Sun God Marvel

Chapter 872

The wind on the beach is very comfortable, but being blown by the sea breeze, Tony still couldn’t help fighting a cold war, and then his whole body woke up.

He doesn’t know whether oneself was blown by the wind or was frightened by the group in front of oneself. However, according to his own idea, I am afraid that the latter is the majority.

“You mean, besides those aliens, those bastards of Hydra, we are still being targeted by a devil?”

Hear Tony’s unbelievable voice, Natasha immediately emphasized and added to him.

“Yes. To be more specific, we should be targeted by a cunning hell lord who has lived millions and millions of years and has interfered with human civilization countless times. This is more dangerous than you believe, so you have to be careful. Tony!”

“I know, I know.” Nodded to the little spider who passed a glass of lemonade, Tony single Knead your own temples with your hands, and said impatiently. “But why is it this time? In the past few hundred years, what are these damn aliens also the devil doing? Are they hibernating? Why do they wait until I get to the stage before they run out to make trouble. Isn’t this just for me? “

Tony likes to complain, and the people here are accustomed to his complaints. So when he said that, Natasha had already explained it unceremoniously.

“Hit a person when he’s down, who can’t do it? When people are in danger, there will always be more dangerous situations instead of turning points. This is fate. Isn’t it?”

“The fate of shit. I don’t want the kind of fate you said.” After a sip of the lemonade that the little spider handed over, Tony put down the cup vigorously. Said to Natasha. “What are you going to do? Let me mobilize my strength to cooperate with you and find the devil hiding in secret?”

“No, don’t do this, you just do it to make him faster It’s just to hit us.”

Shook his head and rejected Tony’s stupid statement, Natasha told him the idea of ​​own.

“You have too many people, and when you take action, many people will notice. That devil is a possesses great magical power, and very good at deceiving people. He wants to penetrate Among the people under your hand, you are simply impossible to stop him. Once he knows our actions, he will not only destroy our layout, but also may directly act on us. According to the news I got from Ada, I am afraid that among us No one will be his opponent. So, we can’t do this!”

“Well, tell me what you think. I can’t tell you. The reason you let me know this news is to let I was still frowning when I got married.”

Hearing Natasha’s words, Tony twisted his neck helplessly, and replied to her. Although he is a genius with high IQ, there is really no talent in planning tricks. So after seeing Natasha seemingly confident, he immediately pinned his hopes on her.

Natasha didn’t mean to disappoint him. Just after Tony asked, she immediately confided the plan that oneself had conceived in her heart.

“I want you to talk about Ultron and let him cooperate with us in secret. Peter learned a lot about Mephisto from the demon named Zatanos. He has a subordinate who is called As the destruction of Court Academecian. It is the guy who entangled Hulk that night. It is said that this guy was transformed from a human. So I was wondering if I could use Ultron’s surveillance network to find him secretly, and then control him in my hands. , And then find a way to know from his mouth what weakness is Mephisto this guy.”

“Destroy Court Academecian, I know this name?” Hearing the familiar name, Tony immediately narrowed his eyes. . “This is an accomplice of Hydra who attacked the island prison. Jennifer had one of the members of Cerberus whom Ivan Vanke knew about. She said that there are several guys in Cerberus who are unique, just in name of Hydra. Collaborators, there is another guy behind them supporting them. So it seems that he should be talking about this guy. It’s really interesting, the people of Hydra actually started to cooperate with the devil. What should I say, it is really jackals of the same tribe?”

Under the impact of such news, even if today is his big day, the joy on his face will inevitably be washed away a lot. But he doesn’t care about these. As a president, you always have to sacrifice something. Spending personal time on official business is what he thinks a qualified president should do. In this view, President Clinton is clearly a classic negative example.

“I will discuss this matter with Ultron. I believe Ultron will also know the importance of this matter, so as to provide us with the necessary support. In addition, I will ask Chairman Osborn to support yours. Action. With the contacts of the Skyhammer Bureau, this kind of thing can be solved as quickly as possible in the fastest and safest way.”

