Sun God Marvel

Chapter 866

When the little spider woke up again at night, it was strictly speaking at night on the 2nd day. When he opened his eyes and saw the black Uncle grinning at oneself beside oneself, he immediately covered his face, showing a sad expression.

“I didn’t expect that I actually handed it over to an aircraft carrier for the first time.”

His eccentric tone immediately made Rhodey beside him amused haha Laughing, he patted his thigh and said to the little spider.

“Peter, did you just fly into this ship? If so, tell me, I was so secretly asked to change your underwear, so that someone else found it!”

“Your thoughts are really bad, Rhodey. I just said that I was in this place the first time I went to the hospital. I was not used to it.”

Faced with Rhodey fiercely. Comparing to a middle finger, the little spider jumped up from the hospital bed vigorously. He hurriedly touched his body first, then pulled his own pants and glanced inward. And it wasn’t until after all this last night that he let out a long sigh, showing a look of rejoicing.

Rhodey, who has been staring at him since he got up, after seeing his last move, endured and endured, after all, he didn’t hold back his curiosity and opened his mouth. So he asked.

“Peter, what are you doing? I won’t really be right.”

“I said, your idea is too dirty. Rhodey, you You should really wash your mind. If your wife knows that you are staring at a young man’s pants all day long, she will definitely not make you feel better.”

Use your own poisonous tongue. After Rhodey said, the little spider explained the behavior of own.

“I had a nightmare before, dreaming that I was forced by a skeleton frame. So of course I have to check now to see how things are going.”

“So, did you check out something?”

“Well, it seems to be a lot bigger.”

Little Spider’s answer made Rhodey roll his eyes, and At this time, the doctor who took care of them had already walked in. He glanced at the little spider standing on the bed, seeming to be scrupulous about his identity, so he didn’t give him the doctor-specific scolding like others, but said to him patiently.

“Please come down first, Mr. Parker, so you will interfere with other people’s rest.”

“Okay, sorry. I’m just a little worried.” Shrugged boy, Xiao The spider jumped directly off the bed. “Doctor, my body is okay.”

“Don’t worry, young man. You are stronger than an elephant.”

Although as a doctor, Parker’s excuses The character is a little uncomfortable. But he still smiled and told little spider the good news.

“We have done a comprehensive examination for you. In fact, not only does your body have no problems. Compared with your previous body data, it also has a significant improvement. Although It has not been tested by the system, but it is conservatively estimated that all your data may be doubled. So congratulations in advance, young man.”

“Thank you.”

Although he was expressing gratitude, the little spider couldn’t help but be surprised. He knows his physical condition. According to common sense, it shouldn’t be there is any reason for this kind of physical enhancement. So, if what the doctor said is true, then the situation is really bad.

As you can imagine, this must be inseparable from the previous Ghost Rider. But why does this happen? The little spider was puzzled for a while.

It’s about own body, so you can’t be too careful. But Little Spider didn’t want to tell the doctor in front of him. Although he is young, he is not stupid. Although the current Iron Avengers have been nominally classified under the name of the Skyhammer, there are not many contradictions and nasty between them. This can be seen from the three entirely different camps in the Iron Avenger.

The little spider doesn’t want to leave these politicians with any handle, let them turn oneself into a guinea pig in a laboratory. Therefore, he can only rely on own ability to analyze the changes that occur in oneself. This is not easy, but it is not too difficult for the little spider.

After all, he is also a high-achieving student in this area. Whether in biology or genetic engineering, he has quite good attainments. Just give him some time and he himself can find out what’s wrong with oneself. If these problems are really related to his body.

With a little worry in his heart, the little spider bid farewell to Dr. Own and went to the bathroom under the pretext of releasing water.

This is a nursing room specially prepared for these Avengers, so all equipment is complete. Not only the area is wide, but also a bathroom for the two of them. As soon as he entered the own bathroom, the little spider immediately stripped off his own clothes, and looked at oneself in the mirror in front of oneself and looked at every part of oneself’s body.

