Sun God Marvel

Chapter 823

this fist waved out, but was forcibly picked up by the Hulkbuster armor. In terms of strength, the Hulkbuster armor with cross-age energy support is no worse than that of the female Hulk, or even better. As soon as Jennifer’s fist was caught, Hulkbuster’s armor immediately changed strangely.

Its fist is like a shackle made of steel, firmly controlling Jennifer’s right hand. And when Jennifer realized that and so on happened, it was too late. Her fists were completely bound by Hulkbuster’s armored arms, and even the movement of her whole person had begun to be greatly restricted.

This made her anxious immediately, and at the same time she started desperately trying to get rid of the shackles. But Tony didn’t give her any chance at all. Under his operation, the right hand of Hulkbuster’s armor immediately began to retract, and the movement that led Jennifer had to follow suit, and just as she staggered and fell forward following the movement of Hulkbuster’s armor, The other Iron Fist in Hulkbuster’s armor had already greeted her head ruthlessly.

One punch hits the bullseye. In the case of Jennifer’s defensive power, such a heavy blow is enough to make her temporarily lose her resistance. But at this moment, she is like a fighter on the ring, even though she has already started on the verge of collapse, but she just doesn’t want to fall so easily.

She was still resisting, punching and kicking Hulkbuster’s armored body. But this does not help. When Hulkbuster’s armored punch fell again and hit her head fiercely, her movements stopped immediately.

This time she really has no ability to resist. After the brain was hit continuously, all of her faculties had fallen into a state of pause, and she herself could only fall to the ground dazedly, and with the shock of the brain, she became a human again.

She was solved like this. As the victor, Tony let out a long sigh at this time, and he relaxed a lot.

The shadow of a person, the name of a tree. The strength of the Hulk is obvious to all. At first, Tony was not completely sure that he could deal with Jennifer. After all, the Hulkbuster armor has just been developed and has not been tested in actual combat. It is impossible and reassuring.

And now, he finally felt relieved. The role of Hulkbuster armor has been substantively tested, and it has completely defeated Jennifer and has achieved its strategic purpose. Now only need to take Jennifer into custody and take down Captain and the others at the same time, then this big show can end in the most gorgeous way. as easy as blowing off dust, even without any external force, this is definitely the perfect ending.

However, Tony thought so. But the direction of the matter has gone in another direction.

He just stretched out his hand to Jennifer who was lying underground, but a chaotic red mist suddenly appeared in front of him, making his movements completely fall into the void.

That really fell into the void. Jennifer’s body is clearly right in front of him, and he can catch it as soon as he reaches out. But Tony stretched his hand over, but he could only stroke across Jennifer’s body like touching the air. This feeling is as if Jennifer in front of me is just a virtual image, not disturbed by reality at all. And this is obviously impossible.

Tony, who had just defeated her, knew very well that Jennifer in front of him definitely existed. It’s not that oneself is wrong, nor is there any illusion. Instead, another avenger joined in and interfered with reality with own ability.

Scarlet Witch Wanda is the only one capable of this. So immediately, Tony yelled at the mist in front of him.

“Wanda, why, do you even have to fight me right?”

Wanda didn’t answer, but a mist suddenly entangled the Hulkbuster armor. Under the influence of this mist, Hulkbuster’s armor immediately floated as if weightless. No matter how Tony exercises, he can’t change the embarrassing situation facing oneself.

He tried to grab the surrounding things to fix his own body, and also tried to use his body’s propulsion device to get oneself out of this strange environment. But no matter how he tried, it was useless. He can only float like this, ridiculous and ridiculous, so that everyone who looks at all of this is deeply puzzled in the heart.

They don’t understand why the Hulkbuster armor, which just greatly showing divine might, easily defeated the female Hulk at this time, is so impossible to withstand a single blow, even the enemy’s appearance is not seen It became this ridiculous appearance. This makes them feel confused, and after the confusion, it is incomparable fear.

That is the fear of the unknown, and also the fear of the person who can show the unknown mysterious in front of oneself. Although they didn’t know what happened, they didn’t know why the giant Hulkbuster armor became like this. But just by looking at the performance in front of them and seeing Tony’s powerless move like boxing with the shadow, they can all understand that a terrifying opponent has entered the arena. And this as it should be by rights makes them lift their hearts.