Tony holds the power, and countless resources and manpower are serving him. , So he quickly found the best solution that oneself thought. In this regard, Natasha is frowned.

“Really, I don’t trust Norman Osborn. I don’t think he can even compare to Coulson. You know, his selfishness is too heavy, and it’s very unsafe to let him participate. Things.”

“But he won’t betray me at least, will he?”

Tony, who has already been irritated by these things, waved his hand impatiently. This matter was confirmed.

“I know what you are worried about. You are worried that Osborn will betray you and let Peter get revenge from the devil. Don’t worry, I will not say that you are the source of the news. I will use me The people buried in the Skyhammer Bureau put this matter in front of the directors, and then use my power to force them to do what I think. Peter’s things will not be exposed, so don’t worry. “

“This is the best way. We can beat Peter completely unprepared without knowing that Peter has the power of Zatanos. Even Hydra people will lack this information and Lost. One move, two gains is a good thing, maybe we can catch some big fish.”

“It’s best to catch big fish, but if you can catch those two bastards too Get up, that’s even better!”

shook the head, Tony temporarily put the matter in the ranks of unrealistic imagination. Then a wry smile appeared directly on his face.

“Damn it, today is an important day for my marriage. I should have been happy. But because of your news, I don’t feel any happiness anymore. Except for the headache, it’s irritability. There is so much trouble.”

“Sorry, I don’t want to be like this either.”

To Tony shrugged apologetically, Natasha said innocently.

“I don’t think you want to be secretly called by us at night when you are doing business. Let’s discuss this kind of thing. We are thinking about you, so we choose to discuss this with you at this time. Things. So don’t be ignorant, okay? The groom, Mr. President!”

“Damn it, when I solve these bastards, I will resign immediately. Who wants to do this damn job? Who will do it. I can’t get a profit, and I still worry about these hell things every day. The previous presidents are so fucking lucky.”

I waved his hands irritably. Tony bid farewell to the two culprits that caused oneself’s unhappy mood. And listening to his whispering voice when he was leaving, the little spider’s face twitched, and he couldn’t help but say with a smile.

“Why, he still envied Clinton and Reagan these guys.”

Clinton’s office scandal has made him a joke on the lips of others, and Reagan and his predecessors The assassination of the president was once a weird curse. These things are not a good thing for a president, but now Tony’s seriousness has become a symbol of happiness. It can also be seen how recently he was forced by the current situation.

Tony’s good mood is ruined, and the other person also has no good mood. But in comparison, he was much worse than Tony. Tony was just depressed and irritable, but he was full of bitterness and hatred.

Destroy Court Academecian, the guy whose real name is Victor von Doum. This guy’s situation is very bad now.

You must know that since Zhou Yi’s little action towards Susan was discovered by Zhou Yi and he was severely punished. He had to throw at Mephisto and became a pawn in his hand. This is not what he likes, but there is no alternative. Because at that time, if he didn’t want to die, he could only make a deal with this evil devil.

Of course, he regrets it now. Because Mephisto is really not a qualified host. The torture he inflicted on Victor was stronger than anyone else, and he even said that his own soul was held in his hands. This is a very terrifying thing, and it is also very prone to hatred and resistance.

Victor is not a good stubborn, of course he is impossible and willing to be subject to Mephisto forever, so he started to think of ways to get rid of him very early. It’s just that he failed, and he was severely penalty. Even the fact that he lost Ghost Rider this time was angered by Mephisto. And let him suffer from all aspects of torture from soul to body.

He tortured Victor until he wanted to die, but he made him impossible to ask for death. This is his usual method, in order to make people more afraid of him, and never dare to betray him. Without Ghost Rider, he can only rely on Victor more. But he did not expect that what Victor had for him was not awe, but a deeper hatred. An indelible hatred.

He will want to destroy him at any cost, and now is one of the countless steps he has made for the oneself plan.

Vengeance has already begun!

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