Sun God Marvel

Chapter 849

In Japan, the first meeting of the Steel Avengers attracted many people’s attention. Even Tony, who was busy discussing the promotion of nano-element medical technology with some large groups, was also concerned about the process of this meeting while busy. However, I have to say that the results are disappointing.

“You mean, the first day they met, they broke up and broke up.”

“You should say that they were pretty good without almost fighting. !”

Maria inserted an apple and stuffed it into Tony’s mouth. Then he said helplessly to him.

“You should know that these people are not easy to get along with. Putting them all together will definitely cause problems.”

“I thought They know how to measure. At least at this time, they can realize the importance of patience.” Shrugged, Tony rubbed his forehead and sat down. “It seems that I overestimated them.”

“If it’s you, can you tolerate a person like General Ross crawling on the head of the owner and giving orders to oneself?”


“If it were me, I would definitely not let him climb on top of my head. Because I was the one who should give orders. Come on, Maria. The situation is different. I am totally different from them. !”

“Nothing is different, Tony. You are not much different. I am a doctor, and I have a degree in psychology, and I am qualified to evaluate this. You are all jackals of the same tribe, you These people don’t like to obey others in the bones!”

Maria Deborah rolled the eyes to Tony with a smile, and this also made Tony’s face show a flat expression. It is true that Tony is a proud and arrogant guy. He would hardly have a good face to anyone who opposes oneself, even a friend, as long as he dares to bark his teeth, he will immediately return the color. But this situation does not apply to everyone. In front of some special people, it is difficult for him to put on the face of oneself in the past. Just like the original Pepper, or the current Maria. In the face of such exceptions, he always behaved quite tolerantly.

This is largely due to his emphasis on feelings. It’s not that he moved his heart, he would never have such a performance. And this, this woman named Maria is also very clear. So she immediately stretched out her own finger, erased the frown lines on Tony’s eyebrows, and then said with a smile to him in favor.

“Okay, okay. I know I was wrong. You are different, okay. At least, to me, you are a completely different guy.”


This answer is very good, right to Tony’s mind. So he immediately hugged Maria’s waist and put her in his arms. Then he whispered in her ear.

“Thank you, Maria. Also, I think it’s time to fulfill my promise.”

His words immediately made this sensitive woman aware What happened, she quickly turned her head and looked towards the man behind oneself in earnest.

“Tony, what do you mean?”

“Literally.” Shrugged, Tony put his hand in his own pocket. “I haven’t forgotten what I promised you before. Although the direction of things is a bit weird, the development is beyond my imagination. However, this does not allow me to deny my previous promise. Maria. Deborah Young Lady, are you willing to marry me and become my wife?”

When he said that, he took out a small box from his own pocket and opened it directly in Mary In front of Ya. And looking at the shiny, heart-pleasing ring that appeared in front of oneself. Maria immediately covered her own mouth, revealing an expression that was unbelievable.

“Tell me it’s not true, Tony. Am I dreaming?”

“Is it the only thing you dream of? Then I can only say that your dream is also Great realization.”

With a slight smile, Tony took Maria’s hand directly, and one-knee kneels fell in front of her. Then put on oneself’s most solemn expression in his life, and said to her.

“My dear Maria Deborah Young Lady. You gave me strength like a spring when I was eager to support the most in my life. You let me out of sadness, out of pain . You let me engrave your silhouette in my memory forever. I used to be a bohemian, although you are not the first woman I hold hands, nor the first woman I kiss. You are not my first The person who says the word love is not the first person I want to grow old. But now, I believe that you are my only and the greatest desire in my heart. I beg you to become mine Love, become the spring of life in my cup that will never dry up. And I will swear that I will be loyal to you forever, and I will be your candle, illuminating your life in the dark. Now, I use this Only ring to propose to you, I beg you, Maria, be my wife. Let me hold your hand until the moment Death separates us!”

In a low vow, Tony took out the ring and was about to put it on Maria’s ring finger. But at this time, Maria twitched her own right hand like an electric shock, making Tony unable to continue this action.

