Sun God Marvel

Chapter 851

Tony did not make any excessive requests. But even so, Zhou Yi’s face was a little stiff.

“You mean I need to play this clown-like role.”

“Please, Buddy. How can this be a clown-like role? This is very formal, It’s also a sacred job. You want to be my best man. There is nothing better than this.”

Tony emphasized that the expression on his face is extremely sincere.

“You still let Jean be your bridesmaid, and let our child be your companion.”

“This is a good blessing. Buddy, know what happened People with this kind of thing can get very good luck.”

Tony is still defending and trying to make the own expression more sincere. It’s just that Zhou Yi didn’t buy it, he just continued to complain.

“You also asked me for more than a hundred envoys to be a ridiculous choir.”

“Please, Buddy. I didn’t let them show their wings. Come on. I just let them show their cute faces, smile at the camera a little, and send us blessings by the way. This is not a very difficult thing, right? Yes, right!”

Being repeatedly raised like this by Zhou Yi, even with Tony’s cheeky skin, I can’t hold it anymore. He quickly emphasized. And directly used words to block Zhou Yi’s continued entanglement on this issue. When he heard him say that, Zhou Yi could only shrugged and shook his head.

“You have said so, what else can I say. However, I cannot guarantee that Jean will be willing to be this bridesmaid. You should know that I will not force them to do anything.”

“This is not a problem.” Waved his hand, Tony immediately said to Zhou Yi. “I know how many girlfriends you have now. Jean, Ada, Susan, Lilith, Serana. Also the child’s mother, the lady named Jill. I believe there will always be someone willing to accept this job Well. Even if they don’t want to, I think Selena Young Lady must be very willing to take on this mission.”

“What do you mean?”

Hear With this sentence, Zhou Yi, who was touching in his heart, couldn’t help but eyebrows raised. And seeing his expression, Tony immediately showed a tacit expression that a man understood.

“It’s literal.” He said that while throwing a cigarette to Zhou Yi. At the same time speaking to him meaningfully. “You know? Actually, sometimes I really admire you. I mean when it comes to women. Although I am a bastard, myself will not deny this. But I know very well that my shoulders can only bear at best. Lift the weight of a woman. But you are different. Let me do the math. This is the number one. Sixth or seventh? Or is there something I don’t know about?”

” Hey, Buddy. Can I regard what you said as looking for fault?”

Breaking out smoke rings, Zhou Yi couldn’t help raising his own volume, and began to signal that oneself was on this issue. dissatisfied. And this immediately made Tony shake his head and smile at him.

“Sorry, I don’t mean anything else. I just envy you, you can get so much, and you can handle them so well. It’s not easy to make women happy, you They need to be protected, just like holding a stream of clear spring water. The five fingers must be tightly closed, leaving no gaps in order to keep them from being harmed. You can do this very well. I am much better!”

Speaking of this, his eyes drifted away, on the smoke from the cigarette in oneself’s hand. The tightly frowning eyebrows showed that his current mood was not simple, and the corners of his twitched mouth clearly showed a hint of mockery. This is his mocking of own.

“I can’t even protect a woman. You know? When she told me what happened to her today, I really wanted to kill all those bastards. But I can’t. Sitting on mine In this position, I have to consider more things. And this kind of consideration makes me hurt her one step earlier than anyone else. Although she doesn’t say something at all. But I can feel it, I let her Disappointed. This is not my intention, but I have no other choice.”

In this case, Tony talked to one of the few friends like Zhou Yi. Faced with such a confession, Zhou Yi took a deep breath with the cigarette in his hand, and then sighed to him.

“Want to open a little bit, Tony. This is the choice you made. You are going to sit in this position. I can only tell you that since you chose this. Then you just Can stick to this path. Also, isn’t Deborah Young Lady clearly showing her support for you? She has already achieved this level. What else do you want?”

“I don’t know!” After squeezing out the cigarette in his hand, Tony lowered his head deeply. “It’s because I don’t know how I can compensate her. That’s why I feel guilty. It makes me feel that oneself is a failure, a failure. You know, I shouldn’t be like this.”

