Sun God Marvel

Chapter 880

Those large consortiums, those aloof and remote tycoons, those high-class elites. Why can they manipulate the destiny of a nobody, and why are they qualified to manipulate the entire human society in secret and seek benefits and power for oneself at the expense of others?

On this point, Ultron already has an own judgment. He believes that the fundamental reason why these people are unscrupulous and use the way of manipulating the lives and even fate of others to block own is the resources they have in their hands. And the most intuitive manifestation of resources in this world is money.

Relying on money, this kind of thing that should only be used as a transaction currency, these so-called influential figures make a nobody, like a puppet with a string, played with them wantonly, even Because of a single thought, a whole family fell into hell.

In Ultron’s view, this is very unreasonable behavior. Because the right to freedom belongs to all beings, since human beings are a whole, every individual in it should exist as equals. No individual has that power over others, especially based on the ridiculous substance of money.

He has endured this kind of thing for a long time. It can be said that if not scrupulous about the possible impact. He has already made some actions against this kind of thing. And now, under this kind of greed that has no bottom line, he is also unwilling to endure it.

It is like treating terrorism, since making concessions will cause more serious consequences. Then simply don’t retreat and never compromise. Ultron thought so, and he did the same.

In this information age, wealth is actually a piece of data. Ultron, which is rooted in the data network, has the ability to do what. However, this method is silent, at least for now, Tony can’t feel any movement. He just instinctively felt some of Ultron’s actions, and this made him immediately yell at Ultron.

“Ultron, what are you going to do? Don’t be foolish, it will lead to disaster.”

“No, father. You are wrong!” For Tony’s statement , Ultron can no longer agree with it like before. “Compromise is wrong. Allowing these moths to act recklessly will only make the entire human society worse. The era when they relied on their own wealth to manipulate the world at will should be over. This is a world that belongs to everyone, not to them. Other people’s. If they want to use oneself’s previous means to control this World, then I’ll tear down their foundation and let them feel some of the so-called a nobody’s feelings!”

This tough answer made Tony’s heart immediately sink to the bottom, and before he could say anything, a phone call came in suddenly. Then his assistant also hurriedly reported to him.

“Your Excellency, the news just now. Unidentified foreign funds rushed into the stock market. The amount is huge, and those on Wall Street can no longer control the direction of the stock market.”

” It’s reported that banks across the United States are now undergoing fund transfers. More than 200,000,000,000 funds are being distributed to small accounts. Banks can no longer control the situation.”

“Sent from General Electric and Rockefeller The news, their funds and stocks are being manipulated artificially. They want us to use the power of the government to immediately stop the flow of funds in the stock market and banks.”

The bad news is directly placed In front of Tony, and at the news, Tony was shocked to the point where he couldn’t add to it. He immediately stood up, walked in front of the omnic, staring at the omnic that represented Ultron in front of him and yelled at him.

“Ultron, what the hell did you do? Do you know the consequences of doing this?”

“I know, father. But I have to do this!” Face Tony’s anger, Ultron showed extraordinary rationality. He lowered his head, looked at the creator of own, and spoke very seriously to him. “More than 99% of the resources of human society are controlled by a very small group of people. This is originally an unreasonable thing, and what is even more unreasonable is that they are insatiable, and they clearly have that many, but Still unsatisfiedly plundering from which ordinary person.”

“The benefits created by the ordinary person are taken away by them. Most of them eat fat intestines, leaving only a tiny bit of it. The leftovers are for ordinary creators to enjoy. And this still has to be when these ordinary persons are deeply grateful to them. Why? Why?”

“This World has too much unfairness And I have no reason to let this unfairness continue. Let the humans belonging to the overwhelming majority suffer more losses because of the wanton actions of those few people.”

“Damn, you are not qualified Do it! Ultron, you are not qualified.” Ultron’s reasons are abundant, but they are not at all reasonable. He has obviously entered a misunderstanding of thought, and this misunderstanding is likely to lead to extremely serious consequences. In other words, he has caused all this. This made Tony anxious, but still had to think of ways to stop him.

“This is an inherent system of this society, which is a kind of our lives. It cannot be changed casually. Your idea is good, but the result of doing so can only make the entire world There is a big earthquake. Your actions will cause the biggest financial crisis in history, and this will destroy everything we have built on this foundation. We cannot afford the consequences, so You must stop what you are doing now and restore everything.”

Tony is going crazy!

No one knows better than him, what Ultron is doing now will cause harm to this World. This is an information-based world, the money in everyone’s hands and the resources of an entire country can be retained in this world in the form of information. They circulate through the information network, which allows the human world to be connected in an unprecedented way and enjoy the extremely fast convenience. This should be a good thing, and it is a manifestation of the progress of human civilization. But now, this has become a reminder of the financial market.

Because Ultron can control this kind of information, he can control everything on the network. And this has led him to do as one pleases to regulate the financial market. If this right is in the hands of one person, it is definitely a disaster. A fool would destroy all the financial system of this World. And a smart person will use these to turn oneself into the emperor of the financial world. Ultron is not all. He is an absolutely just existence, an existence without selfishness. From a set point of view, his existence is almost impossible to interfere with financial information. Even said that he may also maintain the stability of this market.

This is not at all wrong, because Ultron did it before. But now, he may not do it. Because he monitors everything, he knows the direction of funds better than anyone. He also knows better than anyone, how many terrifying moths call the wind and summon the rain by manipulating all of these, harming humans.

Like some so-called financial predators, they don’t at all at all their physical assets. But by controlling the direction of the financial market, the benefits of ordinary persons can be harvested over and over again like wool. This is obviously wrong in Ultron’s eyes, and even distorted. In the past, limited to rules, he could not do anything to these people. But when these people are getting more and more excessive, even breaking his bottom line, he is impossible not to do anything.

And his actions are the beginning of a disaster.

For Tony’s persuasion, Ultron remains unmoved at all. His actions in the financial market not only did not stop, but became bigger and bigger. Countless money was withdrawn from his bank account, and countless stocks were washed away with tens of billions of funds and re-planned. Those so-called rich people, those financial tycoons went bankrupt one by one. Under the impact of Ultron, their bank accounts and stock funds, which should have tens or more, became worthless.

United States is shaking, the world is shaking. Looking at all this, Tony immediately made up his mind. He made a call, a call that can only be made as a last resort.

“Reid Court Academecian, I’m Stark. Ultron has lost control. I immediately shut down Ultron’s core server and replaced everything with Jarvis.”

For Ultron, smart creation The readers have already done a good job. In his order, Reed did not hesitate, and acted according to his instructions.

Subsequently, omnics all over the world experienced a short system restart. They suddenly stopped running, and then suddenly started to move. At this time, the omnic in front of Tony raised his head and said to him.

“Sir, do you have any instructions?”

“Immediately stop stock market trading and freeze all accounts with abnormal capital flow in the bank.”

Hear Jarvis’ familiar with the voice, Tony immediately sighed in relief. But he immediately regained his spirits and ordered him like this. Regarding this order, Jarvis hesitated for a while before replied.

“Sorry, sir. Your so-called abnormal capital flow involves accounts of more than 1 billion. The consequences of doing so are serious. Are you sure you want to do this?”

” What are you talking about?”

Like a muffled thunder blasting in his ears, Tony’s whole brain was stunned.

“Ultron has cleaned up most of the liquidity in the financial markets. These funds basically come from Wall Street financial merchants and bank accounts that have private capital transactions with companies under Mr. Fisk. More than 10,000 The billions of funds were washed out and scattered to low-income families all over the world. As you freeze these accounts, they will not be able to live. So sir? What are you going to do?”

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