In contrast, Tony is not so worried, he is just a little angry, because Wanda actually targeted him directly.

If everyone in the entire Avengers is ranked according to the degree of danger, Hulk must be the first. This crazy big guy who even fears oneself. And second, Tony is very certain that it is Scarlet Witch Wanda.

Wanda’s abilities are too special, so special that it cannot be explained by science and reality. Her ability originated from the soul, not from the supernatural power of the soul, but from the real impact on reality produced by a special kind of idealism. This is far more terrifying than the former.

The former can also be dealt with with some technological means. For example, Teslaco Court Academecian has special small machines to deal with these mentally capable users. His equipment can even make Charles such a single thought able to control the super Mutant of others at a loss.

But the latter, Wanda’s ability to change reality with this idealism, is really incomprehensible.

As long as Wanda has a single thought in her mind, even if it is impractical, it may even completely violate the laws of physics, but as long as she wants, she can create it. For her, things like fire in the water and flowers in fire that only appear in myths will be no effort at all for her. What she can do is far more powerful and terrifying than this.

Sometimes Tony even imagined Wanda’s abilities like this. Constructing two quanta in your mind, and then letting these two quanta hedge against you, the destructive power created in an instant can completely blow up the entire Earth. A single thought destroys the world. This is actually not an exaggeration for Wanda. Fortunately, Wanda never thinks about this.

Firstly, because she herself knows the destructiveness of oneself’s ability in this aspect, she has been restraining oneself and never thinks about anything. She is very smart, but she never touches science-related things. Compared with those high-precision technologies in physics, chemistry, and biology, she prefers the unpopular major of art.

It’s not because she has any literary illness, but because she doesn’t dare to touch them at all. She is kind by nature and understands how terrifying ideas will be formed in her mind once she is exposed to too much scientific knowledge and becomes relatively smart. For an ordinary person, there is no and so on, and it can even benefit the world, but for her, it is definitely the beginning of the destruction of the world.

Because every scientist has crazy ideas in their minds. For example, Tony, if let him let go of thinking, he can even directly generate dozens of scientific ideas that destroy the world. These ideas generally require countless investment and research to practice, but if given to Wanda, it is just a single thought, a momentary thing. So in contrast, art has become a suitable choice. Because no matter how exaggerated art is, it will not destroy the world like science.

Of course, this is just one reason. Another reason is that Wanda never overuses own capabilities. Wanda’s ability needs to consume her power. There are many sources of power, including physical strength, energy, and even the power of brain power and belief. Generally speaking, Wanda will always use physical strength to support own ability, because it is controllable, and it will not spread her power to the point of uncontrollable casually.

On the surface, Wanda’s power is limited. But in fact, Wanda just wants to, or she just has an extremely firm belief. She can directly give birth to the most terrifying miracle. She can do it even if she doesn’t have any scientific elements, she can just use the magic of own to cover the world with own ideas. As long as she has this will.

Fortunately, it is difficult for Wanda oneself to give birth to such a will after a long absence from the world, so she seems very weak until now. But Tony never looked down upon her, even now.

“Let me down, Wanda. Put me down. I know you can hear me, let me down, let’s talk. As long as Winter Soldier and Steve are not involved, we can Reach an agreement.”

In fear, Tony made such a promise unwillingly. But in Wanda’s view, the bottom line of such a commitment is still too high. So she said to Tony immediately.

“It’s okay to let you down, but I have to take them all away. Tony, your plan has succeeded anyway. The reputation of the Avengers has been completely ruined, in this case , Why don’t you want to put them a size?”

“I can let you go, but I’m impossible to let Winter Soldier and Steve. This is for the final choice of the country, with the country behind, I’m absolutely impossible to compromise on this condition.”

Tony’s bottom line is very firm, and this makes Wanda feel a little difficult to do. She thought about it, and finally made such a decision.

“In this case, I’m sorry, Tony. Please act as my hostage first, and then we can negotiate with the government for the next step.”

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