This made Tony froze immediately. He raised his head subconsciously and looked towards the woman in front of oneself. Then asked her hardly.

“Don’t you want it? Maria?”

“No, I do!” Shaking her head, Maria lowered her eyelid and whispered to him Said. “But I can’t promise you. Tony, you are the President of United States. And I am just a Mutant. I am impossible to be your wife, and they are also impossible to accept a Mutant to be the President’s wife. So, let us maintain what we have now. Is it okay? It’s just that, I’m already very satisfied.”

“No, I can’t accept this. Maria, as long as you are nodded, everything you say is not a problem. You promised to marry me, and I promise that all the problems you mentioned will be solved.”

Tony held Maria’s hand firmly, and Tony couldn’t let her refuse Danger Land. The ring was on her finger.

“Don’t care what others say, and don’t care about your Mutant identity. At this time, no one can use this as a reason to attack you. This is my choice, as long as you are nodded. Believe me, I can solve everything you worry about.”

“But, is there really no problem?”

Under Tony’s tough attitude, Maria He never expressed any rejection. She just drifted away from own eyes, continuously wandering between Tony’s face and the ring in oneself’s hand. It was not until a long time later that she made such a hesitant voice.

And this is enough for Tony. As long as Maria didn’t reject his ring, then things could be resolved. At the very least, he believed that everything she worried about could be solved by oneself. So at the moment, he took Maria in his arms and assured her seriously.

“Trust me, dear. I’m Tony Stark. If you can’t solve this small problem, then I don’t deserve to be called by this name. I will let everyone bless us, I It will make you truly happy. I swear to you, I swear!”

Under his assurance, Maria’s face that was still a little sad immediately glowed differently. The bright expression. A brilliance called happiness was flowing on her face, making her already very beautiful face even more ****.

While watching the changes in her expression, watching her face become so charming under the reflection of the sunlight, Tony’s heart became more and more satisfied. The long-wandering prodigal finally found his own destination at this moment, which made him involuntarily produce a special feeling in his heart. Quiet and warm. It is as if the ship is docked in the harbor, and all the tiredness has disappeared. Only satisfaction and the most sincere joy were left in his heart.

At this moment, he really wanted to share the joy of owning with everyone he knew, and he did the same. So soon, everyone who had a close relationship with Tony received such a message. A message that gave them the illusion that today is April Fool’s Day.

“Tony is actually getting married? Did I read it wrong?”

Banner and the others in Japan can’t help but look at each other in blank dismay, and the leaders of various countries also had a feeling of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh in response to this message.

Tony’s recent performance has become more and more like a qualified politician, a tough-handed politician. But this sudden sudden change made these people’s impression of him back to a contented, bragging fool who was dazzled by love.

Which one is the real him? Isn’t this a show? Almost every influential figure that saw this information had this idea. And just as they thought this way, Tony had done something even more extraordinary.

He found a reporter and told the special news in front of countless media. Even he directly used oneself’s personal relationship, so that every newspaper and even the headline of the website broke this surprising content.

For a time, media all over the world began to spread all this wildly. The content of everyone’s conversation has also become gossip between him and Maria. Everyone knows Iron Man, so everyone is more concerned about who Maria Deborah is. When Maria Mutant’s identity was revealed, the popularity of this special news immediately soared.

Mutant and the president? The first Mrs. Mutant of the United States? Such a voice reverberates continuously in public opinion, and some people agree, and naturally some people oppose it. For all this, Tony’s attitude is extremely tough. He ignored all the voices of opposition, and directly finalized the final marriage date.

His actions have naturally attracted a greater response from public opinion. As the media and public opinion became enthusiastic about this matter, even the Zhou Yi family, who had severed most of the contacts with the outside world, began to hear about it.

“Tony is getting married? Do you want to do something?”

Jean put down the newspaper and asked Zhou Yi in front of oneself. Hearing her question, Zhou Yi immediately smiled.

“Of course. This is my best friend. Of course I have to do something for him!”

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