“You have been under a lot of pressure recently?”

Tony Stark will have such a reaction, which is really strange and even incredible in Zhou Yi’s eyes. You know, in Zhou Yi’s memory, Tony is always a confident, even invincible guy. He has never had the idea of ​​failure, let alone the idea that oneself will fail. It is precisely because of this that his performance now seems particularly strange. Zhou Yi couldn’t help but start to worry about him.

“Or what happened recently that I don’t know?”

“Are you not a god? God aloof and remote, shouldn’t you know everything, omnipotent?”

Grinning, Tony suddenly questioned Zhou Yi. Before Zhou Yi could answer, he immediately questioned him like this.

“Obviously you are already a God, why would you not know that Captain America Steve Rogers is actually a Hydra thing. You God is so ridiculous, too incompetent. Incompetent. All of us were played by that bastard between applause. Even a group of fools almost lost their lives for him. If all this can be predicted, then maybe this will not happen at all.”

It can be seen that Tony is venting, venting unreasonably. And his ability to perform such a performance in front of the owner undoubtedly shows how huge a psychological burden he has now.

If it’s normal, Zhou Yi would somewhat ironic about the last two sentences. If he wants to get entangled any more, then it is inevitable to teach him a little lesson. But now, judging by the face that he is about to get married, Zhou Yi just knocked on his own finger, ready to expose everything.

“Tony, I don’t know such things. I don’t know, you will have such a heavy burden because of this kind of things.”

“Why?” interrupted Tony raised his head and yelled at him again. “Why don’t you know?”

While watching his current performance, Zhou Yi frowned deeply, and then said to him word by word.

“God is not omnipotent. I can do some things you imagine, but some things I can’t do. All knowing, omnipotent is your imagination of God. It’s like The God you are talking about. If he really has this ability, I won’t be able to crush his heaven to pieces.”

State the facts and give him silence Zhou Yi gave his answer. And hearing this reply, Tony’s face suddenly burst into a bitter smile.

“It’s ridiculous. Why should I tell you this kind of thing. I can tell you nothing. Just like us before, own problems are solved by oneself, never complaining about each other I obviously want to get along like the way we used to get along, why is it like this?”

He said that before, it also reminded Zhou Yi of their previous appearance. They were completely different at that time and now. In other words, they can hardly see anything similar to the previous ones. Whether it was him or Tony, it was like this. Even the relationship between them has changed significantly compared with before.

This discovery made Zhou Yi unable to help but raise his head and silently puff up his own smoke ring. It wasn’t until a long while later that he made such a sound to Tony.

“Tony, we are different from before. We used to be heartless, we can play whatever we want. Drinking, going crazy, and playing with women. When one wants to cry, cry, laugh when you want to laugh The idealist who beats him and scolds him to see who is not pleasing to the eye. But now, we have reached the point where it is impossible. Whether it is you or me, we have already experienced too many things. All these experiences All have stripped out what we had before. We eliminated our ideals and added them to reality. Now we have passed the age of living for our ideals. Reality, this is what we need to consider , It is something that must be considered.”

Hearing this, Tony opened his mouth subconsciously. I want to refute something. But he opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything to refute it. He couldn’t refute these, because they were truly true. There is no way to refute, no way to oppose, this is the truth before him.

He has become the realist oneself hates most in the past. And he has no resistance at all to all these changes. In other words, all of this is his own choice. This made him feel ridiculous. And he looked at Zhou Yi who was opposite oneself, and immediately couldn’t help but let out a deep laugh like Ye Xiao.

“Realism? Idealism? This kind of change is really big and scary. I never thought that such a change would happen to me. It’s like a drama, ridiculous, It’s so ridiculous!”

“Thank you, Buddy. You made me see oneself clearly!”

“No thanks, Buddy. I just let The two of us have become more sober.”

Standing up, patted Tony’s shoulder. Zhou Yi just said to him. And listening to the fading movement around oneself, the smile on Tony’s face began to become more and more rigid.

He knows that oneself and this old friend may never be able to return to the way they were before.

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