The kind of groping just now is just the simplest check. Even now, it is just to judge it again with the eyes. Everything is about peace of mind, but in fact, after checking and confirming that there are no strange changes that can be seen with the eyes of oneself, the little spider is indeed a lot of peace of mind.

Anyway, the clothes are taken off, the little spider doesn’t mind taking a bath to refresh his brain. And he did exactly that.

The cold water fell on his head, and quickly flowed through his body along his body. This made his brain, which was a little confused because of the long sleep, immediately wake up.

Being able to get rid of that groggy feeling is undoubtedly a very happy thing. This makes the little spider more and more like the feeling of this cold shower. It was just dripping, and he did suddenly find that the water droplets on his body became a little hot. This made him immediately couldn’t help but curl his mouth and talk to himself.

“Well, I know that people living on aircraft carriers are miserable. Infrastructure construction has always been a problem. But what I want is cold water. What do you mean by giving me hot water?”

He shook the head, just about to stop complaining, but soon, he found that the water stopped. Cold water turns into hot water and it can be tolerated. It is not something that can be tolerated if the water is stopped halfway through the bath.

The little spider who wants to find someone to complain about immediately prepares to wrap a bath towel to find someone to complain about, but he just put his hand on top of the bath towel, and the bath towel immediately feels like something hot object encountered , The whole burned.

Not only bath towels, everything in the bathroom seems to be shrouded by an inexplicable high temperature. The water in the entire bathroom was evaporated into steam under this high temperature, and this also made the room more and more stuffy. Even Rhodey who was outside the bathroom felt this uncomfortable feeling.

“Peter, what are you doing? Why is there steam in the whole room. I can warn you, don’t play so many tricks on the boat, especially on such a tall boat. You want to wash Sauna, when you get to the ground, you can do whatever you want!”

“I don’t know, I don’t know.” The little spider replied in a flustered manner. At this time, he had discovered what oneself was doing. Changes that occur, bad changes.

A layer of blue flames grew out of him little by little. Like a flame rising in the wilderness, in just an instant, this flame spread over the whole body of the little spider, enveloping him in a ball of dim-blue flame.

Under this weird flame, the body of the little spider is like a ignited paper, and all the flesh and skin are beginning to turn into ashes. The blood, muscles, internal organs and nerves, little by little, were all stripped from the bones by the flame. It sounds scary and scary. But in fact, it is not at all so terrifying as imagined, because the little spider does not feel any pain.

He only felt the scorching, incomparable scorching heat, as if even his brain was plunged into flames. And in this restless scorching heat, just a few breaths of time, the little spider’s body became a skeleton, and it was still a flame burning. Logically speaking, in this case, he should be no different from dead. But in fact, he felt that oneself was extremely alive.

Looking at the mirror in front of oneself, he can clearly see what oneself is now through the hollow eye sockets. Obviously there are no eyes, but he feels that he can see more clearly than oneself can see with naked eye.

The entire world is displayed in front of his eyes in an unusual way, and he doesn’t understand the reason for everything. |

“What the hell is going on?”

The little spider, caught in great confusion, couldn’t help but ask. At this time, there was only one person who could answer him, and this person was already caught in an unspeakable rage.

Mephisto, the oldest lord of hell. Cunning and sinister spokesperson. For countless years, he used tricks and conspiracies to frame countless humans, Demon and even God. Until now, he is seeking huge profits, with his own cunning instinct. It can be said that when he has never lost, even if he did, he can quickly get back a round.

But in recent times, he has repeatedly suffered huge losses. First, a large area of ​​hell was lost in the hands of a newly born new god. But because of this new god not to be trifled with, he still doesn’t have a solution against him. This makes Mephisto very hateful. It can be said that the things he has been busy with recently are preparing for the trouble of this new god.

However, compared with the trouble that oneself is facing now, the grievances with this new god are nothing.

The trouble he is encountering now is that he has lost oneself’s most important right-hand man, and he can also allow an old rival of his own to crawl back from the historical dust of Oblivion, and want oneself to retaliate.

This is something he absolutely cannot allow, so in a dark corner, this cunning devil secretly made up his mind.

“Zatanos! I will never give you any chance to come back and find my revenge.”

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