered.

And when Serena strode to Tony’s room, Tony immediately asked her straight to the point.

“Selena Young Lady, can you tell me, is there anything important about you coming to me at this time?”

Tony’s actions are well known to everyone. Some people support and some oppose things, but more are just bystanders. Before this, Serena was also a member of this group of onlookers, but now, because of Zhou Yi’s request, she obviously can no longer maintain the attitude of oneself before. So she directly told Tony what she meant for her.

“I’m here to ask you, is there anything I can help tomorrow?”

Hearing this sentence, Tony immediately eyebrow raised. Before that, he had asked Serena for help. But Serena at that time clearly rejected him. Not only Serena, but even those Evil Gods under her command, and even those Witches all mean the same thing.

Tony was very disappointed this time, even angry and violent. But until later, he could only expose this stubbornly. Because he is very clear about the particularity of this group of people and what they represent. This is not the goal he should offend, even if they refuse oneself.

This is what a president should do, but this does not mean that he can still maintain a smiling face to Serena after being rejected. In that case, he wouldn’t be Tony anymore.

So immediately, he winked and said eccentrically to Serena.

“It’s weird, but I remember that at first, someone clearly rejected me. Why, now you have posted it again. Is it because I found any benefits again?”

“No!” Shook the head directly, and Serena spoke out what oneself said in her heart. “If it is according to my own meaning, I am still quite a bystander. But the is Master gave me an order to ask me to provide you with the necessary help in this matter. That’s why I will appear in front of you.”

“Master? Zhou Yi?”

Hearing this name, Tony frowned. For this good friend, his mood is very complicated now. Because his previous idea of ​​Steel City was rejected, it was inevitable that he had some opinions on Zhou Yi. In his view at the time, Zhou Yi and Captain had obviously become jackals of the same tribe, betraying oneself in all.

Of course, he also wanted to understand afterwards, this is a fundamentally impossible thing. But anyway, the reality of his rejection still made him knot in the heart. And now, Zhou Yi actually stretched out an olive branch to him again, which made his heart complicated to the limit.

However, he is very wise. Especially at this point in time. So immediately he suppressed all the complicated thoughts in oneself’s heart, and asked Serena.

“How are you going to help me?”

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